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S2 licensed
Quote from Mc21 :It was a private server. I was having some fun. I remove all my PB's after. Gee.
It was my server, don't see the big deal, if it's private, i'm having fun with friends, and I delete my PB's straight after. =/

So your admiting to spreading this to friends, like how this whole thing has started. Gee wiz, it's a crazy world illepall

I couldn't care less about statistics and tbh although every time I race on LFS I push as hard as I can for the win my most enjoyable races are ones where there's a good hard fight.

If people want to use the cheat to win then do so, you lose my respect and take a hollow victory in the process. Take me out while using the cheat and I will not be a happy bunny.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :ok now you have looks at the site plase rate it to 0-10.

What do you want rated? Sorry but you've done nothing except hit a few buttons. This guy did the style:
Quote :Template created by Stefan Paulus |

Quote : Powered by phpBB © 2001 phpBB Group

They made the forum software.

Quote :

They host it all.

So technically what are you wanting rated that is yours?

Quote from faster111 :stick to the topic forget about the card i have other games now.

Exactly my point. No respect for Tristan shown there at all, if it was your £24 you'd be trying to sort the problem and get the most out of LFS but because it's not your money you couldn't give a toss.

Do the respectful thing and give Tristan that account he already has expressed an interest in finding a way to get the voucher code back. I'm sure he can find a demo user who will actually use LFS and not ditch it because he has found another game.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
In real life though marshals would throw sand (depending how classy a track your at ) down on the track and brush it away to try clean it. Would add another element to LFS though Although I don't want to see random failures, it should be caused by the driver not some outside random factor.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :look i know whats wrong i got the lastest 6600 GT card and its to new for lfs pm me dont use this topic.

Your gfx card is not too new for LFS The 6600GT is an old card... There up to the 7 series now...

edit// Why go down the lines of PMs that you will ignore. Tristan has shown his disappointment on the forum and I feel sorry for him. He is very generous in giving people licenses for nothing and you just don't seem to recognise that. To put it into perspective you never seemed to want to part with the £24 yourself so think Tristan has bought himself S2 (£24) and then you £24 = £48. That's just for him and you, he has bought many others. I personally think if your going to run off to another game then the kindest thing you can do is give Tristan the account so he can pass it to another demo user who will appreciate it.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Faster111, I'm a bit confused with you. You cry on about getting an S2 license forever and then Tristan very kindly gives you one with £24 of his hard earned cash and so far all you've done is join two servers... and now your bored so have moved onto another game.

The decent thing you could do is give Tristan that account so he can pass it onto someone who is actually going to use the license.

Sorry slightly off topic but I feel a bit peeved off on Tristan's part who has gone out of his way to give faster something worth money.
S2 licensed
Quote from filur :In my opinion, finding the vulnerability itself was the helping bit. "Finding out" that you can cheat / hack / modify a program is nothing new, but this particular exploit seems like quite a nasty multiplayer design problem which should really be looked into.

I guess what you're saying is the remedy suggested by n3o follows the rootkit type design and isn't something you'd like on your pc? This sounds much too extreme for LFS, i don't think it would be an apparent option for the devs.

Although I agree that at least we know about the vulnerability is a good thing it's more the people who use it.

If this starts to get a bigger problem maybe Victor could set up a system where people can report them and they could issue tempoary bans?

Maybe people should submit these replays to the wrecker baricade as they get issued to all server admins.
S2 licensed
They have put £12 on there account
S2 licensed
Quote from Smax :Yes, 'A' levels are the equivalent of the Scottish highers.

We got ours like two weeks ago then

I got:
B - Advanced Higher Graphic Communication
B - Advanced Higher Information Systems
B - Higher Art & Design
C - Higher English

Pretty pleased as I spent so much time in the common room playing 4 player N64 Mario Tennis
S2 licensed
bah is the radio going to be full of exam malarky. Never here us Scottish jumping up and down at exam results I've never known when I was going to get my results, they just appear

What are A levels anyway against the SQA system? Highers?
S2 licensed
I don't really care what n30 has done, he has at least helped things by handing the information to the developers.

It's the people who use the cheat that I'm disgusted at. I have no respect for Mc21 now for using the cheat online. Cheaters will never admit things until they are caught red handed.

I'm 100% sure the devs will stop it but for the mean time S2 users, infact any users shouldn't use it. Use it and I bet you'll lose a lot of respect from most users, and just remember you can't shake off your username.
S2 licensed
Although I'm totally against cheating and can't stand that people are using it I have to say people seem to be exagerating a bit much IMO. I've so far not come across anyone using the cheat (if they are they are not doing a good job of it since I've been up front most races ).

I race for LFS for fun and although I'd be a bit annoyed if someone cheated to win personally a good vicotory for me is a close wheel to wheel battle.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mc21 :Yeah i'm really sorry, I got this of a friend and he said it worked, I didn't believe him so I tryed it.. I didnt see a speed difference. I'm really sorry.

Didn't see a speed difference illepall

If you had got off with it would you be here? No! Bet you've probably passed this on to other people by now. There is no reason to test this on a public server and by the sounds of it you knew about this thread as you were here quick enough to defend your actions.

It's a sad state of affairs to see people cheat for glory. Personally I wouldn't feel the satisfaction in winning through cheating. I've seen people cheat in karting and it just lowers their reputation. Even after they've been caught cheating people will continue to talk about it when they do well again.

S2 licensed
What I don't like are people who basically demand you give them your setup. A lot of the time if I'm making a setup for a league then I will not give it out to anyone but team members. If we are all racing the same car in the league then setting the car up is a big part of getting ahead of the competition. I've been called all sorts of names for not giving my setup out but I don't see why I'm obliged. I'll usually give it out unless it's a setup which I was given by someone else.
S2 licensed
Quote from CharlieP :I like the fund idea....

If there were a fund setup I would gladly put in a pound or two as I'm sure others would...

But there must be a way to police it...

Maybe the fund would buy an amount of licenses.... say 10

The 'fund' would manage the accounts by keeping the web passwords and giving out the game passwords to the lucky few....

If there's abuse of the licenses then the game password can be changed and given to another user who cannot afford a license ....

To keep the devs happy I'd think an amount of months license should be the limit and then the fund racer should buy a full license for themselves and the license given out again....

The licenses could be called something like fund1, fund2 etc..... and then everyone would know who these racers are and could help the fund 'team' to police the licenses.

Of course, Tristan would be fund Manager

The only problem I see with this is controling the fund licenses. For all we know this guy could be part of the iDi wrecking team and get that license banned from nearly all the servers. Meaning the next person to get it would be a bit limited on choice.

The way I see it is that a system could be put in place where the person pays it back into the fund over time. So the fund should only ever need enough for a few licenses as hopefully the person will pay it back to help others who were in there position.

Faster111 is a perfect example of the sort of person to take advantage of peoples good will. I don't mean this to sound like I'm bashing faster111 but Tristan gave him a license FOC and so far whats he done with it? Nothing! His graphics card is broken but fails to listen to the fact that it is not a bug in LFS and will not be solved in the next patch. In the end thats a license which could have gone to someone much more deserving, there are quite a lot of demo users who have done good things for the community.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from nigelpm :Not when it's the only competitive one racing.

You're ignoring the fact they pay for the server. They can do what they want. Condisering the server is almost always full I'd say that most people are happy enough.
S2 licensed
As said in the other thread they pay for the server they can do what the hell they want with it. I can't tell you what to do with your computer can I ?

I've raced there for many weeks and have had no problems. One of them was ready to give me a ban when I spun and landed in the middle of the track but a quick sorry and explination and all was okay. The thing that pisses me off most is when someone knocks you off or forces you into a spin and dosen't even say sorry. Which happens all to often.
S2 licensed
This person is talking about server admins from my understanding...

In the end the admins are paying for the server (or have been put in place by who ever is paying for it) they can decide what happens because they own it.
S2 licensed
Quote from kirmy :what do you want to know

I think the point is that you've sort of `just` turned up here. As has been said you have to see it from everyone elses point of view that you could just be pulling a quick one. These sort of things just fail because it doesn't take long for someone to take advantage.

You could easily open your own bank account. I've had one since I was 11 and I have a debit card for that account. So I can only buy stuff if I have the money in the account.

My suggestion would be that the person who gets a license from the `donation` fund should repay it over time into that paypal account so that someone else can get the same benefit as they did.

S2 licensed
Well there isn't really a required, the more the better. I used to have 256kb/s and was alright with that. Now I'm up to just short of 500kb/s.
S2 licensed
Quote from MataGyula :LFS need a 100% bulletproof protection system, because if more cheaters/hackers come, they will ruin the game Just look what hackers made to the game MU Online :/

I highly doubt LFS or any other game will have a 100% bullet proof protection system. All they can do is make it harder for people to hack it. If someone really wants to hack it they will.
S2 licensed
Quote from keltern :
And one more thing that has definately been requested before, i just have to push the question one more time..

Opening the game for homemade car-models(?), could/would encrease the number of sold licenses.. and radically encrease the fun! At least that's my opinion! I'm not sure if this could work on the online part of the game, but at least making it possible for offline gaming!

thanx anyway!


And decreasing the click and go style of LFS' online racing. Just adding some home made content aint going to make more people play it offline where the AI are as they are just now.

The game isn't much past 50% so whats the point in home made content being added when this will most likely become invalid as each physics patch comes...

Personally the whole modding LFS idea needs to be well thought out and a good system put in place to keep the pick up style of LFS alive.
S2 licensed
Then when someone goes to view their WR time and finds the replay fails to load ...
S2 licensed
But what's the point? In real life cars take time to clear. In LFS we drive away or pit/spectate ... There is nothing dangerous going to be on the track the lap after the accident ...
S2 licensed
Safety cars are a waste of time unless we have virtual marshals running out onto the track and clearing the wreckage up. Before you meet the safety car you'll have passed through the wreckage. In LFS when someone crashes it's the split second reactions of following drivers which causes the bigger accident. Not a lap latter.
S2 licensed
Actually in shorter races people will use a very soft compound with cuts into it just to get heat into the tyres. The reason this doesn't happy in any other game because how many games give you an option to change the tyre compounds? None that I can think of.

You'll often see it in damp races in a series where tyre warmers aren't allowed. People who start on slicks can often struggle where as people on a wet tyre will get the heat into the tyre quicker but as the slicks get heat into them they come into there own.

The thing here is my guess these road tyres are just your ordinary hard compound road tyre. So over a short race the Hybrid and it's soft compound will obviously grip better since it is designed to work on a slippery surface.

In my opinion it's realistic and if it puts off some demo racer who is probably never going to buy the game then there lose. It only affects the FWD cars with road tyres over short distances.

Last edited by keiran, .