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Well you'll make it to lap 26 if that information is correct

S2 licensed
Quote from dUmAsS :yes, the zoomy thing with the whirley bit that goes vroom!

Theres two zoomy things on these ones though
S2 licensed
Had a little look and it all looks great fun

So when we starting the world cup ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Theafro :even just rubbing the other guy a bit (erm...) is dangerous, ok you're not supposed to but it happens, and when it does it's kinda like having body panels covered in Nitroglycerine, one tap and BOOM! you're over there.

it'd be nice to have different amounts of 'give' for each part of the car. also have you ever noticed how hard it is to cave the door in? it's very difficult to make a side impact mark.

That is exagerating a bit :P You can get off with scrubing door handles quite a lot I only find it can become a problem if the car leaning on you is putting a lot of there weight on to you, leaning on your car then it can become a problem, but usually you spin out before that happens

S2 licensed
I'd say send the replays here with some small description -

Then server admins will review the case, well thats my knowledge of it
S2 licensed
Quote from AxeBreaker : In the SCCA at a regional race, if someone held the outside and there was a wreck, the inside guy would get DQ'd or even lose his liscense for that!

Thats the most obscene rule I've ever heard on overtaking ... the guy on the outside is putting themselves at risk. Every single racing series I've followed the rules are the same on overtaking, nearly every major sport is covered by the FIA and MSA anyway. The guy on the inside has the racing line and the guy on the outside should yield or stupidly try stay on the outside (something which most racers will not do because you'll leave the door wide open for others).

Quote from Linsen :Montoya is pretty far on the inside approaching the turn, which therefore was pretty sharp for him, much sharper than for Rosberg, obviously. Yet, Montoya was going the same speed if not faster than Rosberg all the way into the turn. So, the question would be, how could that possibly work out? I guess it couldn't and I therefore think, Montoya was going too fast and was way too optimistic in attempting to pass there.

Montoya would have made the corner had Rosberg backed out. Would have made it even with Rosberg beside him had he not had to hit the kerb so hard. Montoya was committed to the corner and Rosberg saw it coming but didn't react in the way he should have.

Quote :screw modern F1

I'm not fussed really about the overtaking issue. The only thing I'd like rid of is TC. Personally I just love seeing these guys build such awesome cars. Nothing seems to be impossible to them theres always a solution or a way to bend the rules and it's just fantastic to think how do they come up with these ideas. You think people would've thought 10 years ago that F1 cars would be hitting over 200mph and reving to 19 000 odd RPM with V8s that are lasting two Grand Prixs ? Not a chance.

Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from MagicMarker27 :1) No marbles as it was lap1
2) Rosberg had every right to that corner, he was there 1st. It was Montoya that jumped off the curbing, and managed to escape only temporarily mind you, before his car's damage showed itself. Usually in open wheel shunts, the car in back gets the worst of it. That was an overly aggressive move from someone whos got to show what hes got since he has no contract signed as of yet for '07. And that kinda driving aint gonna get one either.

There's lots of debris off the line at the start of a Grand Prix. F1 isn't the only race of the weekend, there's many different classes racing around that track.

Rosberg lost the line, you have no right to the corner once your off the line. Montoya had him into the braking zone and Rosberg acknowledged this by giving Montoya room, at this point Rosberg had lost the line and should have yielded. I think Rosberg had a lot of weight on his shoulders after ruining Webbers lap and just tried to hold in there.

What are you taking about, the only damage done was to the nose. The reason he retired was because he hit `the wall of champions.`

It amazes me how people complain and complain about the lack of overtaking and how the drivers don't take enough risks. Yet when Montoya is charging he becomes stupid and overly aggressive.

When I race, I race aggressively in real life and in LFS (although only with people I know who will respond correctly in LFS). That's part of the thrill of racing is having a hard thought out battle.

S2 licensed
Quote from col :Did you really take this sentence completely out of context, and then interpret is as meaning "The marbles are there because of Montoya". If so, maybe less time on track, more in the classroom would be a good plan

No I'm getting at the point you made quoted below :

Quote : If what Coulthard said about the marbles is true, most of the blame lies with Montoya.

You say that if what Coulthard said is correct about the marbles then most of the blame lies with Montoya ... illepall

My point was is theres no reason for any of the blame to be put on Montoya for the conditions of the track. Rosberg knew the condition and if the marbles affected him shouldn't have stuck in there ...

I wasn't saying that Montoya was responsible for putting the marbles of rubber on the track

S2 licensed
Yea you'll be fine. I gather the people who will be wearing rib protectors are just trying to minimize the sore ribs you can get if your too small for the seat :P One thing I hate about hire karts is the seats are always too big for me so I move about in the seat and being made from plastic it doesn't help :P

S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :u had an engine blow up once and u gave up?

I didn't give up because of an engine blow up but it put a big hole in my budget that year As I said anyway TKM is dead up here So there must be a reason that everyones jumped ship to Max.

Last race up here there was no Snr TKMs and only one Jnr who was put onto the back of the Mini Max grid :P

S2 licensed
Quote from Alan Dove :'You have to remember a Max needs a lot less rebuilds, gives you good warning of bad jetting and doesn't need someone to help you bump start it :P Push the button and away you go.'

A MAX is a lot more expensive to buy, and needs to be rebuilt as often as a TKM to remain competitive. A set of tyres a race aswell!!!!!

A MAX may give you a warning a bad jetting, but you have to wait to the end of your ruined race to fix the problem. You can change the jetting in a TKM while you are driving! Oh, and the TaG thing, ALOT MORE TO GO WRONG, and takes away alot from the driving experience. I HATE HAVING A CLUTCH INTEFER!

Karts are supposed to be simple light and fun. A MAX just adds weight, and compication and takes the essence of what karting is away!.

And don't get more started on the power valve. The power delivery is so dull on a MAX!

I am not saying the TKM is great, but the MAX is a drisgrace to karting, and shouldn't be allowed on our race tracks. lol

It wasn't even designed for race usage! It's a leisure engine!

I have witnessed the rise of MAX, and nothing fills me more of dread than that engine! Its sounds like a fart to be frank aswell!

I cry because once Rotax actually made fantastic kart engines, but now they follow the ££££

Well maybe thats your opinion but considering I had a TKM engine go bang with no warning, turned out to be a faulty component not long after a rebuild. Cost me roughly £230-50 to rebuild. I can't remember the exact figure it cost me to rebuild the Max but it was a lot lot cheaper.

I'm just saying I did less racing with my TKM after the `big bang` and my season in Max turned out cheaper with a lot less problems. This is taking into consideration the cost of the engine, chassis etc.

I got off with using sets of tyres for many meetings and on a high wear circuit. Most of us did, only one person would race with a brand new set of tyres every race meeting and it didn't help him much.

I didn't have a power valve so can't comment Power delivery was pretty good in the Jnr although I used more fuel up than my Dad did in his Snr the season before

Maybe my experience of TKM was hampered by the engine blow up and not so great chassis but I can safely say I'd pick a Max over a TKM any day. No choice up here anyway, TKM is dead up my way unless you want to try keep up at the back of a bunch of Maxs

S2 licensed
I loved Max, theres no TKMs up my way anymore. They get put onto the back of the Max grid and end up lapped a few times by the end :P

Over the year I spent less on my Max than the TKM and was a lot more competitive. Didn't notice a lack of driving standards up here, had some great battles with the Scottish Champion that year and others.

You have to remember a Max needs a lot less rebuilds, gives you good warning of bad jetting and doesn't need someone to help you bump start it :P Push the button and away you go.
S2 licensed
Quote from col :
If what Coulthard said about the marbles is true, most of the blame lies with Montoya.

erm ...
S2 licensed
Quote from col :
Personally, I thought that it was naive of Rosberg to try to hold his line for reasons of self preservation - let Monty past, he will crash out later anyway .
If what Coulthard said about the marbles is true, most of the blame lies with Montoya.

Why should it be Montoya's fault for the marbles ? illepall

Rosberg should have realised the conditions of the outside line and taken to the grass but he tried to hang on in there and ended up causing a collision. Montoya had the inside line on the brakes, Rosberg obviously saw him as he wasn't going to hit the apex, at this point Montoya had Rosberg but Rosberg didn't yield like he should have and in the end put himself out of the GP.

My stance on overtaking throughout my years in karting is that you are only responsible for the move to the point where you have the line into the corner. After that the guy being passed is responsible for any contact as he has now lost the racing line. I learnt this the hard way when in my first year of cadets I tried to hang in around the outside and had a good run but the person squeezed me until I was on the grass and I had to back out of it, sending me right down the order as I struggled to get over to the inside to defend.

Rosberg has tough competition and if he wants to stay in F1 he needs to stop making silly errors, two in one weekend isn't going to help his cause.

S2 licensed
Quote from Live For Kill :well, the demo is attractive right now.

as i said before, it is too expensive in one piece, and thats why should be the S1 licences be sold. the online paying can cause problems, of course, but if we ask the devs that where we can send the money in enveloop... they might think that we want to rob them out

What's the difference in putting that £12 in a jar until you have another £12

The demo is fine, if you give people more then they still wont be happy. The more you give them the less reason they have to buy the game.
S2 licensed
I had the problem with `Racers and Hosts` until I did away with Norton Firewall. Now it opens up instantly when I click it, I'm guessing Norton was slowing down the data from getting to firefox. Racers and Hosts worked with me as long as I had the filters set so it didn't have to load too many hosts in one go.

S2 licensed
Just count the gears in your head I do it without even noticing now so I never have to look at the dash.

S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :aye, a "neutral" button on the stearing wheel, usually colours blue, I believe. A quick google search for an F1 wheel should clear it up - but I can't be bothered ...

7. Clutch lever ;-)
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :You don't have manual clutch on (in?) the real world BF1 anyway... And it wouldn't be too hard to imagine the fv8 with paddles...

There are manual clutches in F1 cars just they don't use it much because of all the fancy gadgets.

I remember last season Montoya was instructed to go by his pit man but the fuel hose got stuck and he had said afterwards, "It was lucky I still had my hand on the clutch so I could bring it to a stop quicker" or something along that lines.

S2 licensed
I have to agree and say that the only way I think a prokart would hit 85mph is with a tow from a half decent car

Snr Rotax Max, 2 stroke engine, 125cc and 28.5 hp will only hit 70-80mph tops. That's lighter than a prokart as well! Realistically a prokart probably goes 60-65mph, a Honda Cadet hits 50mph with just one engine but weighs a heck of a lot less

My Jnr Max which was about 20.5 hp would probably hit 70mph tops.

Prokarts have around 3.5/4hp per engine if I remember correctly ?
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
I had a tough job myself trying to get sponsorship of any sort. Even asked at a place called `Auto Parts` where my Dad buys a lot of bits for the cars like bearings etc and they wouldn't even do anything. I even said I'd be happy enough to put logos on the kart if they supplied me with stuff like 2 stroke oil. Out of three years I only got one sponsor who bought me a set of slicks and wets which I was over the moon to get considering the state all my sets of tyres were getting in

Your best bet is to try local smallish companies but even then you'll probably struggle to raise that sort of money because companies just don't see how it will advertise there brand. The good thing with local companies is if you do well and you get your local newspaper on the case they'll hopefully see a picture of your kart with their brand on it.

Prokarts are sealed engines are they not ?

S2 licensed
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :I want damage in patch V. Bumpers hanging off, bonnets unhinged so wreckers have an obscured view, if part fall off, they lie on the track where they stop untill a track change / restart. Be brill.

Marshals clear the track of derbis ... you couldn't exactly have F1 cars running over a front wing lap after lap
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :This would not add realism, unless you race open topped cars without a crash helmet and overalls.

I was about to say that

The only time you ever really feel the wind on your face is if you open up the visor for a bit of a breather but you only really do that in long runs.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :AFAIK it's their full time job. Scawen and Eric worked at Lionhead before, until they decided to do their own thing and make LFS. No idea about Vic and how/where they found him ().

I'm sure in an interview somewhere it said that Victor worked in a bakers before LFS, but I may just be cofusing this with something else Problem is I read that a while back now and have no idea where to look for it.

S2 licensed
I'm sure this happened with a vMax server sometime last year. Again the only way to solve it was a reset of the dedi host if I remember rightly, Tux probably knows better since he deals with the server
