Unfortunately, I was very disappointed with this broadcast. As much as I loved the first one, this one didn't have the touch. It almost felt rushed IMO.
Here are some few points that base my dislike of this broadcast.
Where was the intro? No intro thing
What's with Johnson's voice? Almost sounded like a voice modifyer. If it's real voice though... Sorry
The sound just wasn't good. I think that is the major thing that killed this broadcast. None of the sound sounded constant and there was a lot of lags, blips, and all sorts of strange things that didn't follow.
Finally, the camera filming seems rather less fluid than last time's broadcast (user-controlled that is).
There were good things though, like the carcams and the skycams.
For some reason, I was expecting much of this video after being so greatly please and amazed at the first release (which I watch so many times), but this one was (IMO) quite far back.