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S2 licensed
"This was done with a computer, though if a driver can rev out a Don't Stop Believin' before the green light flashes he gets a turbo boost."
^^ That would be nice
S2 licensed
:jawdrop: Very nice mate! Good job, and the render is just awesome too.
S2 licensed
I think the oval is too big for this kind of car. And not much is said about your league either, like a tentative schedule or lap numbers. Maybe an autocross oval or something could make it a little more fun as it would be smaller... Like Martinsville
S2 licensed
I was playing around with AI the other day, and when it went out of gas, I pushed it into the pits. It pit all correctly and all... But it never restarted its engine...
S2 licensed
It's great to see all these responses and insightful comments. And don't worry, the thread shouldn't be leaving to anywhere, so there's plenty of time for the "AFW" people to get to this .
S2 licensed
There have been good posts since my last one; good insight and good comments.

At least its a good thing to actually find out what people seem to like, or would be ready to do.

The reason why I was sticking to thinking of making a "Canadian" league wasn't to have only Canadians compete in it (even though that has to be), but because the league has a National attachement through it. Something that the Canadians compete for a Canadian title of some kind. (I know I don't give a lot of info here, just keeping my idea unsaid :P ).

But anyways. We could try to find a way to stretch it out the idea to include NA, but it would someone defeat the original idea's purpose. But it opens to new ideas I guess (that already exist elsewhere)...

Oh, and this was also a simple poll to know what Canadians like to drive in leagues, btw.
S2 licensed
Well, first of all... This was a survey. Second of all, the LOTA hasn't organized anything in my interest, and this isn't an open cup either. It's not for "to be organized by Canadians", but "for Canadians". And you don't even know what my idea is, so how can you say I am reinventing the wheel? Anyways, it shows that Canadians aren't very interested in a Canadian/national league and stuff...
S2 licensed
Wow. Amazing...
S2 licensed
You do realize that they don't have skins/textures...
S2 licensed
First, this isn't a LFS scene. Second, the FXO doesn't really look like it. And a skin won't really help. Except having a Mazda logo, it won't even look close to it. And have fun drifting a FWD.
Canadian Survey
S2 licensed
Good day,

This is a survey conducted by myself in order to see if there would be a certain level of interest in a particular activity.

I was wondering if LFS Canadians would be interested in taking part in a league reserved for Canadians (or Canadian-origined) that would make them compete against one another. Another part of this survey is to know what race car would be desired to be used. The Turbo vehicules has originally been suggested, but I wish to know the views of the concerned drivers.

So if you are a Canadian interested in taking part in a Canadian league, please make a post stating your interest, your province (or territory), and your preference as race car.

For any question or comments, do not hesitate to post them as well.
S2 licensed
Thanks a lot mate .
S2 licensed
Well, in my opinion, the pre-U32 (old) sounds were much much (...) much much better than they currently are. The cars just sound pretty weird right now. I actually never go into a car sounding this horrible. And many of them sound like a vacuum cleaner

BTW, I can't seem to find U30 anymore... If anyone has a working link?
Last edited by Knight_Atack, .
S2 licensed
Awesome vid mate!
S2 licensed
Wow, everything looked so great. Pretty good stuff. Almost looked like some of the short 30 minute race programs on RDS, ahaha. Good stuff.
S2 licensed
Now that's some pretty smooth and nice looking video.
S2 licensed
Well, being Canadian from Quebec, I know we use "reprise" most of the time here. (or "reprise video"). "Enregistrement video" could work too I guess, but it's rather long. So, "reprise" or "reprise video" is my suggestion, unless Teh_France_French can't understand that .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I saw the original quite a while bad. This ain't a bad adaptation, but it lacked LFS footage IMO. For a LFS preview, most was real-life
S2 licensed
"Another change involves safety cars where lapped cars will be allowed past the pace car so they don't get in the way of the leaders. Any lapped car between cars running on the lead lap will have to pass those cars and the safety car and proceed around the track to take up position at the back of the line of cars behind the safety car."

^^^ Great new rule ^^^
S2 licensed
First, I don't quite understand this "roof color" thing and what the point behind it is.

Secondly, it would be quite hard not to have contact in this league...
S2 licensed
Too bad we are seeing you go. Never a fun thing when such a thing happens.

But I somehow do agree with him, there are some small minded or selfish people around, but any forum/place/whatever you'll go and check, there will be some. It's "normal" I guess, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Hope to see you comeback nonetheless.
S2 licensed
What did they do to the Petronas logo? *shakes head*

Plus I'm amazed at how the arrows on the tyres are pointing the wrong way.

A good fan-skin nonetheless.
S2 licensed
Unfortunately, I was very disappointed with this broadcast. As much as I loved the first one, this one didn't have the touch. It almost felt rushed IMO.

Here are some few points that base my dislike of this broadcast.
Where was the intro? No intro thing .
What's with Johnson's voice? Almost sounded like a voice modifyer. If it's real voice though... Sorry lol.
The sound just wasn't good. I think that is the major thing that killed this broadcast. None of the sound sounded constant and there was a lot of lags, blips, and all sorts of strange things that didn't follow.
Finally, the camera filming seems rather less fluid than last time's broadcast (user-controlled that is).

There were good things though, like the carcams and the skycams.

For some reason, I was expecting much of this video after being so greatly please and amazed at the first release (which I watch so many times), but this one was (IMO) quite far back.
S2 licensed
an edit of the FOX seen a few posts above: