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Quote from shaun463 :whats wrong with gamemaker?

It was a bit of fun to mess around with about 4/5 years ago but very limiting in what is achieveable, the nature of that sort of software I guess.

It basically handles everything for you, I had more fun messing about with QBASIC at the time
S2 licensed
People still use game maker...
S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :
When someone tailgates me, am I the only one that's tempted to lightly tap the brake with my left foot so it doesn't slow the car down, but puts the brake lights on and makes the pillock behind me back off?

I do it all the time. Just use my left foot to light up the brake lights or at slower speeds I use the handbrake when slowing for junctions.

It's when your on a dual carriage way and you just touch the brake pedal, god do those people shit themselves But they should be thankful I'm not one of the many who will just slam the brakes on and sue for all they can. It's not like I'm driving some fancy car, someone would be doing me a favour if they wrote it off for me
S2 licensed
Quote from BrandonAGr :
What is it with people and dodging a dog? Sure go hard on the brakes, but I would hit the dog rather than going off the road.

The problem is in a situation like that you have no time to even think, you just react.

Last week I was coming home at about 11.00pm and just as I was going around a long sweeping left hand corner and just out of the corner of my eye I saw a cat darting across the road. I straightened the car up to try avoid hitting it with the rear of the car but unfortunately it didn't stop running and I clipped it with the rear mud guard. Okay I didn't panic but I put that down to experience I've had from racing, for a lot of people they will just automatically try to avoid it at all costs not taking into consideration losing control of the car.

Problem is those videos don't seem to do much... That same night some idiot in a Corsa with silly wings attached passed 3 of us (all doing 60mph) around the outside of a blind corner. Considering it was only a little 1.2 you can imagine trying to find the momentum to pass 3 cars doing 60 took a long time. Forcing us all to brake blooming hard as he forced the person in front into the verge when he saw the oncoming car when we got around the corner.

Had that been me at the front in that position? I'd have made sure he took the front of my car just enough to cause damage so I could claim off his insurance. The problem is these idiots think they are elite and get a thrill from risking other peoples lives...
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Not the greatest photos I've taken but the best of something moving quickly Since then I've learnt so much about using the camera correctly through my photography module at college. Really starting to enjoy taking photos now I understand how the aperture affects the depth of field.

Unfortunately all my good photos are done on black & white film as the module is teaching traditional photography so don't have any to hand.

Camera is a Canon 300D
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :TOO HARD TO CONTROL!

The FO8 isn't too hard to control, it's just your right foot that you have problems controling .

Quote :Traction Control for the Formula V8 can help. But treaded tyres can help(i think) to help. More people will use it, and well, the tyres would be labelled.

Please don't tell me you think treaded tyres produce more grip than slicks... If F1 teams were allowed they'd be running slicks but rules state they must use treaded tyres to bring the corner speeds down. The slicks being used on GP2 cars have been proven to have more grip than F1 tyres.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :So for another ten quid you could've got a Driving Force Pro, which is actually a really good wheel. Nice one... :rolleyes:

heh, don't tell him It's people like him that make us eBayers money, paying more for the item than it's actually worth .
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :To bad you missed all the threads that have been deleted. After they were posted here (well not here, but on their team thread here) they mysteriously vanished.

I see! Never saw.

Now to try take away the points I made he has gone through the posts editing out the talks of S2 cracks, pitty he hasn't actually edited it so it makes sense Also the posts in their original form are quoted in my post anyway

You either stick with your word that there is nothing `dodgy` with your team and leave posts as they are rather than try cover things up which has just made it worse.

I couldn't care less whether you use the crack or not, plenty do and they never experience the real part of LFS. What I don't like is sneakily editing posts like what you've done (aka Cr!t!calDrift or other member on his team) so people think "WTF! Is he (i.e Me) on about."

Quote from Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:47 pm : So, do we all have S2? *wink wink*

Maybe we could get a dedicated Local Host so we can all play S2 whenever we want, but for now im gonna put the non-cracked .exe in my folder so i can play online.
See u guys on the server

Changed to (I'm assuming last night)

Quote from Post now Edited, some 3 months later :So, do we all have S2?

Maybe we could get a dedicated Local Host so we can all play S2 whenever we want, but for now im gonna put the LFS.exe in my folder so i can play online.
See u guys on the server

S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :thank you for this spammy public service announcement...

That's rich coming from you...
and so on...

I don't see anything wrong with it, it's more informative than most threads and lets people like me who don't look at that section of LFSW know...
S2 licensed
Quote from glyphon :no, six people use a wheel other than one of the 4 listed, and one of those six stated that he uses the Saitek wheel.

but hey, its your money. don't let these other people try and make you feel bad about your purchase. i don't care what anyone says, any wheel (that works) is better than a gamepad or mouse/keyboard.

the wheel you are looking at looks similar to the wheel i had before i upgraded to a g25. i used to have a driving force ex (the ps2 wheel), and i loved it at the time.

now, i'd be hard pressed to go back to that wheel for any reason, but at the time, that's all i knew, and i loved it. my old wheel has been passed on to a friend that i got hooked on LFS and my dad (who i also got hooked) purchased a DF ex for his wheel and has a grand time with it.

so, ignore they nay-sayers and enjoy your wheel when it arrives.

I don't think there are any `nay-sayers` as such. He has two threads going, one asking for advice. So we all chip in and give our views yet he goes for the one least recommended...

I just can't believe (from the other thread) he was/has paid £42 for it . That's an utter rip off, you could get a DFP or Momo for that money which has FF.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :6 players use the same wheel as i am getting nope i don't have any second doubts about the wheel.

No, 6 voted for Other. If you happen to read the posts in this thread you will see Hyperactive is one of the `Other` and he uses a Non-FF MS wheel.

I'm really baffled to why you bother to ask for advice and just turn a blinds eye to it... Out of interest how much have you paid for this wheel?
S2 licensed
Quote from stevewhite :Maybe when the devs are completely finished. S3 is years old, just before lfs goes open source (I wish)

LFS... open source. You got to be kidding me.

That's like saying here you go ISI, heres the solution to all your problems without having to pay a penny for our 6+ years of work.
S2 licensed
I think one thing LFS should keep is its nice small file size. On the odd occasion I try another demo on the PC or my brothers xBox 360 I often get put off with downloading the 600mb+. You have to remember most people may have broadband but most have limits. Currently I have quite a high limit but doubt we can afford to keep it so will have to drop it down.

I see no reason why the devs couldn't have a section under the downloads for hi-res textures either made by the community or by Eric. At least that leaves an option for those with low usage / slow net connection or an old PC to use low res textures.

It certainly does make LFS look a lot nicer.
S2 licensed
So what was the point in asking for peoples opinions?

It's your money and if you want to go blow it on that pile of poo then go for it. I've used that wheel on `simulators` and I found it about as fun as using a PS2 game pad.

Why you don't just go for the SideWinder which is far better wheel with FFB and probably cheaper is beyond me...

edit// Please don't tell me your spending £42 on it :| I don't even think a sane person would buy my far better quality Momo compared to that for that...
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :The only 360 member in those two posts was Nismo. Velocity quit LFS, Sephir made a new team, and that guy who was banned was never on the team :S.

I guess I won't get any help here, and it's come to the point where I'll probably just delete Live For Speed. No point in going any further now..

Are you looking for sympathy or something? You keep throwing the toys out the pram in various threads yet your still kicking around... So it's obviously an empty threat... for some reason I don't understand as I doubt anyone could really care whether you leave LFS or not.

A team is a group of people that are representing that title, in your case `360`. To me when I see someone from a team (in this case 360) openly discussing a cracked version of LFS as quoted below:

Quote :So, do we all have S2? *wink wink*

Maybe we could get a dedicated Local Host so we can all play S2 whenever we want, but for now im gonna put the non-cracked .exe in my folder so i can play online.
See u guys on the server

They are representing that team. Just discussing setting up a dedicated local host to get around the security systems to stop cracked versions being used online suggests there are a group of you with cracked copies in that team. If your team was so innocent you'd do the right thing and have deleted those threads when they were started, that's what most teams would do.

Edit/ Btw I love how after me pointing out the above thread you've decided to pipe up in it 3 months later... I'm not questioning whether or not you use a cracked version of S2, not me to judge. But it gives you team a very bad image in the community to have such talked about by team members.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :I'm disappointed as well. However, now that BMW have done, who's to say that some other team might give it a try

BMW will have a say
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :If I remember correctly, FileListBox returns an array of selected items, soooo;

Dim i
For i = 0 To FileListBox1.ListCount - 1
If FileListBoxList1.Selected(i) = True Then
Debug.Print FileListBox1.List(i)
End If

the Debug.Print FileListBox1.List(i) should print out every file you have selected

Thats it, thanks Didn't realise it retured an array of selected items.
LFS Setup Manager (needs some VB6 pointers)
S2 licensed
The `Setup Manager` was an idea I had quite a while back and was reminded of it by Ian.Hs replay manager. So I've decided to give it a bash and see if I could make it work because I need something to sort my setups folder out... What a mess

So far I've got it moving individual setups back and forth. It also moves folders of setups in one go as well. My problem is now I don't know how to use the MultiSelect function of the FileListBox. I've googled around and haven't really found anything that explains it well.

What I want to be able to do is select multiple setups from the left `FileListBox` so they can all be copied in one go without the user having to select them individually. Where I'm stuck is finding out which ones are actually selected, all I have managed to get is the last selected one.

If anyone is wandering where I plan to go with this then here's a little list
  • Remember the last bulk of setups copied to LFS folder so you can restore them all to the manager at a click of a button. So say you copy your Aston sets folder but now need your Fern Bay ones, you can restore them to save your Aston ones getting mixed with your FE ones.
  • I also thought of maybe making it so you can leave a comment in the Manager for each setup and a little description for each folder.
  • Using InSim so you could type something like $sets [folder_name] and it would move the sets in that folder to LFS. To save the hassle of having to minimize LFS everytime you need a new bunch of sets. Although this one, I'm not so sure of as I have no idea on how to construct packets in VB6.
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :try adding a passenger and ajusting your car witrh that slight bit more weight , kinda helps me but then again , its not really needed

*cough* */cough*

Anyway, I keep meaning to try the RAC now with the preload. Made the RWDs a lot more fun to drive.
S2 licensed
I don't think anyone really expected them to go full chat... did they?

Nick would have probably easily gone significantly faster but that's not what the team were there to do, nor did they want him to with the risk that something might break and put him out for the season.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :

Yea , something that we could organise the setups by track/how ever you want. Then the program could copy the setups out of the settings folder so you could copy a select back few into your settings folder.

Maybe even use InSim so you could use commands like $sets FE1 or $sets RACE and it then copies the setups in that group to the settings folder.

Dunno, was an idea I had a while ago and this program kinda of reminded me about it .

S2 licensed
Dam, missed this thread :o

If your still taking entries... Keiran(FO8)
S2 licensed
Quote from sigor1976 :Congratulation!!!

If you asked me, dont sall it, please!!!
If you dont have monay now for driving it, you can look at it in you garage every day (for me it is enough for M6, uhhhh), for few years you will have monay for driving it, it is something you won,


From his profile on another website he is only 16.

I don't know how bad insurance in Germany is but here you'll be lucky to find a insurance company that will even look at you. For me to have my own policy for my 1.2 Clio it would cost about £1000-1200, and that's with a year under my belt with no convictions. Not to mention fuel costs, I find it hard to keep the needle above the R at 90.9p a litre and rising every week... And that's getting a bit over 40mpg

Cars depreciate so much, personally I'd rather get the money and shove it in a savings account. At least then your gaining money rather than losing it while it sits there doing nothing...
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
This is the sort of thing we need for setups! Nice tool, shall help me remove them replays from previous versions that don't play anymore