MTC packets are like an admin typing /msg <insert message> but with the message only appearing for a certain player. I think that makes sense.
MST packets are like an admin typing /msg <insert message> where the message appears for everyone.
I don't know about constructing the packet for MTC, I'm using an API so I've never done any of the actual connecting and sending. I would guess that there's something wrong with your code. I'll try finding what the packet should look like.
EDIT: @Dygear - ok, no problem, I'm not really bothered when it gets fixed.
MTC ☺ ^7Welcome to the server!
That is sent to Insim for MTC packets, try comparing it to what your app sends Frank.
When you click on someones name to send a message to them if you type 'do you' it won't let you put a space after it or delete any of those letters. I have a feeling it might work with any 2-letter word followed by a 3-letter word.
I was thinking, to get a better server how about some players put a bit of money towards it, say 50p per month. There would need to be 23 people paying 50p. I wouldn't mind paying it because it would mean the server would be stable and I wouldn't lose cars.
Apparently no more refunds for the server crashing. That is a big turnaway for me. I am thankful for the time and effort they put into making it but when they seemingly don't care about the players losing money it drives me away.
@Tweak - I know I shouldn't carry on here but I wanted to say something. The PIT maneuver is fine, I don't mind about that. The case earlier was right at the start of the chase. The cop had driven in front of me, I went round him (between him and a barrier) and he reversed straight into me. I know this would probably happen IRL but according to the rules on the website police are not allowed to do this.
Thanks for telling me about the busted system and lag, I'd never thought about that
All I'm really saying is make it a bit fairer for the robbers, I mean everyone likes a good chase, what fun is it when it's ended straight away by a cop deliberately ramming you.
Its a pretty good game but its messed up by cops not following the dam rules. I just got busted by some cop ramming me and it hadn't even got anywhere near condition 3 or whatever it is. His argument was that it was "light ramming". I don't care, it was ramming, whether it was light or not. I will be sending an email to the address listed on the website in a few minutes.
I also saw some of the cops blocking someone in the bank. They'd robbed the bank earlier and the cool-off period hadn't finished so at the time he wasn't robbing the bank. The cops blocked him in until the cool-off period finished and he was instantly busted. IMO that should warrant a ban
Overall I think I've lost about 45,000€ of game money by cops not following the rules. Please sort it out and, if possible, I'd like to be refunded for: 1x LX4, 1x LX6.
I can provide names if you want them, PM me if you do.