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Quote from Blackout :As I said, I got no idea what sort of sizes we are talking about here. Besides, mechanical failures and steward not using the black flag properly is different from letting a car with loose wheel on the track.

The part they are talking about is the end of the exhaust that broke and was dangling all over the back of the car only being held by what looked like a wire, probably a temperature sensor.

There should be some form of penalty to the team in the way of a fine but to suspend them is silly. In that case Red Bull should be suspended because it was the exact same scenario, the loli-pop man not doing his job correctly. There was a whole pit crew in the pits when Webber had to avoid Kimi, if Kimi had been a little bit closer to the right they'd have touched and probably taken 6/7 mechanics with them.

The team hardly decided they'd delibratley put Alonso out with a wheel that wasn't attached correctly
S2 licensed
Quote from Reik :Wha? His visor was closed. And I'm pretty sure he didn't hit his steeringwheel. I mean, his HANS didn't break, or did it?

The HANS did its job perfectly. HANS is not only their to minimize the drivers head movement but to decelerate the drivers head movement. All you have to do is compare his head movements to Mika's crash in Adelaide 95.

All the damage done to Massa was striking that object, he probably smacked his face off the front of the helmet with all the energy going through it.

Such a shocking accident to happen only 6 days after Surtees was tragically killed by a stray wheel. Hopefully Massa makes a full recovery and doesn't suffer any long term effects. Mixed stories all over the web, hard to judge what sort of condition he is in

Makes me wander if single seaters should be fitted with ignition kills on heavy impacts. When Surtees hit the barriers, had he not lost a wheel god knows where his car would have gone next. Massa's car was obviously going no where but again his car was bouncing on the rev limiter whilst burried in the tyres.
S2 licensed
R.I.P Henry, very unlucky
S2 licensed
Does look like he was braking to some degree, both front wheels are partially locking on the grass.

Very unlucky circumstances, unfortuantley it will be a miracle if he hasn't suffered some form of injury. Makes me sore just thinking of the energy that thing bounced off his head with.

Saying that was it not Da Matta who survived a deer striking him in the head? Although if I remember rightly it was a long road to recovery.
S2 licensed
I'll never understand the whole Mac vs PC mentality... I'll happily use vista and OSX without having to slate either or.

I bought myself one of the new generation 13" MacBooks a few months back, the biggest deciding factor was its robustness. Every windows laptop I looked at felt cheap and had 100s of plastic flaps ready to break off if you dared remove them. My Mac is made of aluminum and has one part that removes to expose the hard drive and battery, no CD drive pinging out ready for someone to snap.

I'm really amazed at its performance whilst dealing with hefty files in illustrator and photoshop. I've yet to suffer any real major slow downs and false program not responding messages. The only thing that niggles me is the glass screen is too glossy so any daylight bouncing off it makes it very hard to use.

Competition is a good thing in the OS department!
S2 licensed
Bet Pedrosa's boss will be having a word with him about that one!! If Rossi had needed those extra points he'd have stuck that bike right down the inside (Jerez 05 anyone?).

Pretty dull race compared to last year !
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :+1. Ridiculous that everybody is his fan suddenly.

But he has always had a strong following of fans, just look at his concert it sold out within hours... My Mum was trying to get tickets, she went onto the site just before they went on sale and couldn't get any due to the demand. They even added more dates and after that even added some more tickets all of which sold out.

It's like any big figure no matter what industry it is there's going to be a strong group of fans. Same thing with Ayrton Senna, look at his funeral in Brazil and how many lined the streets to pay their respects.

I'm not really a fan of his, I like his music but can't help respect he was a very talented performer.
S2 licensed

I drive these at work, weighing something like 160kgs it's pretty damn heavy for a kart!
Muchmore UK GP
S2 licensed

Last weekend at my local radio control car club (based in Stonehaven, Scotland) we hosted the Much More UK Grand Prix for the 3rd year running. The entry was down a bit this year but a few of the big names made the trip to race namely Chris Grainger, Olly Jefferies, Alan Bickerstaf (Ireland) and Niels Koenekoop (Holand).

Usually I have a torrid time of it, but this year everything went smoothly for me... mechanically!! My driving could have been a bit better, a few too many mistakes but I still managed to qualify in the A-Final which I was chuffed with.

Unfortunately the finals didn't go well for me, finishing 10th overall. All the A-Finals were recorded for pro-stock and modified and can be viewed online @

Turn the player on the left on by clicking it, click "on demand" at the bottom, Muchmore UK GP 09, then theres various videos to check out. I highly recommend watching the pro stock and modified finals to see some pretty damn close racing! Especially the modified guys, our track has a massive straight with a banked corner so the cars reach silly speeds .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I am doing maybe 40, in 4th ready to overtake - but theres really not that much pull.

Basically - I just need it to be a little faster for overtaking...

I don't think i'll be changing my car though, unless I find something stupidly cheap...

What revs your car doing at 40mph in 4th? In my fiesta I'd be dropping down to 3rd before pulling out to overtake. Not only that I tend to keep back from what I'm trying to overtake and just as I'm reaching the section of road I plan to overtake at, start accelerating hard so I've already got some decent speed before I pull out.
S2 licensed
KERS could prove handy in qualifying, making time on the straights is a piece of piss so to have that advantage over most of the field could help some drivers a lot.
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"If I get the slightest sniff of the fact that they have favoured Jenson, I will hang up my helmet tomorrow," he told United States channel SpeedTV.
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Started one in the vMax camp but only two of us have joined it!! So opening this up to anyone up for a F1 2009 season. (direct join URL if your logged in)
ID: 39746
Pass: tehn00b
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It's not only the drivers who are at serious risk in those conditions. Drivers would be unable to see flags at the side of the circuit meaning marshals (who volunteer) would be put at massive risk whilst trying to recover cars.

The cars simply aren't designed to run in those sort of conditions, especially when they're setup for dry conditions.
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :What's wrong with Granite buildings anyway? Something doesn't have to be colourful and brash to be beautiful.

I quite agree, the likes of the marischal college are impressive buildings and amazingly well built considering all the intricate details. But it never changes, I can go there tomorrow, two weeks time and it will be exactly the same.

I don't condone the fact that they are defacing other peoples property but at the same time I can't help but be intrigued by it. Those guys have some serious skill to paint at the rate they do and make such a clean, crisp job of it.

The week I spent in Amsterdam, I much preferred looking at the graffiti over going to some of the museums such as the Van Gogh. It just inspired me so much more, espcially out in a rundown part that appeared to be getting taken over by start-up designers. There was lines of brick wall plastered with some amazing graffiti.

As with anything everyone has different views on it, hence why I was intridgued to hear other peoples opinions and it certinally has opened my mind on the subject .
S2 licensed
Some interesting views!

Quote from JJ72 :...snip...Better off being destroyed than some stuck up art critics hail it as the new age pop art and make millions off it.

That's a very interesting post, never actually thought about it in that way and I agree. Whilst in Amsterdam I was in graffiti shop which had canvases with graffiti on them and I have to say whilst graphically they were nice it didn't have the same "shock" appeal as it does on the street.
Graffiti, your view?
S2 licensed
I'm currently writing an essay for uni and doing it on the graffiti scene in Amsterdam. Having been in Amsterdam at the start of the month it was obvious for me to see there seemed to be a massive graffiti culture, certainly compared to where I stay.

Just interested to see what peoples views are on good graffiti, do you see it as vandalism? Especially anyone from the Netherlands as it seems to be more tolerated over there.

To get the ball rolling, my view on it is that I think cities should embrace it a lot more. I know that some places are sticking boards up for graffiti which is a start but working with graffiti artists cities could look so much more colourful. My nearest city being Aberdeen, the granite city its as a dull as it gets. Everything is gray!

S2 licensed
The problem is your breaking the EULA that you've agreed to when purchasing LFS and pretty much most software/music/games out there have a similar statement.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vinnylegends :He must not race.
First he must train and drive alot of meters!
Then maybe after a year consider racing!

I don't understand your logic... I know very few people who spent lots of time testing over racing. The only ones I have known of have either been too young or bought a kart to mess around with then caught the bug. I doubt he is looking at competing in the formula kart stars or any other major kart series in his first year.

I had about two hours in a hire kart and a further hour or two in my cadet before my first meeting. Didn't really harm me any, was always fighting with the top 3/4 in cadets at my local track.

If I was him I'd just get right in there and race at club level for the first year. Practicing is all well and good but you'll never quite know how you compare with the guys you'll actually be racing. At least if he races he'll have a benchmark, gain valuable racing experience (starts, race craft, general running of meetings etc) and also meet other racers to help him out.
S2 licensed
Without a license he can't race... No matter how silly the system seems you have no option but to do the ARKS test if you want to race. Its the same with the ARDS, one of my mates told me it was piss easy.
S2 licensed
Not much really, as I said in one of my previous posts I drove around the track in my kart for a handful of laps and did a 10 question multiple choice paper afterwords which was basic stuff. Sort of questions you'll get are ones on difference between stationery yellow and waved and other simple stuff.

Guess it depends, the ARKS tester had seen me do plenty of laps around the track beforehand so knew I was competent and safe enough so maybe I didn't go through the `full procedure.`
S2 licensed

It's a pack containing all the information you need to know to pass your ARKS test.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Its very simple, unless the driver in front can find a very satisfactory reason why they suddenly had to brake sharply on a straight piece of road they are going to be entirely responsible for the vehicle behind failing to stop in time and ending up in the back of them.

Since when was that the case? Even if the person in front brakes as hard as they can deliberately, causing you to pile into the back of them you will still be held at fault. You're supposed to drive with a safe gap between the car in front for a reason so that doesn't happen. Its your fault if you find yourself in that position, one which is easily avoidable by not driving so close.

If they did it deliberately they are not going to say that outright (although I wander if it would change the outcome...), all they have to say is they saw something on the road.

If that's what you really think, you'll be in for a shock if you do actually hit the back of someone... regardless of whether or not they brake test you.
S2 licensed
It all depends how serious he is wanting to take it. I started with minimal experience (probably an hour on little 4 strokes indoors) before I started racing and did reasonably well at club level, finished 3rd in my local club championship 2 seasons. Also gave the Scottish max champion (2002) a run for their money when they came to our local track. The only thing I'd say is, be prepared for a big shock as a cadet is nothing compared to a rotax or TKM!

I had a lot of help from the fact my Dad had raced for years prior to me starting but I also learnt lot through watching motorsport and other karters. Once you grasp the basic understandings of getting round the track quickly it's all about practice and trial n' error.

A very rough figure off the top of my head, my final year racing (jnr max) probably cost about £3-4000 excluding chassis.

If you have the opportunity to race a kart, even on a tight budget I'd jump at it! You'll have a lot of fun and a lot of great memories from it. When I look back to when I raced, I used to get so pissed off with how little money we could spend compared to our rivals. They used to have a couple new sets of tyres a weekend, whilst I'd be using tyres on their 2nd or 3rd meeting! But the satisfaction when you bet them with "inferior" equipment was a great feeling!