We really should get a forum but, for the moment, I don't see the problem in using our own thread here. Its not like we're making tons of new threads, we're just posting in this one. Don't read it if it matters that much to you.
@garph - thanks.

Sometimes I realise why some people think this community is hostile. I mean, you only posted a link, you didn't even bother to post any comment about it. Please leave our team alone, we are doing fine. Ok, we may not have a forum yet or a full skinset but we are surviving here and we're becoming good friends. I am sick of people bashing new teams. All other teams started at one time, we've just started later than you lot.
@MBK - I am being over-pedantic but I want to integrate it into the website properly. I'm hesitating to set a phpBB or similar one up now as all the threads and posts would be lost when I made the new system. My Easter holiday is coming soon so it should be fully done by the weekend after Easter.