Well that's not all together true. There are only two cars on the grid capable of winning and today both were very well matched.
With the way the cars are at the moment it's hard enough for cars with a significant advantage to pass another car, yet alone trying to pass a pretty much identical version of the car your in...
I think McLaren have a little drama on their hands in the case that Alonso and Hamilton are so close in pace that qualifying is going to decide the race. Now how are they going to decide which one carries less fuel than the other to have the better chance of pole...
That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
Rosberg was awesome in his first race last year but faded off dramatically and now this year has bounced back very strong. Kovalinen had a bad start but has finally started to show some strong pace. Kubica is also another impressive driver and so is Sutil in the Spyker.
But do you see the pattern? None of these guys are hitting headlines as they don't have the machinery to be winning races... Hamilton is in a very rare position and he is driving a race winning car from the off. Not many rookies are in this position, look at Webber and Alonso both had to prove themselves in a Minardi.
This is going to be an interesting season if Hamilton and Alonso stay so evenly matched on pace. Good on Alonso to play the team game in the closing stages as there was really no point in the two knocking wheels because the pace was too close for either one of them to get a good clean run.
Been a while since I can remember two team mates being so equally matched. Anyone who thinks Hamilton is `thrashing` Alonso needs to open their eyes and watch the timing sheets... So what Alonso had a poor run in Canada, big deal. There are still another 10 rounds left and who knows what Hamilton might do. Who knows how he might react to a big shunt because of his tail happy driving style... At the moment he is on a high but there is nothing stopping it from coming crashing down, something I don't think he is used to.
There is no question his race was even more hampered because of the safety car, he received a 10 sec penalty for having no option but to pit for fuel... I wandered how this rule would work out at the start of the season and it just seems a shambles to me. Why punish a car that needs fuel? Surely to keep spectators happy you want the most amount of cars on track as possible rather than them running dry... Sure he messed up big time off the start, but tbh for some reason he never shines at Canada or Indy.
He was overtaken by Sato because Super Aguri made a smarter decision on the tyres than McLaren. McLaren should have given Alonso the super soft tyres which were not the optimum tyre this weekend during the safety car period but instead gave him them for his last stint. He did the smart thing and got out of it as Sato is characteristically notorious for running into other cars and in such a close championship that is not what he needs. No point doing a Schumacher and losing the championship because he couldn't resist knocking wheels with another car
Thing is, as always the media are making a drama out of very little. Why don't the quotes in this article back up the statements they are making? The actual quotes the person who has written this article (F1 Racing seem to re word articles from other sites...) has gathered for the article are pathetic. If he has openly said on the radio he feels he is being treated unfairly then why not quote the very sentence he says that... Oh wait! Then he could sue as it would be a lie All I see is an article full of quotes which are most likely pulled out of context...
Anyway wasn't Hamilton claiming the same thing a couple weeks back?
Not sure what you mean by `unlucky` as surely you dictate which part of track your car is on?
The driver who is trying to hang on around the outside has no option but to yield to the driver on the inside. If the driver on the outside finds themselves running out of room and end up off the track well the blame lies with them. I've seen it happen plenty of times in all forms of motorsport ranging from karts to Formula One and never has the driver on the inside been punished from what I can remember.
The reason it isn't as commonly noticed in real life motorsport? Because most drivers in the real world have a better idea of race craft than your average LFS player. In my first year racing my Dad drilled it into my head that when another driver has a significant overlap don't try fight him around the outside as you'll be the first one off the road. Give the place up, slot in behind and attack back when you can. That's the best thing you can do in that sort of situation, otherwise all your doing is leaving the door wide open and putting a load of risk into the driver on the inside leaving room they aren't obliged to leave...
The story is my brother is looking at buying a new computer. The problem is he doesn't bother his arse to actually check up on what is the best he can get for his money. He's the sort that will just throw his money at anything regardless of whether or not it's the best he can get...
I've now been asked by my Mum to try find out if there are better options after I found one which I thought was better value. He refuses to build a system/let anyone else build it for him to help save him some £s so it has to be a ready to go system.
http://www.meshcomputers.com/D ... NT=PRODUCT&KEY=197235
This is the one I came across and feel is money better spent considering the specs are slightly higher. Also comes with a monitor that is far better than what he has at the moment.
I just want to find out from you guys what the opinions are on the two above and whether you can recommend anything better for the money.
Being heavily involved in the website side of my Mums shop I have about 50 pages of trading standards regulations on my desk and from what I understand of Jakg's post Pixmania are doing nothing wrong. It's the customers responsibilty to get the goods back to the company.
You should always send stuff recorded delivery in these situations so you can track it. Not only that, make sure it's insured for the value. Will only cost probably £5 more to send and at least then you know your safe if it goes missing.
I'm not convinced since you posted this deal the other day and weren't asking for opinions, you should remove the quote number and then there is no problem with the legitamisy of your post... but of course you don't want to as that means less £s
All a driving instructor can do is teach you to pass your test. They can't take you through all the situations that will happen through out your driving life.
I passed my test within 10 lessons and my parents never took me out as we didn't have a car I could afford the insurance on. Does that make me any lesser of a driver than the people I was at school with at the time who did 30+lessons? Well most of them wrote their cars off and mines still wheels down, no dents
The only thing I didn't like about my instructor was how he pushed me to get more lessons when I found myself after about 5 lessons just repeating everything with very few faults... The general opinion amongst my friends who were using various different instructors felt the same. To avoid being ripped off I think you need to relay on your own senses on whether your ready to sit your test.
You posted this the other day but in a manner of advertising it rather than acting the `innocent` person. It was obvioulsy deleted and doing it again is a bit silly, your obvioulsy on a commision from that number your telling people to quote.
Wouldn't be surprised if you get banned as I'm sure it's probably against forum rules, especially posting it in this fashion.
Since when does this involve what I can or can't do? In LFS and real life I'll not deliberately stick my car in a position that there is no hope in hell of not hitting the car in front.
The video I posted still shows the usual in BTCC where punting the rear of the car in front is seen as fair play... The contact half the time is avoidable if the driver just took his foot off the throttle pedal but they don't and just plough through it. Reminds me of some LFS races on public servers...
Hell 1/10th scale touring car racing is cleaner than that and half the time we can't even see the gap we're trying to pass by... Not to mention how quickly these cars accelerate to top speed...
So they've managed to negotiate one corner without contact, guess that's why someone has gone to the bother of posting it on youtube?
Who is talking about F1? If you don't like it, so what... I'll watch it over BTCC any day. The BTCC is an entertainment series in my book, if the series wanted to promote fair clean racing they'd penalise all the drivers who made contact in the video I posted... What they want is to provide entertainment for the sort that are after thrills and spills over good hard racing.
As ajp71 has said, there is nothing wrong with the tracks, it's just the mentality of the drivers. The support races manage to provide good action without resorting to half spinning the car in front...
Overtaking at T1 around the outside at the best of times is risky, at Monaco it's just stupid. Had he gone for the outside he'd have either A)Had to back right out of it and let a good few cars pass or B) Hit the wall.
Not to mention the fact he was driving the same car with the same electronic gizmos they use to make an almost perfect get away...
All I saw was Lewis being smart and not giving Massa the chance to overtake.
I'd have thought the idea behind telling Lewis to hold station would be to stop them pushing each other? Both drivers were pushing hard after the first stops. Lewis even scuffed the wall twice, no wander Ron would have wanted them to take the pace down a notch. Wasn't like they were pushing very hard to get a gap to the cars behind, by the first stops they had the race in the bag...
In my view Lewis had no chance even if he got the extra 2/3 laps that he `supposedly` had in the car. Alonso's laps after his pitstops were pegging Lewis who had a lighter car. Lewis only took (0"009) and that was his fastest lap of the race.
He was very ragged and leery but still not going quicker than Alonso. I just can't believe the big deal that's being made of this `team orders.` I've never heard Formula One being mentioned on the radio so much, they were still mentioning it today...
Alonso and Hamilton were lapping as fast as they were in the first stint after the first stops. They only dropped off the pace when they switched to the super soft tyre.
Both drivers set their fastest laps in the second stint, so if they were issuing team orders that early it certinaly wasn't making them back off...
There is nothing wrong with team orders as long as it doesn't make a mockery like Austria 2002. What is the point in there being teams in F1 if they can't work as... a team?
Ferrari have gotten off with it through out the whole of Schumacher's career in the fashion of what McLaren did. At least McLaren let their two drivers push hard for a while rather than do a Ferrari where you know from the off that Massa/Barichello/Irvine wouldn't be allowed to push Schumacher.
I wander why the FIA didn't investigate Suzuka 2006 where I seem to remember Massa coming right off the throttle pedal to let Schumacher pass...
In the end do fans want to be deceived (the Ferrari way) or do they want to know more about how the race unfolded? In the end it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out they had backed off, does it?
Let me get this straight, all them years of Schumacher's team mates being told not to fight him and the FIA don't do anything about it and now when McLaren at least let there drivers drive on the ragged edge for part of the GP they are `under investigation.` That makes sense... So are they saying they should just keep it secret like the red team do?
I seem to remember Alonso romping away even after slowing heavily for the yellows and Hamilton being pretty ragged. In my view Ron had no option but to tell his drivers to take it easy, I don't think Lewis would have made the end of the GP had he let them push on. To me Lewis looked like he had to take a lot of chances to keep in touch with Alonso.
For me I reckon a sim can probably teach you the basics of car control and the influences of setup changes but still nothing like sitting in the car and driving its wheels off.
The one thing that really surprised me when I did my first race last year after about 4 years out of a kart was how I'd totally forgotten about G force from playing LFS. The first lap I spent thinking how LFS had made me totally forget about how sore it was to hit kerbs
I think the biggest area LFS can train you on is race craft. I feel I've learnt a lot in this area racing some good tough racers and I certainly noticed an improvement there. I was a lot more on the ball in the couple of races I did last year to when I was `more seriously` karting. That's one of the areas that is very hard to practice out with race meetings, sometimes I'd do the odd `pretend` pass when testing to find how late I could brake on a narrower line but still doesn't match having another competitor to navigate between.
It's great to have an ambition and you should aim for your goals but you do have to be realistic I'm afraid. Competing at top level karting alone is serious money and sponsors won't even look at you unless you can provide good coverage. But if you feel you've got the resources go for it, you can only try!
Why purchase a game that you continue to moan about and contradict yourself so much it's beyond a joke. One minute the cars `handle just like real life` with the added preload and now the physics aren't right?
I did wander as those 3 are all very much a like. Will take a close look at them, especially the French ones after the nightmare the Clio has been .
Because we are a business we can claim certain benefits for running a little `environmentally` friendly car. The swifts emissons are too high for us to claim these benefits.
Only two seats, needs at least 4. Doesn't matter whether it's all that comfortable in the back as it's very rare I carry more than 2 people.
Once I've got college work out the way going to see about some test drives at various dealers before hunting down second hand ones . I'm liking the Aygo because it seems to be cheap to run on road tax (seemingly £35 a year! I'm paying about £115 for a bloody 1.2 Clio :really and group 1 insurance.
Not really a city car and too expensive to run, plus I don't like them .