Hence why I choose to only see how it's like on the server, only doing couple of laps during the qualification.
Oh really? Why is it that it reduces the join lag for me so that I really can tell the difference?
Could you please show me the rule that says that you get a penalty if you chat during the qualification? Or a rule that says you must not block the messages during the race?
I'd be fine if it really was stated in the rules, or at least mentioned in the forum but that just isn't the case.
I liked it!!
but since we got rid of this 'do not ever pass' track, I can cope with dropping it tho.
In front things weren't bad at all kinda, just a bit confusing when getting 'double file' instead of GREEN.
I guess it needs more experienced ppl, and ppl who actually knows what they are doing, aswell the admins , to get the rolling start working properly.
Butother than that, I really don't have anything to suggest tho, things seem to be running smooth enough as they are now.
EDIT: The chatting, during the race should be banned and a DT given for every line. You can say sorry after the race if you cannot do it by actions on server. Nothing more distrubing that having the odd message whils going on the most difficult parts of the track.
+1 for the rolling start (Driving the XRR actually gives a chance there )
but as suggested, a practise run or two might be a good idea, also needs someone to make sure that the pack is close to each others and the GT1 cars won't pull off from the GT2 in the warmup lap.
-1 for the pitlimiter tho, should be able to keep the desired speed by yourself.