It was his choice to sit in that car. If he had said there was no way he was going to do it, they'd have not put him in the car. Many people would give an arm and a leg to do it and I'm sure he was the same. I bet anyone could get a shot of that jet powered car if they have the money.
The fact they are saying they think he'll make a `good` recovery seems like careful word choice to me, I just hope it's not hinting that they feel he maybe suffer permanent damage
I've done a bit of googling but can't find the information I'm after.
What it is that my local R/C club's software can export the results in CSV format, my idea was using this to upload the results and store them in a database. Using the database entries a lot of the manual work involved could be cut down.
Is it hard to sort out the information held within the CSV file? Obviously it all needs to be sorted out into, Car Number, Name, Result etc which is where I'm stuck at the moment. Maybe there's a particular technique or tutorial I could read up on if this idea is possible?
Attached is an example of how the software outputs it, as I don't have access to the clubs laptop this is just a race I've thrown together manually. A race may have various amount of drivers, if that makes any difference. Also the lap entry holds every lap the driver does during the race.
GP4 tracks seem pretty spot on to me for a game anyway. Take a look around at some of the GP4 vs real life comparisons, they are pretty much identical.
There seems to be some patch on the horizon for nK which is a good sign, although Kunos should really be working his ass off to make up for all this time. I really hope nK gets into a workable (I mean bugless) state where it can be improved because I think it has a lot of potential.
So far not communicating with the community and having a `tip of the week` that never changes isn't helping his cause.
[disclaimer]Having very little knowledge myself on riding motorbikes etc I maybe wrong[/disclaimer].
I'm sure I heard them say (Eurosport) that the problem for the riders is they can't push the front like you can in a car as if you lose the front on the bike you'll most likely be on the ground. Obviously in something with four wheels you can understeer a fair bit and continue on but on a bike I guess it's face first onto the tarmac
Not sure, Eurosport usually repeat it a few times.
Good race though. A few races ago I was doubting The Doctor's chances but is he digging deep or what. He is like the only rider on a Yahama ever near the front
Nicky must be destroyed at Rossi clawing the championship gap down.
I'm not `seeing` things he changes direction 3 times and I've already explained at the points where he does. Just need an onboard shot from Schumcaher's car so you can actually see the wheel movements.
I know some other drivers and teams commented on it but can't remember where I read them. This is the only quote I can find as it was officialy said in the press conference thing.
Ferrari are not still running there flexi wings which were in question. Of course every cars wings are flexing as they'd just break otherwise. It's the way in which the front upper element of Ferrari's wing was breaking apart from the nose cone. Also breaking the rule which states aerodynamic parts must be securely attached to the car.
That's news to me that race stewards do scruteneering. I very much doubt they do considering during qualifying cars are constantly being pulled in to be weighed so would defeat the purpose of the race stewards who should be monitoring the on track action.
Doing what? Max Mosley was adamant that they had made the right decision and there was no question about it, now they've gone back on that decision.
They should be at least publicly apologising to Renault.
Thanks for that video, proved my point exactly. He changes direction 3 times, you are only allowed to move once and technically back to the racing line. He moves once across to try stop the fast starting Alonso but fails. He then sees Fisi so moves across on him and he then comes back across towards Alonso to force him out wide to stop him from driving clean around the outside, like he was away to do. You can clearly see from Alonso's onboard camera he has to avoid the kamikaze Ferrari.
My point is that the flexi wings took ages before they were removed from the Ferrari. The FIA were stamping down on it yet Ferrari continued to run them without penalty nor threat.
Renault had to remove the mass damper at the click of a finger and were told after that race meeting they'd be allowed to put it back on the car until the court case. So when Renault turn up with the device at Hungary they are forced to remove it as the car failed pre race scruteneering because of it.
To me that shows one thing only, the FIA trying to mess Renault around and put them on there back foot. It's been highlighted many times since with all sorts of strange penalties. This is not how a governing body should work, and especially one of such high profile as the FIA.
Just taken a look around the website and watched the video, looked great fun
From the onboard video it looked great, I guess the only problem with them small 2 run sprints is the tyres are probably barely reaching optimum temps .
This doesn't state that only the front wing is included. This rule is designed to cover the whole car. It doesn't exclude the steering wheel, throttle pedal and brake pedal which all have a degree of freedom. This device has been in the Renault since the end of 05 and has never been questioned. Yet the FIA can just stamp there foot all of a sudden at a GP weekend and tell them to remove it. Even though the stewards are the people that ultimately make the decision on the race weekend and they stated that it was legal.
Ferrari were the ones running the most obvious Flexi wing to the lot. I've yet to see hard evidence of significant movement on the Renault wings, when I've seen pictures onboard the Ferrari where the whole upper element has come away from the nose cone.
This just isn't about the mass damper saga, fair enough if that was the only penalty given to Renault but so far there has been a few controversial decisions.
A) Changing the rules to let Schumacher off with corner cutting. Now any driver can just fly down the inside and as long as they are a nose ahead fly over the tarmac run off and take the position without having to let them re-pass.
B) Penalising Alonso for overtaking under yellow flag when he had no option but to as the car moved over and slowed. He was 3.8 seconds off or something like that at the split so wasn't even pushing under yellows.
C) Ban of mass damper which I still believe doesn't have a solid rule to ban it.
D) Monza penalty which only one team I've seen agree with and that's the red one.
E) Turkish GP start which I thought was very dodgy from Schumacher, in the end resulting in Fisi spinning.
There are drivers on that grid like Mark Webber who to me was hinting at the FIA putting Renault on there back foot when he was talking about the penalty and the ban of the mass damper.
F1 is in a sad state of affairs and with FIA logic it's not getting any better.
They banned it under a rule ruling that an aerodynamic device should not move. They have twisted the ruling to say that this influences the aerodynamics of the car and moves therefore is illegal, so on that logic ban the steering wheel, brake pedal and throttle pedal which all have a larger influence on the aerodynamics.
Ferrari are getting off with breaking rules with them disc things, and so are other teams. That is not one mould and is being changed everytime they change the wheels, thus breaking parc ferme rules. Have the FIA banned them? Ferrari used flexi wings for ages and there was clear evidence of the wing pulling apart from the car under stress, how long did it take for that to be banned? A life time. How long did it take them to say you can't use the mass dampers? Basically one day, forcing Renault to remove the system.
Plenty has gone on this season to disadvantage Renault and a lot of it has been very suspicious and quite frankly it shouldn't be. A decision shouldn't leave most of the teams and drivers except the one it's advantaging thinking "WTF!". A decision should be based on hard evidence.
You quote me where he blames the FIA for a blown engine... He wouldn't have run high RPMs all the way through the race if he had started 5th, Renault know what they are doing. They wouldn't stress the engine with no hope in hell of making it pay off. Fastest laps mean nothing in a race, if he can lap quicker than them over a stint. Kimi set many fastest laps last year did it win him all the races?
Childish and whiny? This is the first time I've seen him complain and he has very right to do so. The FIA have gone out of there way to disadvantage Renault and Alonso this year.
Funny how they changed the rule just to get Schumcaher out of trouble for cutting the chicane, isn't it?
I'm merely pointing out that so far you started off with Alonso overtaking and brake testing the RBR under a red flag, that changed to a yellow flag when it was done under no flags...
When did I say it was right? illepall I've already stated that Alonso deserved the penalty for brake testing the RBR driver. The three penalties I don't agree with and I believe point to the FIA spicing the championship quoted from one of my previous posts:
What are you on about? This is the first time I've seen Alonso moan about anything and he has every right to. When you consider the millions of pounds flying around that team, you do realise the amount it means to teams to be able to advertise that they are the worlds best? Something Renault were very much on course to do even with the Ferrari having the upper hand but the FIA have intervened and made 3 very controversial penalties/ban to spice up the championship.
I can't believe for one second that anyone here wouldn't be jumping up and down at that penalty.
I've a Mk1 1.2 Clio which is horrible in the wet. You'd think the nice thin tyres would just grip the road but by god is it understeer city. Tyres are probably down to about 2mm and hard as hell but it's a very easy car to catch. You'll always get understeer or oversteer in the wet, it's the nature of less grip. I think my days of karting have without a doubt kept me on the road and made me aware of how I should drive.
It's the very fact that I can be sitting in a friends car and I've said did you know your car was understeering a bit there, and they'll say whats understeer? This friend doesn't even drive over the speed limit nor does he thrash his car he just couldn't feel it.
Thats the biggest reason for crashes in the wet or even the dry because people don't know when the car loses grip. You should be taken to a kart track and taught how to drive in the wet, that would shake some people up.
So you don't say that Alonso passed under a red flag...
If Schumacher had only passed Alonso then yes there would be a possibility of him playing games. But to come flying up behind 2 other cars and then just drive right around the outside of the whole 3 is breaking the rules, full stop. Alonso only slowed down when Schumacher was on his way passing the BMW rookie who seemed to understand the rules better than the old man. So far you've yet to justify how Alonso planned this all out, to actually get Schumacher onto the tail of the group, did he telepathically tell Schumacher to overtake?
Coulthard at nürburgring ? What are you on about? Back in Coulthards day at McLaren? Coulthard ****ed up, and I'd be the first to defend Coulthard. He is the driver I support, hell I don't even support Alonso, I just admire him for what he is achieving at such a young age.
LOL don't make me laugh, he never blamed the FIA for a blown engine. He merely stated that he was running in the dirty air a lot more than he would have had he started where he wanted, and he was running it high revs all the way. Renault have said the engine blowing is part of the sport, it's the interfering which isn't.
This year is just going more and more to a fixed championship, when I say that I mean in the way to spice it up. Make it close right down to the wire. The FIA trying to spice it up because so far they've left most teams and drivers puzzled at the ban of the mass damper system and the penalty Alonso took. Then add on the yellow flag `pass` from Hungary which is just illepall
Man oh man, do you just read a little bit of forum posts and make a conclusion or what illepall You obviously don't watch F1 very closely, if at all.
Ralf Schumacher's car was travelling so slowly that it caught many drivers out. I know because one of my Dad's friends was at the GP at the corner just out of the tunnel. He said loads of drivers were caught out. Alonso went through the tunnel and excepted Ralf to yield, Ralf didn't resulting in Alonso being on the dirty side which put him in the wall. That car of Ralfs should have been given the black/orange flag as it was a danger on the track.
Please, please tell me who he passed under a yellow flag waving his hands while brake testing them FACT is there was no yellow or red flag which you seem to think there was. There was no supposedly, he held him up, Alonso was frustrated that he'd wasted one of his set of allocations of tyres and let out his frustration. This is the only time I've seen Alonso crack like that and with the pressure on his shoulders he has a strong head.
Hungary everything was against him, the penalties of one which he didn't deserve and two the mass damper saga meaning they were forced to remove them when they were told they'd be allowed to use them, last minute call by the FIA failing Red Bulls car. Giving they had a whole week or two they surely could have informed teams they changed there mind rather than just fail the cars at pre race scrutenering? Yet with all this going on Alonso kept his head and drove a stunning first few laps to be right up in the chase. Even when Schumacher blocked him when he should have yielded under the blue flags he just kept his head. Then the wheel nut went, did he throw a hissy ? No, he just walked off knowing he had lost an easy win.
Turkey, the car wasn't quick enough but did he crack? No, he kept himself up in the chase and it paid off. Schumi was too busy relaying on his team mate to slow down at some point in the GP that when the safety car came out he was screwed. Alonso took the position and held him off with some very nice smart defending.
Monza, a stupid penalty applied and a very frustrated Alonso. Did he fly into T1 with red mist taking over? No he kept his head and drove a fantastic race to 3rd to have an engine failure. Did he threw a fit and throw his steering wheel a mile away? No he just kept his head.
Not many drivers would keep such a positive look that Alonso does, even ice cool Kimi cracks and throws things about, can you blame him? No. Just because Alonso shows his frustration at back markers with his hands doesn't mean he is the only one. You really think that not one of them drivers gets very frustrated when being held up? Some will let it out verbally, some will start driving aggressively and others will let it out with gestures.
My first race my Dad told me that if anyone does something which is wrong or frustrates you let it out with a gesture. That way someone and/or the clerk of the course may see it. It's the most effective way to get the attention of marshals etc who aren't doing there job properly.
He did the exact same thing to the exact same driver at Melbourne 05 and it ended the same way. Schumacher had lost the position but still put Nick on the kerb. I wouldn't class the kerb as part of the track and nor do the rules, they clearly state the white line as the border so Schumacher effectivley forced him off the road when it was all too late.
Well first of all you could get your facts right. Alonso didn't overtake the RBR car under a red flag illepall I don't agree with what he did but he had a reason after getting held up on his lap. Schumacher has knocked, punted, tried to knock people off for the championship. What reason did Schumacher have to brake test Montoya ? What reason has he had to knock people off the track? Has Alonso under race conditions knocked anyone off the road for the win/championship? No.
You can't blame Alonso for Schumacher continuing to push his car on under red flags and then continue to pass the group of three. What do you think? That the team told him to do it over the radio? That he managed to see that Ferrari coming hammering down the track?
I can find loads of videos of Schumacher playing dirty games and yet some how the driver you claim to be just as ruthless has none? Alonso is as calm as you like but also a hard racer, I very much doubt he will resort to bumping other cars off the road.
Personally I think another factor could be the way the tyre can move on the wheel. In gearbox karts they use little screws to stop the tyre pulling away from the wheel. I know the way they bond has some special name like bead, can't remember . That picture I posted has gearbox tyres on with no screws and you can see it coming away from the wheel ever so slightly. I think if this happened in LFS it probably wouldn't look so extreme.