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S3 licensed
Quote from IsaacPrice :At the kart meet I think the general thing he was saying then though was the same lines that Flame posted, the physics are nothing to do with him and he's fairly limited in what he can do while he waits for that. The websites etc could be improved but it doesn't make or break the game, the game itself does that. I guess it's almost waiting for the right moment, there's no point to release something and it become almost instantly stale at the wrong moment, because people will end up complaining again before too long if nothing else follows it.

This thread is totally pointless btw. The choice of whether they should try to keep people in the loop or give them something to try to keep the game active and improving regularly(1 relatively small update per year, or security issue fixes don't really count) while the physics are waiting was something that if they were going to do should have been done years ago. If you're tired and bored, take 1 of the other games that are out there and play them, and enjoy LFS for what it was/is.

Well said m8
Plus being a member since 2003 does not give a person any more rights than a person who joined today, I reckon that S3 will be ready when its ready, it would be nice to no how scawen is getting on with the updates but i personally enjoy the game as it is and when s3 comes it will be a bonus.
Have a nice day to all fellow LFS menmbers.
Last edited by jjones, .
swawens last post
S3 licensed ... php?p=1811788#post1811788
interesting maybe
Maybe he has things going on in his personal life?
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Thanks for comments, look forward to ur next race

Quote from tristancliffe :Thanks for the comment. I don't get MotorsTV myself, so I have to wait for it to appear on YouTube. So I haven't seen the footage, but I obviously remember the race and that pass! Car felt amazing that day, and I felt untouchable. Doesn't happen often!

Home simulators obviously lack some things - FFB is limited, and there is no seat of the pants feel, but how a car responds to inputs, setup changes and stuff is pretty good in LFS. The best physics of a released sim remain netKar Pro in my opinion, with LFS a close second. I haven't played iRacing in over 12 month, but it was pretty awful last time I did. PCARS was initially promising, but seems to have lost its way recently with far too much effort on bling. Assetto Corsa could be the new king. Suspect an Oculus Rift will be the next must-have accessory, but I haven't used one yet either.

Sims are great, and a million times cheaper than real racing, and the skills you learn in a sim are directly transferable to reality. It's just reality has a few extra things to throw at you.

Silverstone should be next on MotorsTV in a few weeks, where I won both races. And then Snetterton where I had my crash. Next weekend is a race at Donington, and I'm working hard to fix the substantial damage received at Snett.

Nice racing
S3 licensed
Hi Tristan, i watch u race today at brands hatch gp circuit and it was very good to see you pass for first place and plus you got or broke the lap record for that time. very impresive, wish i was in ur shoes. By the way motors tv uk was broadcasting that race, And its good to see an lfs member racing as good as u do.
I would like to no how close lfs is to real life racing cars, physics the way the cars drive. If u dont mind
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Very true, but people would rather believe the lies they get fed by these criminals who call them selfs governments ... f=76&part=1&gen=2
Quote from dawesdust_12 :9/11 was an inside job. ... -911-being-an-inside-job/ ... w-9-11-an-inside-job/7550

See, I provided facts so it has to have been an inside job.

Now we wait for the response

Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Thats a good layout, fun nice work m8
S3 licensed
Hi i hope you dont mind me posting here as its of topic,basically there needs to be some kind of rule were if some 1 is qualifying and in the middle of a fast lap that who ever joins the server they do not decide to press vote for race as it messes up the lap that person is on, usually its people who cant race and dont even no the circuit or auto layout, i get sick and tired of it, i do let it go and race that person but it tends to be a waist of time as i said they cant race and dont no the circuit or layout. A pit of respect sometimes helps, if you join a server and some one is practicing DO NOT VOTE TO RACE ,ASK OR WAIT TILL HE/SHE HAS COMPLETED THERE LAP THEY ARE ON. Sorry to rant on but i needed to get it of me chest.
And fordman nice 1 for getting ur sever up and running hopefully ill join 1 day but atm im addicted to the little MRT.

Nice 1 from JJ peace out man
S3 licensed
It would not of been sent without good reason! start behaving yourself and you will not get these emails.
S3 licensed
I agree fordman most of the old skool boys have gone or race now and again i dont race with any 1 on lfs i only use server and race against the clock, i dont get no hassle that way, there is to many immature people about these days, i no there is still good racers about, like i keep saying i hope s3 brings some of them back.

Quote from Fordman :I am currently working away, so I have let my step son have a go on LFS using my account, changing the name obviously. I advised him to let the admin know, he is knew, although he knows how to control a car, he is 14. I have been watchin from my hotel room, and he said, he was new and was using his step dads account, and straight away, he got a reply, I am using my grandad's pants and got some abuse??? This is wrong, he was being honest

Where the HELL has LFS RESPECT and SPIRIT GONE I ask myself.

Everybody should be entitiled to race, not matter what location age or race!!!


Mrt5 races
S3 licensed
Nice 1 ill be in hopefully
S3 licensed
The pit maneuver usually works. lol Just joking
S3 licensed
87% of Lfs population seem to be into cruising severs which i dont get, i used to have some good racing on lfs in 2006, seems to have gone down hill since cruisers came. I just hope S3 will boost racers need to race, we shall see!
Last edited by jjones, . Reason : will, incorrect, we
S3 licensed
Hi there a totally agree, ranting and raving about slow development ect does not speed things up, but they seem to have nothing better to do with there time, and im sure sawen dont take a blind bit of notice, When the updates are complete i bet they will still find something to moan about! :inq:

Quote from Bogey Jammer :Each time I come here, there's always a
lamer topic like "when scirocco out?" "are the devs dead?" "lfs is dead" at the top of the list.
I am really pissed off these boring bullshits. LFS forum has got a better intelligence level years before.
I just want to know if I'm the only one in this case…

S3 licensed
moaning and complaining about development is a waist of time as it certainly does not speed development up, but its all ways the same people that complain, they should have there own little corner were they can complain with out any one else having to see the negative ballshit people talk about,
I no that when the new updates are here people will still find something to complain about,
Happy days enjoy what you have!
S3 licensed
last year was the last report, and im sure that if there was anything to add scawen would of added it,
S3 licensed
Quote from Skytrill :As far as I heard a while ago, Scawen mostly made the new tyre physic. A few months ago still, the main concern was to optimize it so you wouldn't need an alien rig to use it at a good rate. I'm sure he wants this patch out ASAP more than anyone else. One major reason why LFS is still alive today imo is the dynamism of the physic and the quality of the whole game. This same philosophy must be the reason why this patch is taking so long, but it's nowhere 3 years, other updates came out since then to ease the wait.

To answer Werd, yes, he did explained many times reasons why the patch has been delayed. I guess he just stopped repeating it over and over again every time the "slow development process" question was raised, so he could focus on working instead of wasting considerable times here, on a pessimistic topic.

Always keep in mind that waiting for a patch is hard, coding it is much, much harder.

I agree, and on that note i reckon this thread should be closed as it is not going any were, S3 will be here when it gets here!
S3 licensed
hI i dont see why people post pointless post like this one, its allmost like they need the attention, this thread has become very negative should be closed, Ive been on lfs since 06, and i dont get bored of the sim, i find it a challenge to put in fast lap time,pluss all the on line racing i have done is top class, yes u get the odd wrecker but they dont tend to last long,, i hope u can find a way to have fun racing, A top sim,Will be even better when s3 comes out, which i dont think will be that far away.

nice 1
GeForce GT220 1G 128 Bit DDR3 PCI Express
S3 licensed
Hi i need some advice before i go ahead and buy this graphics card, (GeForce GT220 1G 128 Bit DDR3 PCI Express Fansink Graphics) I have a (GA-M68M-S2P) Motherboard, i have done loads of searching and im still none the wiser if this card will be ok running on this board, Ur help would be very much appreciated.

Regards john
S3 licensed
Nice 1 m8, Very much appreciated.
Skin for MRT
S3 licensed
Hi basically what I'm after is a yellow and black skin, with just racing on the side, or were ever best, the number 11 on it and the British flag symbol, if some 1 can do this for me i would very much appreciate ur good work,
The car MRT.

Regards john
S3 licensed
Thanks for the updates scawen, good progress as always, :iagree:

Nice 1
S3 licensed
Hi just keep racing m8, and try not, to try to hard in beeting ur p.b's because ur never get there, enjoy it and i rekon that u will be surprised how ur times will come down.
Arrow Tyre Physics Progress Report [ + Scirocco discussion ]
S3 licensed
Tyre Physics Progress Report [ + Scirocco discussion ]
Hello LFS Racers,

As we said in our news item on 21st August, we have been working on a new tyre physics model. It has a good mathematical basis for the forces a tyre produces under varying circumstances and does feel good to drive, so we are very pleased with the new model. The new physics and plans for the VW Scirocco have inspired some other developments that are now important to get the best experience from the updates.

Most of the remaining development is in the following sections :

- Tyre heating and cooling
- AI driver improvements
- Limited setup system
- Suspension updates
- VW stability control

We'll now talk a little about these things, and some of our plans. Please be aware that these are just plans as we see them now. Plans can change, and they often do, so it is very likely that some things you read below will be different from the final result.

Tyre heating and cooling

As the tyre model is completely different, both in the contact patch (frictional effects) and also the way the tyre reacts to loads (deflection depending on air pressure and sidewall stiffness) the old tyre heating system no longer worked properly. So we have been trying new things, with some success, but at this time there are still noticeable issues that need to be sorted out. We found it impossible to simply use the old heating model with some adjusted figures as we had hoped. Some more real updates are needed to get the heating and cooling of tyres right.

AI driver improvements

Just recently we discovered that the AI were driving around too slowly because they were underestimating the available grip. But because available grip depends on tyre load in a non-linear way, it turns out that some of the programming for the AI drivers needs a little reorganising. Many community members like to drive with AI in single player mode, so it is important for them to drive at a good speed.

Limited setup system

We mentioned before that the VW Scirocco would be our first car with a limited setup. But as time went by, that plan changed a little. We realised that limited setups would be a popular option for online hosts. It is a feature that has often been requested. It would allow people to race in road cars that feel like road cars (not stiffened and lowered) and still be competitive. So we decided the limited setups should be an option that applies to many of the LFS cars. For example, in limited setup mode, the standard road cars would only allow tyre pressure and toe adjustments. The LX6 / RAC / FZ5 class (LRF) would also allow compression and rebound damping to be adjusted along with ride height and adjustable anti roll bars (in some cases). The idea is to allow the same adjustments you could make on the real car without changing any parts.

Suspension updates

In order to implement the limited setup system, we needed some good standard setups, the kind that these cars would have in real life. In comparison with most LFS setups currently in use, the new default road car setups are a lot softer. Our testers noticed that with the new setups some cars can be a bit tricky at times, for example when adjusting the accelerator while cornering or when braking into corners. In real life, the suspension geometry is designed to produce an anti-dive effect under braking and anti-squat under acceleration. This has until now been absent from the LFS suspension systems, but now looks like an important development to support the realistic setups.

VW stability control

The special traction control and stability control systems for the VW Scirocco still need to be completed. We don't intend to make this as complex and refined as the real VW systems. We do want to recreate some of the beneficial effects of those systems that can apply individual wheel brakes to help the car go where the driver wants it to, when things begin to get out of shape.

We hope this progress report gives some insight into what has been going on. As you can see there are still important things to be completed. It's hard to know how long the tyre heat and suspension updates will take, so we are still not able to estimate a release date.

A reminder :
- The new physics will be a free update for all LFS users
- The VW Scirocco will be available to S1 and S2 license holders

If read clearly it states that they can not give a time to how long these updates will take, So i no, when they are here, they will be good updates, As they usually are.
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Yes m8, i cant see why not,it only changes the sounds.
Clad its sorted m8, Have fun.

Quote from Coram2009 :yeah thank's great !! it works, but does this works also on online ??? i mean, would here the new sounds while i'm playing online too ??

S3 licensed
Hi what u need to do is unsip the engine sounds u down loaded, Then go into the lfs folder in c drive and open the engine file in there and simply put the engine sounds in that folder, then go in game press shift and a, and u will see a load button at the top click on it and u will see all the differnt engine sounds u can use. I hope this helps. I no it works as i just tried it my self.
Have fun

Quote from Coram2009 :Hi all, i'm new here, i will enjoy joining you

'cause i love cars (you too huh? i guess so !!!)

So, here i come, i have LFS vZ28 on vista family edition.

i found this game too great, really ballanced engines, and good feelings of the cars. But there are somethings i hated so i started looking for mods, the thing is, all the mods i found cannot be installed on my pc (or simply, i don't know how to install them :shrug

For exemple, i downloaded a sound pack, (this one : ) installing it is a real pain, please help me .
Also the real life camera mod (camlevel i think).

Well i'm not gonna list here the hole list of mods i donwloaded, but if you could help me out with those two ones, i'll be plaised.

Thanks in advance !!!