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Quote from Boris Lozac :Why do some of you guys hate Hamilton so much, especially Tristan?
I did not follow his career until now, and i am not familiar with his history, the relationship with Ron Dennis, etc, but the guy is incredibly fast, and a true racer. I also like his personality, his behavior on the track, behavior after the race... He's really a nice addition to the F1, and he is the reason this season is going to be this interestring.
At least he smiles, he congratulates other drivers, not like mister Iceman and his speech (i almost fell asleep on that press conference) and Alonso the clown with his totally redicolous "celebration" moves.. What's up with that..
LH seems like a nice guy to me totally and a great person, so can someone clarify as why do some of you kinda hate him? i am courious..

Where has this come from... have I missed another thread or something? I can't see much hate here.

I've followed Lewis (although not race by race through out his career) since I saw his name splattered all over `karting magazine` every month.

The thing I'm hating about the whole Lewis situation is the way people keep calling him a rookie (especially ITV) as if he has just started racing for the first time.

He is probably the best prepared driver on that grid, maybe even in F1 history. He has been groomed practically his whole racing career. In an interview Ron said he wanted Lewis to not only be able to drive quickly but to understand what is happening with the car when he is driving it and how he influences it.

So for me personally although his debut is good so far I'm not exactly `wowed` by it as to be frank train any talented driver up from such an early age and 9 times out of 10 your probably going to get a great driver.

It's the best apprenticeship you can get.
S2 licensed
Not to mention the total lack of engine braking when using auto as it gently lets the car down the gears...
S2 licensed
Quote from U4IK ST8 :I'm not interpreting it wrong. The driver who is flagged should let the lapping driver overtake, yes? They must let him by or recieve a time penalty.

I just said that that's what I do, pull off the racing line or take the wide line on a corner.

Quote from U4IK ST8 :
Just browsed the official FIA site in the FAQ section and found this.LINK So Gunn, I don't know what rules you read but this looks like the flagged driver should pull over to let the faster driver past.

All the driver being lapped has to do is not obstruct the lapping driver from passing. If he starts defending the position then he will be penalised.

The problem with Formula One and this rule is overtaking is difficult. So this rule is very strictly enforced, so unfortunately back markers are now too scared to get penalised and jump out of the way of faster cars. The reason drivers make such a fuss is obviously because any time lost could mean they fall behind another driver they are racing in pit stops.

Too many people believe blue flags means jump out the way and it's annoying to say the least. Especially when it starts making newbies think that is actually what it means so anytime they are blue flagged they fly off the road

It's the same rule as in the MSA handbook.
S2 licensed
Quote from U4IK ST8 :Just browsed the official FIA site in the FAQ section and found this.LINK So Gunn, I don't know what rules you read but this looks like the flagged driver should pull over to let the faster driver past.

I always, when I am about to be lapped, pull off the racing line or take the wide line on a corner. I don't see the point in holding up a faster driver.

That is not what is says. You are interpetating it all wrong.

"The blue flag during the race tells a driver he is about to be lapped and to let the other car overtake, on pain of a time penalty for obstruction"

What this is stating that a waved blue flag is telling the driver he is about to be lapped. He must let the other car overtake. It doesn#t say give up the racing line, all it says you must let him overtake so in other words don't defend the position.
S2 licensed
I'd guess the drivers will only look at the map while the car is stationery either in the pits to see what corner number a car has gone off at etc or if they break down on the track so they can tell the team exactly where they are.

I wouldn't say it was fact that Alonso has been outclassed. He had the better of Lewis at Melbourne and thrashed him at Sepang by a far larger margin than Lewis managed to beat him at Sakhir. Seems roles reversed from Sepang to Sakhir me thinks.

I'm looking forward to the team battles between Ferrari and McLaren. It's been a while since I can remember two drivers within a top team getting to dual it out like we've seen so far.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Too many people throw their cars off the road as soon as they see a blue flag, and personally I hate the people that spam the chat saying 'BLUE FLAG MOVE OVER!!!!'

Yup, if for some reason I find myself getting lapped and the person lapping starts that then I just make it harder for them to lap me in the hope they slip up. Then I'll attempt to explain to them why I stretched the actual blue flag rule. It's surprising how many of them chuck it off the road by getting sucked into braking too late

I hate it when your racing people and you start hitting back markers and they start spamming `BLUE FLAG MOVE OVER` etc. Countless times the people that do this just take no consideration for the back marker and plough into them :/ Then they have a go at the back marker for getting in there way... Me personally I think if you run into the back of someone it's 100% your fault unless you get brake tested etc, it's far easier to avoid a car in front than it's for a car to avoid someone from behind.
S2 licensed
Quote from IcYX :wtf????
I get new tyres when i reset my car...bug ??

No, it's a arcade feature. If reset is on you get a repaired car and new tyres like in single player. The servers I've been on have had reset disabled.
S2 licensed
Quote from ahmad0410 :
And how can I find out the Billing address of the Credit card?

Ask your Mum seems like the best idea. If she can't remember then it will be on a statement for that particular credit card.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kim Gripping :Yes, I did seach for this one before I posted

I looked in the suggestions-log, and to my surprise, noone has mentioned having slick tires for all cars?

IRL, wheather you drive a 600 hp Aston Martin DBR9 or a 100 hp Peugeot 106, you will use slicktires on a racetrack. In LFS, they don't.

If LFS is a simulator, I find it very unrealistic that we have to use street tires while going 200 km/h...

So... Come on, make it happen!

IRL there are many classes that you must use road legal tyres. Particulary classes that require you to drive the car to and from the event.

Even allowing the option of using slicks on all cars server side we'd never see road tyres used again. I personally like it as is.
S2 licensed
Quote from detail :Scawen, a request from a Russian host admin: in connections list, please, make kick/ban buttons visible for admins even when /vote=no. Also in demo ban by IP is necessary.

Banning players on the demo is already by IP as far as I know...

Quote from Blerpa :
Honestly if I wanted a catch up/balancing option so that each car in each class would be doing the exact laptimes I would have played Need For Speed, not LFS.

I hope that's not were LFS is heading.

A worried paying member.

Can't understand why you've put `catch up option` in the equation as it's nothing like that. Catch up is when the cars behind the leaders get extra performance to what the leader has.

The idea of balancing isn't to bring each car in class to the exact same laptimes but to make each one closer. Thus at different tracks a certain car might have the advantage over the other etc. If you wanted to get all the cars the same laptimes they'd have to be balanced for every combo.

The reason for this is to stop the one always dominating car in every class.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
People spend more money on flying sims than VRC.

At the end of the day it's a good game for practicing between race weekends. Especially if you are traveling around the world racing at tracks you may have never been to. £60 to put in good practice and setup work before you set off travling 100s/1000s of miles seems fine to me...

S2 licensed
The noise is the gears for the FFB motor.

It's a good wheel, I'm more than happy with mine...
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :DFP ebay has not got any and for memo well theres no griping thing and the gears a bit close to the wheel ant it.So i maybe stupid but on this i don't think i am.

No gripping thing on the momo... Not sure at all what you mean but the feel of the Momo is good. Gear lever a bit close? It's just for sequential changing, it only goes back and forwards...

As has been said what is stupid is paying £42 on a crap wheel when you could for the same money get a second hand DFP/Momo.

I'm sure you can probably find that wheel cheaper on online shops. Now I know why my Dad makes so much money selling junk on eBay
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I heard that it (his finger) got amputated due to the end of the handlebar crushing it beyond repair, rather than being "ground down" by the asphalt.

Either way, it was a nasty little incident.

I read that as well but Bayliss has stated he doesn't know how it happened. As he said above he didn't know until he took his glooves off.

Troy Bayliss loses finger
S2 licensed
Don't think anyone's mentioned this here. Saw the picture today in MCN and ouch! His pinky got grounded down to the knuckle and he wanted to ride in the second race The team and doctors wouldn't allow him for the fear of an infection.

The person who took the picture asked him if he was okay and Bayliss replied "Yea I'm alright." I found it sore enough nipping my finger on the airline release the other day, can't imagine what it must feel to grind half of one away on tarmac.

That guy must be as hard as nails! or the pain from hitting the lower regions on the fuel tank spread the pain out a bit
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed

When you consider Alonso wasn't having to push the car to the ragged edge like Kimi it seems McLaren still have the pace on the harder tyres. Only 13 of Kimi's laps were faster than Alonso during the whole race and there was nothing significant about them either. Half a second at the most (excluding the last two laps where cruise control was on for Alonso) .

Anyway I think it will vary from track to track. You could set your car up to work on the soft tyres so they last the whole stint without too much degradation but then the harder compound will struggle to build up heat.

I doubt either team will have an advantage on a specific tyre, more a better compromise and strategic set-up decision.
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :this race bought up a remark we made at work after first gp this year.

whilst kimi was supreme in front at first race, massa stagnated as he came behind cars with closer performance to the ferrari in first race

in this race massa struggled to pass hamilton and eventually made a mess of it, he then was unable to get past the BMW.

kimi was either unable or unwilling to make a pass attempt on hamilton in the run up to the first pit despite being all over massa. though he maybe was having engine issues.

now the comment made was that maybe the ferrari has an aero setup which doesnt react well to other cars in front of it.

any thoughts ?

Find an F1 team that doesn't have problems. Thats why Alonso and Hamilton were in such a rush to get past the Ferraris in the first two corners. Get into that half second to a second zone behind another car and unless you have a significant pace advantage your going to struggle to get close enough. Massa was on the tail of that McLaren a few times, off the last corner especially. F1 has been like this for years, and made worse in 2005 by the FIAs regulation changes.

Massa had a few places where better race craft he'd have pulled off a move. He had Lewis no problem into T4 but obviously Hamilton took him into the corner too hot. Stupid mistake to make twice IMO.

I think Kimi is being smart and driving with his head. It's only the second race and he knows that Ferrari is quick enough to win. Whats the point in risking losing a possible 10 points to Alonso? 2 points down is nothing compared to the 10 he could have had he clashed with Lewis.

Watch how Alonso won the title in 06, he may have not had the fastest car but he was consistently picking up handfuls of points.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :Remember his GP2 drive at turkey? Smile that was in the same car as everyone else and he completely blitzed everybody.

Whilst it was a good drive, those cars aren't exactly the same. Whilst GP2 is a one make series, money still wins.

The team with the biggest budget will be able to afford the expense of immense preparation and making sure that every part on that car is the best it can be within the regulations.

Has the same team not won the title two years running now?

Quote from OneCrazyDiamond :Great race. McLaren are surprising reliable (as it seems), and quite fast but I do believe that Ferrari will jump back to the front in Bahrain. Raikkonen drove the wheels off the Ferrari in that last stint when he made up about 12 seconds in 10 laps. That simply was astounding.

I have to say though, I think the controlled tyres make for more competitive racing.

Can't wait for Bahrain! :checkered

But then those laps Kimi were pounding in towards the end were only matching Alonso on pace who I doubt was right on the ragged edge.

I'll be interested to see how Lewis goes at Bahrain, he seemed to be on his back foot in Maylisia considering how much mileage he put in around there in testing over Alonso's 0.
S2 licensed
Don't mean to sound rude or anything but these have been suggested for the past 4/5 years, countless times . If you do a search you'll find all the discussions on them.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :1. drivers don't let races finish i mean they restart once 1st driver has won you don't see that happen in real races right

There is already an option in LFS to stop this. The server just has to run it.

Quote :
2. giveaway to drivers who are half in front in corners or tight spaces.

Not sure exactly what you mean... If you mean when a driver is a significant distance down the inside of another driver the driver being passed should give the corner up then yes they should. The majority of people I come across on LFS make passing too easy and if any don't give the corner up it very rarely costs me much time... All you have to do is watch it coming and adjust your car accordingly. If it results in you spinning them around then it's there fault. Any attempt to defend or pass on the outside is risky.

Quote :3. when you crash don't sit on the track move or if you skid and block someone infront of you move or you make others crash.

God no. Countless times I've gone one way to avoid someone and they've gone and stuck it in reverse right into my path. In real life when a car is stationery or in trouble the racers around that car will react accordingly to avoid it, a lot of people in LFS since the danager and cost element don't exist will just try plow through.

Quote :
4. I think they need to bring back clean racers club.

IMO CRC would make no difference. Racing on LFS in the STCC server for example isn't bad at all, usually the ones complaing are the ones causing the trouble from my experience.

Quote from faster111 :well they should spec then or get a car they can handle.

I think that's an unfair statement considering... I don't know how much you've improved but you got on a lot of peoples nerves not so long ago with poor driving yet you insisted on continuing online. So that's a bit hypocritical coming from you is it not?

I have no problem with people who are new/old learning new cars and tracks racing online. I'm constantly learning new combos with the STCC servers. The only thing that people need to understand is to respect other racers and no one will get annoyed.
S2 licensed
Quote from mr grady :what???

he can have 3 heads as far as im concerned.

he has shown what a great RACING driver he is.

what a credit to the Mclaren team and his country he is.

Well is there anything really to be that surprised about, really?

Hamilton is a very good driver, there is no doubting that but he is at this level because of the support he has had for the majority of his career.

Where the majority of drivers he was competing against are struggling to raise the budget to compete he has been able to focus 100% on the driving knowing Ron would pay for it.

I can't understand why people keep calling him a rookie as if it was his first ever year racing when he has raced most of his life. GP2 also seems to be a better feeder series to F1.

His confidence into T1 was exceptional once again. Especially around the outside of Massa who just seemed to be driving like a pensioner in comparison.

Lewis' race craft was pretty good to. Taking Massa deep into T4 and then doing it again but this time making Massa brake far too late. The thing I questioned before the season was has Massa calmed down under pressure and the answer seems to be no. His race craft was poor trying to pass Lewis and to get caught out on the brakes twice at the same corner was very amateurish.

Can Hamilton win this year? He sure can and even Alonso has openly said so. McLaren have got two very strong drivers and as long as the car keeps going like this I can see them at least taking the constructors this year. Massa is the weak point in the chain for Ferrari IMO. He can be mighty quick but he lacks the ability to deal with pressure.

A pitty to see Nico retire from such a strong drive and disapointing that Kubica had so many problems. That guy really impressed me last year but doesn't seem to be having much luck so far. Good job by Rubens considering he started from pitlane. He seems to have Jenson on his back foot at the moment.

Roll on another McLaren VS Ferrari battle next week!
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Virtual-R :So FIA have basically forced Michelin out of Formula One, now it seems they're doing the same thing to then in WRC. Someone at Michelin must have pissed off Mr Mosley quite alot lol.

Michelin were never forced out of F1. They didn't want to be the only tyre manufacture. They said they'd rather have the competition aspect over producing one tyre for the whole grid.

Something Michelin are known to be good at is the level of commitment and service they show to every team and in cases like MotoGP every rider.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :The rubber laid on the track should make the grip better, at least in dry conditions, I'm not sure how it behaves when wet. Could imagine it could make the grip worse, or the other way around, hard to tell without any real experience.

In the rain depending on how rubbered in the track is you often want to run off the normal racing line (karting line). This is because when the track is rubbered in that part of the asphalt is less abrasive and slippy with water on top of the rubber. Off the normal racing line is usually more abrasive in these situations.

Racing in the rain is just so much fun, one of the things I really can't wait to see in LFS. Being up in Scotland I've found myself out in the wet with slicks on many times and that's just so much fun. Although at the time your too busy trying to keep it on track while going quickly to realise how much fun it actually was

Quote from funnybone2 :reallllllyyyyyy overdone there. what race was that?

What do you mean `reallllllyyyyyy overdone there` ?

It's real life, how can it be overdone? Some corners do often get very messey when you have a lot of cars on track with soft tyres. Not only are the cars throwing the rubber off to the outside of the track they are throwing debris as well.
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Quote from nihil :LOL - he's smooth in the any weather condition, but the rain suits him. I'll bet he's hoping for another Hungaroring!

When has Button been spectacular in the rain? He won one race in the wet where his competition fell by the wayside with problems. I can't even remember Button's other wet races so they couldn't have been that spectacular... I just love how people (particulary on a F1 forum I look up) dance about on how Button will win when there are talks of rain because he did in Hungry.

Aggressive styles work in all conditions as well... Even better in cold/wet conditions when the drive is able to really work the tyres and get heat into them.

If it does rain I reckon it will be Kimi and Alonso up front, maybe Lewis but not too sure. Did he not throw it off the road at the Hungaroring in GP2? Outsiders for me are Massa and Kubica.

I'm interested to see how Ferrari and BMWs pace will be this weekend after the ban of flexi floors to take affect this weekend. The reports were that Ferrari and BMW were managing to run a lot more wing than other teams and still achieve good top speeds with the floor flexing to improve the aero efficiency. Ferrari are also worried about the engine in Kimi's car so that Ferrari isn't bullet proof quite yet.
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Quote from Venus :jeez; who cares... keep ur head in ur own car lol.. jeez wot a petty thing to pick lol... Personally I like racing with helmet suit etc... but if some ppl wanna look like they are driving a street car, well as far as I'm concerned, its their business. Do people tell you how to dress? How your car should be skinned?

I'd say simply; don't be so pedantic.

But it's annoying.

You spend some time getting your camera angle set up for a nice capture for a movie or screenshot and then you realise in the background someone thinks it's cool to drive a BF1 with no helmet... That just looks silly!