More or less each country has their own format for the license plate, so you'd need N+1 different models for each of them, that would make the price very high. Better option would be a stickers you can glue to anywhere.
No it doesn't unlock if you move it around your harddrive to another directory or even another partition or make copies of the LFS directory. "Only"* if you Reinstall Windows, or use the same LFS install in another Windows on the same computer (i.e., dual boot), then LFS will (or should) lock itself.
*Occasionally, if there has been changes in LFS unlocking, it can lock itself if you patch it newer version.
I'm all for keeping this fixed time between the lights like in drag racing in drag racing but e.g. in F1 there's a 0.3 - 3.0 seconds variance* between the last red and the green. And that's how it should be in all enviroments - except drag strip.
So.... Still 7 days of waiting ahead
How about the sleeve length? I played it safe and and got my polo t-shirt as a L and long sleeve as XXL (I'm 198cm and I do like beer, but still the scales are more close to "heroin-dude" than a "goodyear-dude")
For Finns:
If I want additional affordable broderings or prints to the shirts who should I contact? Siis Pk-seudulla.