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S2 licensed
Snowing on and off all day here! Just got home, had some fun driving across the back roads Although the snow is drifting on the small country road down to our house so its going to be fun getting to work tomorrow morning!
S2 licensed

Quite clear who the offending drivers are in that video. Two McLarens parked on the racing line, the rest well out of the way on the right hand side...
S2 licensed
Quote from sun :doesnt work...

Quote :In a nut shell (well, very abstract psuedo code):

S2 licensed
Ah, never thought on that!

I'll just remove the EA and add another table containing supplier info.

Cheers guys!
S2 licensed
Quote :...I dont know if this is true, but i also read that the test is changing slightly too. There are adding night driving and motorway driving. ill try get a source(sure it was newspaper)..

No motorways up my way so that wouldn't work in this area

Only been on a motorway twice and never had any problems/worries.

Even had a police car come tearing up behind me, tailgate me in the fast lane, then had the cheek to flash his main beam at me... moved out the way and he took off like a bat out of hell. No blue lights flashing... Then about 15mins later he was parked up on one of them patrol hills with a speed gun.

The one thing that definitely should be at least covered in a few lessons is driving in the dark. The amount of people who have no idea how to drive with cars coming in the other direction is insane. Every night I get stuck behind someone who has to slam their brakes on every time a car is coming the other direction. Do they not realise they should look towards the verge/kerb rather than directly into the headlights of oncoming vehicles...
[OT] MySQL Prob
S2 licensed
I've got a little problem with my MySQL query for sorting my products. The query is simple "ORDER BY itemcode ASC". Problem is it is only sorting to the first 3 digits so for example when it should display like this EA185, EA333, EA1300, EA1900 it displays EA1300, EA185, EA1900.

Is there another way to get them to sort properly? I've noticed `Sage` (accounts program) does the same thing.

S2 licensed
Great race, was hoping Rossi could keep up but it wasn't to be.

Just stumbled across this on youtube - ... y0dzs&feature=related I think Pedrosa needs some practice on his starts!
S2 licensed
Ah, they must have changed the CP on my web host recently.

Seems you can enable and disable some of the PHP features to suit yourself, guess by deafult it's disabled. Enabled it and will see what the result is, unfortuantley it says to allow 12 hours for the settings to take effect.

S2 licensed
Me again with a new problem, been re-working the code for the website now I've learnt a bit more in the last couple of years.

All worked fine and dandy on my setup but now I've started migrating it to my webspace I've encounted a problem.

It's is related to uploading files, I've done $_FILES['...']['error'] to get the error number and got `6`. According to the PHP manual that means `Value: 6; Missing a temporary folder. Introduced in PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3`.

How can I sort this? Can I define a temporary folder or has this to do with the PHP setup ?

S2 licensed
I'm interested!

A fair journey (Aberdeen area) but looking at the trains I should at least be able to get a train to Newcastle. Once date is confirmed I'll look into the costs involved traveling
S2 licensed
Here you go Sun, ignore those sensible people who are doing nothing but anger you in your quest to create such a brilliant, orignial idea that no one has ever thought of doing before.
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :Well, you know, I'd love 14 million a year. But you've got to compare the salary to the rest of the driver market in F1.

And how many of them drivers in the F1 market got their career paid for by one man?

The amount of money Ron Dennis will have spent on Hamilton will be in the millions before he even reached F1, so Hamilton is probably grateful for that. Otherwise chances are he may have no made it to where he is today.
S2 licensed
Quote from GobLox :How the hell are you supposed to get your car home from the bar?! :bananadea

Assign a designated blower!
S2 licensed
Sun, does any of `your` program contain code which you've actually created?

I find it hard to believe you know anything about sending packets over a network if you can't open a file...

Laugh of it is, your program is (probably) a copy & paste job of other peoples code and if you ever get anything that works you'll claim it all as your own.

Learn to crawl before trying to run
S2 licensed
Quote from SFL :The way I see it is that the green stuff is an extended curb and the curb is part of the track.

Curbs are not part of the circuit in any racing series I know of... the white lines define the circuit and their should be at least 2 wheels on the circuit at all times.
S2 licensed
Got it up and running Thursday night and all is going great! Unfortuantley, I should have checked but my PCI wireless card (out my old comp) doesn't have a Vista driver so I have no net on my computer. Will pop past my local computer store for a PCI card on my way to work tomorrow.

Played some LFS offline and it's just so much better Can actually see where I'm going and read my dash!
S2 licensed
Got back today, show was alright but doubt I'll go next year. Went last year and can't help but feel it's a bit `samey.`

Didn't get off to a great start with our flight being delayed on the Friday night by about 4 hours as they tried to find us a plane... Didn't reach Birmingham till about 12.30-1.00am. By that time the trains had stopped so our plans were messed up. Caught a bus into town but couldn't get a bus to where we needed to go.
By about 2am we just gave up and got a taxi with a driver who had poor english, terrible driving and no idea what the lights on his dash meant. He stopped to phone someone about a light that came on the dash... He also didn't know what a Scottish note was... Spends the same yet so many people in England are iffy about them for some reason.

Got some pics I'll post if they are any good. Live arena was okay, not as good as last year but had a nice McRae tribute. Was funny to laugh at one of the guys go backwards into the wall and stall.

My Dad also got a few ideas for the kit car so all in all a worth while trip. Quite an expensive weekend though!!
S2 licensed
Received everything bar the DVD drive on Monday, DVD drive arrives tomorrow

Considering this is my first build things went a lot better than I expected and I've only one question!! Just want to check that you do plug two sources of power from the PSU into the motherboard? The motherboard manual isn't exactly clear. I've a 4 pin slot (ATX_12V) and the 24 pin slot.

Other than that all is ready to go once the DVD drive turns up.

S2 licensed
Quote from atlantian :
There is practically no cons... besides hassle,

I'll tell you the biggest con that a solution will be hard to find for; online play. I can be online in a server sitting in the pits within seconds in LFS.

If there were mods I'd have to go source the correct version of the mod because mines out of date at version 0.102.2049 and then source the track which there are probably millions of different half-arsed conversions...

Last time I tried rFactor online I got so fed up trying to find the stuff I needed I gave up...

Not only will the mods take away the quick, easy online play they will most likely seriously divide the community.
S2 licensed
Going to the show on Saturday. Should be good, enjoyed it last year
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :...i know all about apertures and stuff, because my dad has a Sony Cyber-shot 7.2 MP...its a year and a bit old, but it does the job.

Quote from harjun :but if you buy a different lense can't you go upto 40x zoom?

You sure know your stuff Harjun

I wander how long (if you ever figured it out) it would take you to be able to use a SLR in a manual mode to get the full use out of it.

I don't often go out with the SLR but it has taken me a fair while to get used to setting the aperture and shutter speed to match and that includes learning the basics through a module on my college course.

Why exactly do you want an SLR for? Because looking at your posts so far you've displayed very little knowledge on them so chances are all you'll do is use it in a `point & shoot` macro...
S2 licensed
Eh? Please don't tell me your part of some serious karting team...

If you’re worried about adjusting between a computer game and the real thing how much feel do you actually have in a kart or anything with wheels for that matter?

I was just in at my work having a blast around the track and in my first 10mins set a pretty hot lap time. Having not done a lap around the circuit for well over half a year and not driven a kart since I stopped racing back in 2003. By my last session completed a lap time which is the fastest I've seen on the 200cc (lawnmore) karts.

LFS will help in any walks of racing. I don't believe it will make anyone quicker (speed wise) but I reckon it keeps you in a better mentality and improves your race craft.
S2 licensed
All ordered, bought the gfx card you suggested from Scan (got free P+P with that deal) and the mobo you suggested from dabs.

Aint I lucky dabs went out of stock of that gfx card , I thought they were the same ones.

Came to £701 all in (£496 for all the PC components) so not bad
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Cheers, that bundle will knock about £25 off! Also decided to go for the E2180 over the E4500, further down the line if I find I need the extra CPU power I'll upgrade.

Unfortunately Scan are out of stock of the mobo, Dabs have it in stock and are slightly cheaper but I'll have to cough up £7 p+p... ah well

Final spec attached, going to order it tonight and hopefully receive it sometime next week

Thanks for the help!!
S2 licensed
If I decided to go for the case + bundle you suggested Jakg would the PSU be up to powering the system? Problem I've got is buying the bundle + PSU is going to put me close to the £780 mark.

If the PSU isn't up to the job what sort of make/price range should I be looking at for a decent case with preferably no PSU or a PSU up to the job.
