Harjun, just quit the lies. Your always moaning of being treated unfairly yet all you do is contradict yourself and end up pissing people off.
Perfect example of why everyone gets pissed off with you. You claim to want to get back into karting after a "nasty" accident and in the above quote you claim you still race karts only 20 days before you post in this thread wanting to start karting again...
The very fact you couldn't identify a (125) rotax kart on eBay shows the above claim is bull. We get kids coming into work at 8 years old to come on the karts and a lot of them can identify the Honda engines...
Yet someone who claims to have raced karts couldn't seem to work that out...
Also the very fact you have no idea how karting works (classes etc) or the costs involved (tyres + plastics + brakes? for a £100, good luck) or the amount of equipment you need to transport (Ford Galaxy LMAO) shows you've never raced a proper kart before
Harjun, the games up. Why don't you just take a long hard look at your posts and try understand why people are fed up with you. This continuous `boasting` need of yours is pathetic. It's a public forum for gods-sake, people couldn't give a dam how fast your computer is or how much money Daddy has.
If the above is true, then I suggest karting isn't for you. One of my friends was knocked out cold and left with a big gash all the way down his arm after being thrown out his 125 gearbox. The very next day he was back in a kart competing for Scotland in the nations champs... People break bones all the time in pretty much any sport, it's part of the risk you take... To quit racing after breaking a bone doesn't show you have a lot of interest in it.
Anyway, what did you `race` before? There is no way you competed properly as you know so very little about the classes and how the whole thing works... If you think you’ll fit a kart and all the equipment needed to run competitively in a Ford Galaxy... good luck with that You do realise there is a fair difference between a cadet chassis and the regular size used for Jnr + Snrs?
You can't just post asking to find you a kart without even researching what you need. Before you even think of buying a kart you should be in touch with members at the tracks your going to race at and see what classes they run.
For £400 you’re going to get nothing. A 125 Rotax engine second hand is probably going to cost you about a £1000...
You’re also being a tad optimistic, £100 wont even buy a set of tyres yet alone, "£100 on tyres, plastic cover, stickers, brakes, nicer chair." Realistically that list of stuff will cost at least £400 if not more...
A ford galaxy isn't exactly going to carry a kart, spares and tools either...
Also, you sure you raced before? You seem to know so very little it's incredible for someone who raced karts before. The very fact your calling a chassis "adult size" shows this... Jnr + Mini + Snr Max all run the same size of chassis... Same with Jnr + Snr TKM unless anything has changed in recent years.
I never went to Meldrum Acadmey, was too Smart I was in the last year that went to Inverurie from Oldmeldrum. My two brothers go to the Academy, one in first year the other sixth.
You probably pass the road that leads to where I live everyday you go to Meldrum
I remember our first winter when we moved out of the city and into the middle of no where. The drifts were so high you could walk across the fences of the fields without even knowing they were there.
Snow ploughs couldn't clear the road from either end of our drive-way so we were cut off for a few days until a digger dug us out. Got a picture some where with the car parked between the `walls` left after the digger had a go at them, must have been about 7 foot
I actually couldn't believe it this morning, their had been a light sprinkle of snow and someone still managed to throw their car in the ditch at the top of my road. The main roads were just wet... and to top it off it's one of these extra abrasive road surfaces that just have tonnes of grip...
What a crazy day it has been up here in Aberdeenshire!! Winds reported up to 60mph and the odd quick blizzard of snow. Trust me to be carrying my big A2 sized folder to college today. Was dragging me all over the pavement
What you’re describing is no different to what it's probably like in any other country. In the UK we have had to endure with Button mania for years and now Hamilton has come along they've totally forgotten about Button. I'd say it's even worse now because now they're behind a driver who is doing well so it's practically the `ITV Lewis Hamilton show`...
The worst thing is it has brought a lot more spectators to the sport who are only watching it because an English driver is doing well. I can't help but laugh at some of the conversations I hear customers at work having, a lot really have no idea. One firmly believed that Lewis Hamilton's car had been `turned down` so Alonso could beat him...
I can't see how your situation is any different to any of us?
My job pays peanuts so I end up working 10 hour shifts and taking any extra hours I can during the week but in reality can only get about 25-30 hours a week. At £4.45 an hour that would take me a hell of a long time to make the sort of money needed to compete in FBMW or even club level karting considering all my other outgoings.
You'll never get anyone with any business sense to put money behind you without some results to show them. Out of this thread (as far as I know) Niki is probably the only one ever to get anywhere in his racing career so I'd take on what he has to say.
I remember when I was probably 8-10 years old always saying I wanted to be an F1 driver when asked what I want to be when I'm older. Getting my first kart and thinking this was the start of something and then getting a reality check when I realised the sort of money the other kids parent's were throwing at their kids. From then I just relished the opportunity of being able to race until the point came where my parents couldn't afford it anymore.
Now I'm relishing the chance to compete in a Locust kit car at hill climbs and sprints next year, nothing will come of it in a professional way but I don't care anymore.
You should take racing for what it is rather than get caught up in going `professional.` It's just going to put extra pressure on you if you go into it with that mentality.
The problem you've got as many have already said is you've no `racing` CV to fall back on. I raced karts for 3 years and of all the companies I approached only one ever sponsored me. Companies just aren't interested because a) They get people wanting sponsorship all the time for various reasons and b) Can't see what there money will give them. Put yourself in the shoes of the companies you’re approaching, would you really give some person you've never heard of money? What benefit does it have to your company? The answer is none unless you actually make it anywhere to a series with decent media coverage.
Good luck with it but I can't help but feel your being very ambitious. There's not a single driver I know of who was sponsored before they started racing...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4nJKy_tWXoc - Have people actually watched Alonso this year before commenting on him being so aggressive? Ever since we've seen him drive that McLaren he hasn't found the need to turn so aggressively. Considering the Renault always looked liked it wanted to understeer I'd hazard a guess and say that's why he was so aggressive on entry and probably why he was about 20+ secs ahead of Fisi most weekends.
Totally disagree. In the wet the cars natural tendency is to understeer and you're always going to find yourself trying to stop the car from understeering. If your aggressive on turn in this: A) Works the front tyres harder and thus bring them up to temperature and B) Makes the front tyres dig in and bite. Ala Hungary 06 - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_Le2IHC3UXU
I don't think there is such thing as an `efficient` driving style. Sure being smooth is going to be easier on the tyres, mechanical parts on the car but then being aggressive isn't exactly going to make the car fall to bits. The 3 championship contenders in F1 Kimi, Alonso and Hamilton all have their own driving style yet at times are only separated by a few tenths. It just comes down to what lets you extract the most from your car.
T1 at the nurb I seem to remember Lewis needing a crane to get him out the gravel? Surely that was a mistake to land in there in the first place?
Hamilton has been far luckier than any other driver on that grid. Most of them drivers probably had to work really hard to find the sponsors to get them through Formula Ford/Renault/BMW etc.
Lewis has been in a position where he has had the money behind him since his karting days. He had a personal tutor so for all we know he could have been testing karts when his competition was stuck at school. Not to mention the fact his sponsor is a very completive F1 team, so he obviously knew they had plans for him.
I regularly race super stock which is basically a budget class using homologated 19T motors. Don't really have to brake much with a 19T but for modified it's a must.
The biggest problem with the old brushless systems was the lack of brakes but now they seem to have got them to feel like a brushed motor.
Yea, I'll need to pop round some places in town and try some helmets on and see which I prefer. My feeling is to spend as much as I can on the helmet rather than the suit as chances are if I ever happen to go off I'm more than likely going to get a face full of branch
The season is pretty much over this year so realistically we're looking at next year, so that gives me enough time to put money aside for a decent lid .
My Dad just purchased a locust kit car which we are going to sprint and hill climb next year. So I've a few Qs on MSA regs for safety gear as I don't have an up-to date copy of the handbook .
First of all could someone with a 2007 copy please post the list of approved helmet standards. It's Q10 in the handbook, my copy is 5 years old so thought I'd better check if it has changed since.
Also does anyone know what standards of race suits are suitable for sprinting and hill climbing to MSA regs? In my handbook (2002) it just says, "Where MSA/FIA regulations specify the wearing of protective clothing the labels of overalls and upper underclothing may be verified by the organisers."
Last of all, any recommendations on helmets? Fancy an Arai but probably out of my price league, can get one locally for a good price but has been airbrushed with a horrid colour scheme!
I'd have thought for a record attempt making a car capable of mounting a couple 3.5 brushless motors would have been a much better idea. Those things don't half move and the acceleration would be killer.
Not according to some people I over heard at work. They were positive that Ron Dennis has, "turned down Lewis' car."
I couldn't help but laugh at them. Are some people that naive that they think McLaren are the cause of Hamilton being ever so slightly slower? Hamilton is Ron's baby, if anything Ron wants him to succeed.
If he wins the title just think of the sponsorship money.
Hamilton was very well known even in his karting days, hell his name and picture were slapped over the covers of the `Karting magazine` every other month.
It was aggressive driving, nothing wrong with it. Hamilton drove himself off the track by hanging on around the outside. Can't help but laugh at Hamilton bubbling about this little move, lets look back to Silverstone in 06... I seem to remember him forcing two cars over the grass at considerably higher speeds.
Nothing wrong with the move at the start, had the wall still been there on the outside Hamilton would have backed off as they were exiting the corner to make sure he didn't lose more places to cars behind.
I just can't understand why people seem to think if a driver ends up driving themselves off the outside of the circuit the one on the inside is to blame . Hamilton kept his foot in it and took to the tarmac apron because he knew there was more to gain by doing so.
Hamilton has done and will do the same thing as Alonso for many years to come.
Pretty dull race, some nice driving by Kubica but that was about it really. Good to see Kimi on form once again.
Scawen is only one man, he can only work on one aspect of the game at a time. For the vast majority of the community clutch simulation is irrelevant because 3 pedals isn't the norm. Only recently has logitech made a 3 pedal system affordable.
I'd rather see work done to the core of the physics engine personally, but that's because I don't have a clutch pedal .
Go, play GTL. What a bargain it must be at £10... When’s the next patch due? Oh, sorry is that ver 2? How much will that cost then