But true, F08 is getting rare. It was undrivable though. I think I'll start again using it .
I like how the BF1 looks and all, but for some reason, i hate seeing people drive it. Dunno. Too fast. Esp at the oval... That is so not the car for the track. I totally hate BF1 oval-ers. Arg.
Ok, so I've made this quite video of what happens. The calibration is crooked and I can't get it to set right. At some point I just turn left, then I turn only right. But the screen shows me turning over the wheel and reseting turning and stuff, you'll understand in the vid. Very strange, I'm totally lost on how to fix.
Ok, lol, I have a new problem. It's not the pedals or whatever. But my wheel can't caliber anymore. All axes are on right and I can't bring them to the center no more. I'll search the forums and the WIKI if I can find stuff. Any added replies will be appreciated.
(Daily) I usually keep a 10-stick position (like fig. 6)... 9-stick sometimes... But really 10-stick or 10-2. It really depends what mood I'm in : hehe.
For some reason, that turn, it's inevitable (sp?). If you tip the car over at that turn ob BL, you always in someway crash through ground, stay stuck, and kill your ears. Some glitch/bug I guess.
Just wondering if this maybe could be added because IMO, it would be a good thing. Unless it's already there and I have no idea how to do it, hehe. I know we can slow down replays down to 0.125x and all, but it would be good to slow it down to 0x. A kind of pause. Would be good for photoshooting.