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S3 licensed
Quote from Soeren Scharf :You can use the current version with patch X too. Download the Insim Gateway to enable old insim addons to work with patch X. Hopefully this helps waiting for the next TV Director release.

with kind regards

Soeren Scharf

great! works fine.


S3 licensed
Isn't it much more fun if you drive into and out of a corner side by side? Don't you feel sorry if your competitor wents off the track because he want to avoid contact with you, or gets pushed there by your car? Is it really so important that you finish in front of the other guy? Is it more fun to chat after race with your competitor about the good fights you had or trying to defend your move? Are you racing to have fun or to upgrade your finishing-statistics with better results?

I personaly am always trying to drive as clean as possible. So if I am inside the corner I don't really drive to the outside until I know there is enough room. I feel sorry even if a guy who gets overlapped by me trys to clear racingline by going off the track, or looses his car because he wants to make room for me as fast as possible. I want that everyone have as much fun as I have. No matter which position or race practise he has.

Have fun and be careful.


S3 licensed
how about a new item for the LFS-shop?
A original LFS-keyboard with two F5-keys for the case that one brakes
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Great bug reproduction!

That's good news - I've fixed it in my version now.

For so long there were these reports of unchanging start lights interval and conflicting reports that it worked fine, and me never able to find a problem. Now it's fixed!

I'am happy to hear it's fixed. Glad and a bit proud.
S3 licensed
Hi Scawen,

I was yesturday and the day before at the bugtest server which was Blackwood running. I noticed there that the green light came EVERYTIME (10-15 races) in the same rhythm.

I did a bit testing. Went on a empty server. Had NO WIND. Blackwood.
Everytime there was the same as at Bugtest server. Same rhythm. No variation in greenlight delay. After 3 seconds first red light and after six seconds green light.

Then I turned on wind (low). Now I had a variation in the greenlight delay.
Time to first redlight varied. Sometimes 1 or 2 lights where already on after shift+R.

Another guy in the german forum noticed this lack of variation on the bugtest server too.


S3 licensed
Quote from Archange :Awesome vid, im showing it to everyone who shows interest in racing games and they all wanna try LFS after watching this, great job

maybe you want to have a look here

all very nice vids.
S3 licensed
Scawen said after the release of patch X (tomorrow is the plan) he will have a look at the AI. So I expect with patch Y we will have an AI which can pitstop. Maybe earlier with testpatches but I don't expect that.

S3 licensed
sorry for being offtopic...

...but @richo I think you should change your avatar, shouldn't you?
S3 licensed
- 1lap
S3 licensed
1. to block messages press "-" (chat is still visible)
or press shift+"-" no messages visible
2. dont know
S3 licensed
He said it will be in german. Sad for you guys I know. Maybe if many of you write him a nice e-mail to [email protected] he will make it in englisch.

good n8 guys
S3 licensed
If you liked the cast you can make a comment at following link at gamer-tv EDIT: you have to register

In 11 hours the cast will be online again.
S3 licensed
I think Mika is doing very well. Very funny at the moment. He probably drunk to much alcohol . More cockpit cameras would be nice.

Cast will close in about 20min I think.
S3 licensed
Quote from dynofiend :when i downloaded the divX update which was automatically linked from this site, it infected my PC with a trojan horse virus called Generic4.PJR which manifested in a 7Zip.cfg file. Luckily i scanned it the following morning, but this is a warning to other users!!

Hmmm sorry for that. I have updated my Avira Antivir PE and did a full scan. Nothing found. I had such a update too, but I don't remind if I had this update earlier from another URL or at stage6.

S3 licensed
Hi guys,

nice vid.

Yesturday someone in the german forum posted a link to a new (at least for me) video portal which accepts even high quality uploads. It's called "stage6" and uses divx codec.

"The New Beginning" is already uploaded there like many other well known LFS videos.


Last edited by ksa_land, .
S3 licensed
Hi guys, hi Soeren,

after I found this sweet tool here I fell in love.
I mean I like your tool very much.

Although it still has much room for improvements it gives me a chance to watch a ESL-EPS race with no tabbing through the field but not missing a close and interesting battle.

Besides hoping for a official release of patch X, I also hope you will improve your program and get it compatible to X because I would love to see the action of a 32 cars starter field and the ability to zoom a bit closer thanks to the new FOV of 10 (see my post here: )

Now I want to make some improvement suggestions and report a (known) bug which came up while I edited some cameras (Note: I am not familiar with programming insim stuff, so I don't know if it's possible to do):

IMPROVEMENT: If you try one of my camera sets from above link you will see that they are made for giving an overview of what's going on instead of giving a "cool" look (no objection on this way of positioning cameras but the most time I like it my way).
Probably you will notice (like me) that sometimes when the cars come nearer the overview gets lost because the camera doesn't zoom out enough.

And that's exactly my point. I want zoom out.
I don't know why the TV director does mostly zoom out only to a FOV of 25 to 30. I don't know if you can change it or it's a LFS issue.

Now to my suggestion:
I would like to have in the camera edit mode the ability to manually enter the FOV to which the camera zooms out.

Short story: Once I made my own track in NASCAR Season 2003
I found a camera edit tool for this game too. It did'nt have a GUI but for each camera I was able to set the FOV for the start node, end node and an additional node which position was right in the middle of the two other nodes I think. So I was able to zoom at beginning of the camera movement. Zoom out while the cars coming nearer to the camera position and zoom in once again while the cars approaching the start node of the next camera.

Confused? See the attachement and I think you will understand.
Like I said before, I don't know if this is possible to do with insim.

BUG/FIXING: The thing is that sometimes (mostly when the camera is in some height and the car comes close to the camera position) the camera can not focus on the followed car. I mean that the camera goes down so the car is only half visible on top of the screen. Most people and you should have already noticed this.
Maybe my upper suggestion could help here.

IMPROVEMENT: Another suggestion is a thing which maybe could be made in the future.
I read somewhere that scawen works on insim to allow you guys to put buttons and stuff ingame.
I wonder if it would be possible to manage that the position list and the finishing list could be displayed in Shift+F mode (most of the time I watch in this mode because all the arcade stuff like map names over cars ... aren't much TV like). Maybe this could be turned on/off with a small button

That's it for now.
I hope you will improve this nice program in the future.
Thanks for attention.
It makes me smile that I wrote the whole stuff in english while we both are from germany . Hope you guys out there where able to follow my text without going mad.

the end


Last edited by ksa_land, .
S3 licensed
Hi guys,

I love to use the LFS TV Director to watch the replays of the ESL-EPS races. You can lean back and simply watch the race.

The EPS races are a guaranty for close battles and a close field. So I like camera positions in some height which follow the cars for quite a while. Like in most TV-broadcasts.

So I edited some camera sets. My priority was to give the spectator a good overview of the field (more camera height and following the cars for long distances).

I edited the cameras for following tracks so far:

Land cams 01:
AS7R - Aston North Reverse
FE4 - Fern Bay Black
FE6R - Fern Bay RallyX Reverse
KY1 - Kyoto Oval
KY2 - Kyoto National
KY3 - Kyoto GP long
S04 - South City long

Land cams 02:
AS2 - Aston Club
AS3 - Aston National
AS5 - Aston Grand Prix
AS5 - Aston Grand Prix Reverse
AS6 - Aston Grand Touring
AS7 - Aston North
BL1 - Blackwood GP
FE3R - Fern Bay Gold Reverse
KY2R - Kyoto National Reverse
SO1 - South City Classic
SO1R - South City Classic Reverse
SO5 - South City Town Course
WE1R - Westhill International Reverse

More will come if you like.

NOTE: Some cameras may seem to have a too early start node (i.e. AS7R: on top of "thrill"-chikane) or a too late end node (i.e. KY2: following into the oval part). But thanks to Scawen we will have a minimum FOV of 10 instead of 12 in patch X. After a short test this will lead into a bigger zoom effect and the cars will appear quite bigger than now at far distances. I think it will be quite ok with patch X but I like it now too.

The only thing I wish me from the TV Director is to be able to set the FOV for each camera manually. But I will explain that in the other thread.

I hope you like my camera settings. Comments are welcome.


Last edited by ksa_land, .
my opinion:
S3 licensed
Hi Scawen,

thx for the patches. Not only for (fast) improving the sounds (I like them quite well now). No. You really managed that now I don't hear so many cracklings like I did in U30. Now I only hear SOME when I change the camera view (i.e. cockpit --> TV --> ...) for a short moment. But these aren't disturbing me annymore.
Maybe it's worth looking at whats going on when the camera changes, like you did with the "nasty sound clicks when cars got nearer and further away" thing.
Many, many thanks for this .

The auto-update funktion works very well here. I like it
But one note: the "download" button in update-window at lower right has no function. If I click that button at first, LFS says I have to choose a mirror. So I click on one of them and the download starts immediately. Then LFS restarts.
So the button has no real function, right?

A other thing is, what DanneDA said:
Quote from DanneDA :A few things:

1. Option or check of position, if view is outsite the car, for the amount of muffling of all sounds in custom view (appears to be in-car sounds in custom view for tin-tops).

If that is not possible (yet) maybe you should let sound the alternative view like the chase view. I use only external views for the alternative view but I don't know what the other guys out here (i.e. the "between tires view-racers") think of that.

And in addition, I like the "no forces" thing for the alternative view.
But the "Look funktion --> steer" -option is sadly NOT affected.
I drive in cockpit view with "steer", but for alternative view I have a roof camera (only for replays, not driving) at some cars.
So the roof camera doesn't shake but it looks to corner apex .
As long as the mp-replays end when I press "esc" I have to choose before starting a replay which function I want to use.
Please could you handle the "steer"/"axis" thing like the Forces?

Many thanks for your great work!!! :headbang: Waiting for "V". Bye.
Last edited by ksa_land, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I tested this and the replay does loop. Maybe you have an InSim program attached? If InSim is connected, the replay does not loop. This is to allow an InSim program to run a series of replays (for example if LFS is running at a show).

I think you're right Scawen. Tested it again and the replay loops normal.
Maybe I used the pit spotter-mod (InSim program, right?) although I was hotlapping.

So, sorry.


S3 licensed
I gave birth to a speeder because I love myself!

illepall :faint2:
U30 sound cracklings
S3 licensed
Hi again,

I attached 3 videos. Maybe they help you.

1st video: TVcam with many cars
2nd video: cockpit (this vid has some longer cracklings, but this is a older replay v0.5T)
3rd video: cockpit (another vid but v0.5U30)

It seems that the cracklings often appear when e.g. in cockpit view the other cars sound appears or disappears (when you and the other car are side by side --> watch 3rd video)

Note: I know issuses with sound cracklings where posted before and you don't want posts about things you already know. But I didn't read a post about cracklings in U30. So I hope my posts are ok.

Last edited by ksa_land, .
U30 sound crackling
S3 licensed

1. I have U30 installed and I recognized when I play a single player replay the replay doesn't loop. After replay it goes back to main menu. I haven't read that this is wanted (if yes I am very sorry).

2. I have those sound crackling problems (in U28 more than in U30) too. They often happen in TVcam when many cars are visible and near the cam.

I have installed the latest DirectX9c version (Oct'06) but nothing changed.
Turning down the ingame soundvolumes didn't helped.
I also have tried a different (old) audio driver, but that was contra productive. With that old version the cracklings are more often.

my system:
Athlon64 3500+ (Winchester core at 2.2GHz), ASUS A8N-SLI board, creative soundblaster audigy LS (PCI), 1x ASUS extreme N6600GT 128MB (PCIe), 1024MB RAM, Win2000 Prof.SP4, nothing overclocked!

I tried my onboard sound chip too. But the same cracklings.

I know my soundcard is not the best (had a annoying soundproblem in FarCry too). Probably this was the reason why it was cheaper :cry::faint2::banghead:. Maybe my soundcard is the main reason. New drivers from creative are availible but especially my sound card and another card are not supported. So I didn't try them yet.

Note: keep up your good work guys.
S3 licensed
Quote from ksa_land :Hi,

I noticed that there is no music playing in mp-replays with the options: in setup screens: on; while racing: off ; during replays: on;
But in single player-replays the music works.

When I turn the "while racing" - option to "on" I can hear the music.

Now I use U28, but I noticed this in other versions too.
I use the "Crative Sound Blaster Audigy LS".

Maybe some of the other guys could test it too.

Did someone tried that?

short: when music "during replays" is on and "while racing" off, there is no music in multiplayer-replays. Only with option "while racing" on.

Hope this is no "non-test patch-related bug". If yes: sorry.
no music in mp-replays
S3 licensed

I noticed that there is no music playing in mp-replays with the options: in setup screens: on; while racing: off ; during replays: on;
But in single player-replays the music works.

When I turn the "while racing" - option to "on" I can hear the music.

Now I use U28, but I noticed this in other versions too.
I use the "Crative Sound Blaster Audigy LS".

Maybe some of the other guys could test it too.

Besides, great work Scawen