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I'm sure it was when my Dad did his CBT someone went the wrong way around a round-about. The examiner person had to go around and block that lane with his bike while he sorted the kid out. The kid failed and can you believe his Dad had a go at the examiner person for failing him! Would you really want to let your son lose on the road if he doesn't even know what way to go around a round-about! :s

S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :I think it was on the 10 lap or 20 lap i cnan,rt rember.

Your tyres were fine in the first race

The problem is your not taking the racing line. Stay as wide as possible and then sweep into the apex of the corner rather than make the corner so narrow.

Another thing I noticed (not just you) is the defence was like you were at war Sweeping across the track far to late to defend etc and ending up running into each other. Does none of you favours if you run into each other

Do none of you get distracted with all the talking ?? I'm okay with messages during public races where I aint focusing that hard but in league races I hate it and they usually don't allow it

S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :Ok, Ill come out right and say it. Becky Rose, you are a dead set liar! Mabye if you had your facts right i would believe you, cause its highly possible for anyone. But you are saying how you cant remember and making up excuses!..


And this is a thread about Montoya.. not you!

How isn't it possible for Becky to have raced Button illepall Just because they are Formula One drivers doesn't mean they didn't have to work up the ranks. I've actually got race programmes from when my Dad raced karts about 15 years ago (maybe even further back) with the likes of David Coulthard featuring a lot.

On the Button topic, if he doesn't start beating Rubens then he may as well kiss goodbye to getting anywhere. Button has been at BAR for how many years now ? and now someone who just joined the team is starting to show him how to drive.

Britain's next hope in my opinion is Lewis Hamilton, he has been very impressive in everything he has driven.

S2 licensed
Quote from kiss me :as i read, its a city(like the circuit name says) it would be cool to do a little of that track for demo racers ?

Demo players have more than enough content
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :The axle was bent on that kart once but was straightened, the chasis is what was bent but it didnt seem to effect performance. The engine mount was askew and the front was warped.

Bent chassis is the worst of the lot to try fix, well from my experience. We bent it back into shape with a big pole and some heavy friends jumping on it but it just went out of shape again by the end of the race day.

We had nothing but problems with that chassis so we were more than happy to wave goodbye to it The guy who bought it wanted it for a mess around kart so I doubt he really noticed.

S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :I don't feel like i stick up for "noobs" on this forum. Fatser is the only one ive ever spoken out about. My point is, his english isnt getting any better. but you grown men still feel the need to bash him at every chance. It just get's old seeing it, add him to your ignore list so you dont have to let him know how much better you are than him every time he post's.

Tbh you seem to be beating around the bush here with the same old argument. What will forums be like in a few years time ? From what I've seen with the ever growing amount of similar people to Faster111 we will soon not be able to understand a single post.

He has been told by all sorts of people he needs to work on his grammar but he doesn't listen. I struggled with English but I worked hard on it to try do the best I could.

It's that sort of attitude you've shown there th84 that is the main reason for people like Faster111. Teachers end up having to give up because they can't get support from the child's parents. I've seen plenty of people like that at school and you know what ? It was getting worse. As the top year of our school we help out the younger people in the school and I was appalled to see the attitude of some people.

Personally I always feel that there's nothing you can't do it just depends how hard you want to work for it. There is nothing stopping Faster from opening a word programme and use it to correct his spelling. That's what I do and it helps me learn from my mistakes as they become apparent and if I get that word wrong more and more I realise I need to look at it better.


Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :jeez, how did she roll it???

Well we still don't know how she hit the trailer The reason she rolled it was because she hit the trailers wheel arch and pushed it right in so her wheel hit the trailers wheel. She never even braked just drove into it which is another: illepall I think the first thing we asked the police was does she need glasses No way was she sticking to the speed limit though, even if she did hit the wheel arch at 30mph she wouldn't take the hub clean off the car. The actual pins on the car that the hub pivots on didn't appear to be damaged.

The force of the impact tore the rear suspension on the rear axle of the tow-a-van off the chassis. The cars door are totally knackered at that side and the tow bar is bent beyond repair. Due to the age of the car the damage would probably reach the value of the car so the insurance company just write them off.

We were hoping she'd get charged because in the end we were in the back of that thing minutes before she hit it so to let someone off after doing that would be madness.

She was quite young so she will probably have a tough time finding insurance now. Then us young drivers wander why our insurance is so high - if there's more people like her on the road then I can understand why!

S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :That take's me back to my question... why not ignore the guy and spare yourself if he bother's you so much? Is he really hurting anybody here to the point where he deserve's this constant flaming every time he make's a post for the past 6+ month's?

The problem is that this attitude towards spelling and grammar is becoming more and more common. I've just finished school and I've heard of the people in lower years writing English essays in so called `text` speak.

Our society these days just doesn't make it easy for teachers to come out and say to kids "you're grammar is cr*p" because they're scared that they'll be sued. I've seen someone get through 3 years of academy with no problems but he was lazy. He kept getting into more trouble and you know what he did ? He actually made the school class him as dyslexic so teachers couldn't force him to work. You know how I know ? because that sort of person boasts about that type of `victory`.

Unless something is done about the people who don't bother to learn English properly then forums could become full of this. Over the years I've looked up certain forums where more and more people are posting posts in their native language that doesn't make sense.

Yes you're probably going to say he is dyslexic, but that's no excuse in my books. My Dad is dyslexic and I didn't find out till I was 16 and that was because he got into a argument with someone who was using it as an excuse for being a twat. Where it affects my Dad the most is typing, he finds it hard to learn the order of the keys so has to look at them as he types but he is slowly improving. Just because it maybe harder for him he doesn't just give up and say, "I'm dyslexic."

I think the problem is so many people just want an excuse for not bothering to learn. In the end I feel it's more to his benefit that people are putting him under pressure because it may hit him one day; "oh, no one can understand my posts." In the end your native language is an important aspect to your life. If people can't understand you then you aren't going to do well at job interviews or filling in application forms. From what I can understand out of his post he has left school so really at this point in your life you should have developed all your crucial skills to a decent level

I agree with what Tristan says. When I type a post up on forums I'd like to think that it's structured well enough that people who talk English as a second language can understand it. I'm far from the best at English from any stretch of the imagination but even though I found it difficult at school I still stuck in to make sure I could write in a half decent manner.

In the end English has been very crucial to me in how I keep in touch with sponsors I've had and have. I have to write little reports to send to them so they need to be clear enough that they can understand them and take me seriously.

Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :I think this clip suits here pretty well. Who you think is guilty to the crash happened? The black car or the yellow one? The yellow is in front, he totally blocks the line way too late. But he is in front so he has the right to choose it. Offcourse both of the drivers didnt admit doing anything wrong, what you think? Did yellow try to ram the black of the track or was the black one to blaim?

Personally the yellow one cut the black one off so he was to blame. You shouldn't swerve across the track like that. What he should have done was squeeze the black car as they came down to the braking zone boxing it in and giving himself a better entry into the next turn.

S2 licensed
Quote from der_jackal :The As are great fun, but even more fun is the actual S4..

I actually don't like the back of the salon version Considering the last couple of cars have been Golfs and Passats all rust buckets this Audi has been an amazing change Although when it goes it will be a let down considering what we will probably end up being able to afford. The brakes are what amaze me just how quick the car can come to a stop, just don't leave stuff in the back My Dad forgot when he showed me and all the stuff in the back of the car hit the back of the seats :o luckily nothing hard or breakable!

The woman who hit our trailer and car is being charged so depending on how she pleads the Audi could be getting taken away soon We've now been told that our trailer and car are defiantly write offs, we knew the car was but we thought the trailer (tow-a-van) might have a chance but they are aluminium chassis

Note that the pictures below of the accident is in a built up area, 30mph speed limit. We're parked up on a big stright bit of road. Also note that there are no skid marks, she never actually braked. Hit the tow-a-van wheel arch at what ever speed she was traveling at :s You could fit three fire engines side by side in the street! no other car was even on that bit of road when she hit the tow-a-van :s
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Honey :and i agree with that, but from all the posts that "justify" being "hard" it just reminds to me of too many fast guys that actually don't know how to race, i'm not telling not to dare or not to "close" the lines,, it happened to me to make a pas at full throttle at the fe green chicane (with mrt), just in the middle of the chicane, but it was safe to do so and not even a little touch! ...but most times i don't do it because 99% it's crash for sure!

saying "everywere is possible to pass" and " i close the line if i know he can break" is to me crash attitude, while the first sentence is right in principle, is also right that a smart guy knows that attempting a pass at certain corners in normal conditions, means crash!

if i pass at the inside and i'm entering corner faster, i will pass! because only a silly or a wrecker (IMO) will close no matter what just because i have still braking room, if i will find a guy with such bully attitude and he close no matter what, i will pass no matter what...that means 100% crash, so will make to let him end badly and me as less as possible, because if i do properly i pretend to pass! it's too easy to justify the silly attitude "i close no matter what" just by claiming to be a "hard to pass driver" to me is just a wrecker...

Well actually you can pass everywhere but as usual it requires a certain criteria in a way to make the pass. I've seen me pass someone on a flat out corner around the outside in karting because the guy clipped the kerb wrong in the corner before. Now I'd never have considered that as a passing place but when your racing you go for every opportunity you can no matter if it's the corner you `can't` pass on.

I'll try make you work as much as you can if you come up to pass me just like I would in real life. Hell I've been put on the grass by the Scottish Champion when I raced karts, I was so much quicker than her but she was driving very aggressively. Now at the time I was furious at what she did and her Dad came up and said to my Dad that she was in the wrong sort of thing but in the end positions reversed I'd have probably done something similar. Okay I'd have not put her on the grass like she did to me because I had the line but I wouldn't have made it easy. We still shook hands on our slowing down lap because the dicing made it so much more exciting than if we had "waited" for the right opportunity to pass.

I'd say a lot of the time I'm slightly more cautious in what I do in LFS than I'm in real life with regards to overtaking even though I can't get hurt in LFS.

IMO a lot of accidents are caused by people being too cautious while racing others. Starts of the races are the worst because some people just hit the brakes so early and violently, the best thing you can do if your going to brake early is brake gently. There are certain people I know from the public races that if I just show my nose along their rear wheels they'll dive out the way and let me past, which they shouldn't. I'm always prepared to get out of it because all I'm doing is making you look in your mirrors. The problem with a lot of people is they think that they can just show their nose down the inside and that's enough to make the pass. Yea okay we all make mistakes, I do it as well miss-judge the gap but it's what people say after wards is the real give away. Some people come out saying "You crashed me" "that was my line" etc but if you aren't pretty much along side you have no right to the line. If someone looks to have half a chance of passing me I'll acknowledge they are there and try think of a way to make it harder for them to pass but leave enough room for them to stay alongside me.

S2 licensed
Quote from Honey :this thread seems like aimed on justifing the crash attitude...

it is true that many people don't know how toovertake and how be overtaken, but is also true that many "fast and famous" racers pretend to have the right to pass you and crash you no matter what...even if they are slower than you, it is quite common to find people like ayrton and tristan that pretend to pass even when they know it's 100% crash, i know very well that kind of attitude, it's the attitude that if they cannot pass me by being faster, they tap me from behind at braking and pretend that i broke too early, or if i pass they tap me the back side making me spin and again of course it's my fault...

to if someone is coming faster than me into a corner and i cannot defend cleanly, i let him pass as i should but while doing it i prepare my corner exit making his as slow as i can but being clean, so that i come out faster, i catch his slipstream and will pass him on next corner.

it's much better when i find fast guys without such "bully" attitude, it will mean close, fast races wih many passes...where of course a pass doesn't mean crash because of stubborness

my opinion? it's people like ayrton and tristan that need to take overtaking and being overtaken lessons...

PS i never raced with you guys, so i may be wrong about you but as you depict your behaviour, you have a bad attitude IMHO

No offence but with that sort of attitude you would get no where in real life racing. I know someone when I raced karts who was scared to end up causing an accident that he never pulled off an overtaking move in the whole 3 years I raced with him. I kept telling him to just go for it because if you never show aggression to your fellow racers they'll walk all over you. You show no aggression then the driver in front aint going to yield. One of the reasons that in LFS I make the other driving work to get past me becasue it puts more pressure on them. A lot of racing is about mind games and how you use your race craft to make the other driver slip up.

Personally I've raced Tristan and Will a lot and I very few times has it ended in a big crash. Sure we have our tangles but heck that happens in real life with more at risk. I really enjoy the aggression of racing people like Will hard because thats what it's like in real life. Not what a lot of people do in LFS which is not bother to try hold you back.

If someone's quicker than me I'll defend my position as much as is sporting and as much as the rules allow me to do.

Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :The problem is that in LFS people have nothing to lose by going banzai at T1. If they wreck out it's no big loss because they just teleport to the pits and start again. Because there's nothing to lose it's more difficult to get a clean T1 than real life. Everyone dives to the inside of the corner and half the cars go in too hot and drift wide. Anyone on the outside line gets pushed off into the grass or a wall. Add to this the fact that the field of view is so much narrower than real life and the fact that you're looking at a 2D screen with no true 3D information and it's a recipe for disaster. Also, it's a LOT easier to judge the size of a kart compared to the size of a (virtual) car. Just because you can get away with something in the real world doesn't mean it works the same in a sim.

I think you've miss-understood what I meant What I'm saying a lot of people in LFS don't bother covering the inside line at the start of a race. If you did that sort of thing in a kart race you'd come out the corner last or in the grass. You never hover around the outside of the track as you've just left the door wide open. One of the biggest reasons for wrecks in LFS is people who stay wide down into T1 at the start and then sweep across without looking out for the guy who is along side them. If everyone dived to the inside of the track like in most real life racing at the start you'd never have that problem. I can't see how race craft can't be the same as the real world ... I use all the tactics I used when karting in LFS races ...

Quote :I think that if you had to race a car eight times the size of your cart, while wearing blinders, with one eye closed, and while being totally disconnected from any physical feeling of weight transfer, you probably wouldn't be so bold in your manoeuvres.

Again race craft doesn't change. I think you miss-understand the concept of race craft. Just because the size of the vehicle changes doesn't mean your race craft will change. Infact I can't think of many things that you can do in karting that you couldn't pull off in a Formula One car ...

You get used to the limitations just like anything, took me a while to get used to driving a car from the right hand side of it because I was so used to sitting near the centre in a kart. If you become deaf your other senses become more active because you develop them to suit. Just like LFS, you get used to it and use visual aids on the screen to help.

S2 licensed
I notice a heck of a lot of people at starts never defend their line into T1. When I raced karts the first thing you did if you started on the outside was try get yourself into the inside line otherwise you'll be hung out to dry and most likely end up off the track or at the back of the pack. In LFS you can go from the back of the pack to the front in a full server a lot of the time because the people on the outside end up having to yield for you once you park it on the apex.

I've had people get angry with me for squeezing them into corners (I don't mean forcing them to run out of track), say they've come down the inside of me and I've come across the track to make their line as narrow as possible; in the hope that I can hold the position down the outside.

I just think a lot of people miss-understand race craft, that's the part I love about racing is thinking and trying to trick your other racer into a mistake.

I think if you threw a lot of LFSers or any sim racer for that matter into a proper kart race a lot of them would be demoralised at the race craft there.

S2 licensed
You should all have to wear name tags above your helmets like in LFS

Will's tag would be : Mouse n00b
S2 licensed
Renault Clio 1.2 petrol; takes about 20odd seconds if not more to hit 60 and then when it hits 60mph the engine accelerates so much better Feels strange having such a dead car while accelerating but then getting up to 50-60 it begins to really pull better. It handles resaonably well although in the wet I've nearly lost the back of it a few times, very unpredictable in the wet. Only on round abouts on the dual carriage ways, take it a lot easier on open roads in the wet as it's far to unpredictable for my liking.

Someone wrote off our other car and trailer last week so the insurance company have sorted us out with a car of similar quality and value to our old rust bucket of a Passat with over 160 000miles on the clock. You can imagine our faces when they turn up at our house with a brand new Audi A4 estate SLine (the sports one) was like this : Then my Dad asked them if his 17 year old son could go on the policy for this hire car and the guy laughed and said No and I was like :
This car is just crazy though, the brakes are incredible and the thing just grips. I know not to follow close behind one of them things in my Clio I'd smash right into the back of it, my Dad brought the car to a near stop from 60 in a blink of the eye and he didn't even press the pedal that hard.

I got a shot in a car park and just couldn't believe how good it was, made the Clio feel like a sponge. I could accelerate up to 60mph and stop again in the length of this car park, in the clio I'd have been lucky to hit 35mph in the same distance.

Will be a shame when the insurance claims get sorted out and we're back to a rust bucket

S2 licensed
Well my pedals went and as far as I could understand from the nice man at logitech he is sending me a whole new wheel :o Problem is I couldn't understand a word he was saying so when he started reading out the address to send the wires back to I ended up with this :o

Logitech Europe
Customer Service
The RMA number
Mpulin du choc
CH112 2 Rome Oscar Mike Alpha November el sur movges

Which looks all wrong Hopefully they will include the address but it seems such a waste to chop the wires off my current wheel and pedals

Anyone got the address, I was going around in circles trying to get the address out of the guy. English wasn't his native language and he kept reading it out like Lemon Orange Internet when he meant L for Lemon etc so he just confused the hell out of me.

Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Simon Savage :haha im 51kg, it does not help me in certain corners though i end up sliding a bit especially in the medium and long bends.

It will help you a heck of a lot when accelerating You need to try make sure you don't bog down the Pro-kart because those little 4 strokes struggle to regain momentum That's why the few shots I've had of prokarts I fly past people down the straights
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :Am a demo racer mouse i was fast untill they droped the speed of the fx gti.

Well when the devs dropped the power of the GTi it will go slower for everyone not just you ...
S2 licensed
Tristan weighs less than me :o I thought I was light considering I needed like 25kg of lead weight added to my kart to bring me up to the weight limit I'm 50kg.

S2 licensed
Quote from wE1l :Nice story. But had it been the real case that Jenson is at most a second class driver, how could he get an F1 drive and show so much promise in his early years? And if you could beat Jenson on a regular basis, how's that your talent left unnoticed (please correct me if I'm wrong)?

A lot of the time in motorsport talent isn't enough to progress up the ladder. Although the thing is you never know if your better than a certain person in a different series all together so in the end you can only speculate.

Someone I used to race against his parents paid for him to be under a teams roof and that alone wasn't cheap. They also bought him a new set of slicks for practice and a new set for the race days. Sometimes they would buy him a new set for the final as well and this is just club racing. Even on my half a year old slicks I was fighting hard with him and often beating him. I actually picked the tyres he throw in the bin out to use myself because I couldn't afford the £100+ a set. Although they noticed me doing that and you know what they did? put a knife through them before they put them in the bin! A set of tyres I'd be happy to give them £20 for but they didn't want me having them full stop. They were also up at the track every other day testing, I only did two test days a year and they were in evenings where we could only run for a couple of hours

Now he is racing some open wheeler thing at knockhill and I'm racing 1/10th R/C cars. Even though I beat him with equipment he would throw in the bin he is still going further.

Sponsors are hard to find these days where companies need a good reason and unfortunately you need to be making your progress through the ladder at an age where you can't work So it leaves it down to how rich your parents are ...

Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Well all thats going to do is keep the water off the visor which was never a real problem for me it's the mist inside the visor thats the biggest problem.

S2 licensed
^ what he said ...

No need for bold letters and underlined letters, it's your mistake not the softwares ....

Why should someone e-mail you? The reason for the forum is you post a question people answer it

S2 licensed
Personally I feel Kimi is having to drive a lot harder because he is trying to make up for the lack of pace in the car. He is just such a committed guy and it's a pleasure to watch his great drives in 05 where things didn't go his way but he made the best of it. Bahrain this year was a class example of him fighting back from the back of the grid after a failure and finished 3rd wasn't it ? only 15odd seconds behind the winner if I remember rightly!

I'm amazed how he can keep his head sometimes with all the bad luck he has, yes he might contribute to it but some how I don't think so. A lot of the things that went wrong went wrong too early in a GP or even practice session to have been his fault in my opinion.

S2 licensed
Imagine misting visors in the wet :o

I still remember my first wet race (being Scotland it wasn't the last ) when my visor misted up so bad I couldn't see. I had to open it up as much as I could to see but couldn't breathe down the straights so had to close it again. Spent more time on playing with the visor than steering the kart
