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becky i think my sanity remains in doubt, when im convinced of the fantasy world i might be dangerous for others for being too crazy, when im convinced of the sad reality and dont have no faith in anithing dont believe a thing i become suicidal

it would be easy take the macho man road and say wel better hurting me than others and irresponsible take the crazy road, i find true sanity in questioning things, thats why i try to be agnostic

in my opinion religious people are delusional and atheist depresive maniacs, only sane people then are agnostics

ive read in a psychiatry book hallucinations are common they put the example of recently deceased people, many people see then, to me thats stupid, not that much people can be hallucinating, is like massive hallucinations, its a contradiction itself, when it happens so often maybe its not an hallucination, and i say maybe they say certainly
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
hey guys im sorry for being so obnoxious but i have no friends here on vacation, but well im making new ones here

what do you think of my sig, is a picture i made myself, i call it looking at infinity
S2 licensed
yep they are scammers, they go for the money, but i dont and so far ive invented 2 thing which you can find here to sync brains hemis

ive got 4 times to see with my peripheral view as with central, i think i even was close to enlightenment, thats my dream now invent something that can help people achive enlightenment easy

i can only guess what an enlightened person can do, but myself ive flown, ive predicted the future, ive cut a flying fly in two halves with a long knive so what could i do enlightened: see clealry the future see karma of my acts, people would stop behaving bad, it would be posible time travelling with the mind, flying, reading minds, no more lies

it would be posible develop an ideal socieaty whose only goal would be once finished suffering in the present, end suffering of the past

in fact if you can time travel you can change all past events except those which lead to that time trip to happen, but whats more you could make a pantomine of those events as long as the person who makes the time trip is not aware, so if time travel is ever posible theres a strong posibility history is a pantomine to skip paradoxes
S2 licensed
yes yes thats what i meant: relativity is two things:no faster than light speed and wormholes, most forgets the second
S2 licensed
the one who mentioned faster than light wasnt posible, eisntin also talked of a way thorugh, wormholes

"While there is no observational evidence for wormholes, spacetimes-containing wormholes are known to be valid solutions in general relativity."

Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
im playing so much that i dream all night long i cant control the xrg, it wouldnt be bad if i could control it, but in my dreams is out of control all time, need to take breaks sometimes

in my opinion the sanest concept of the world and closest to reality are those hold by atheists, myself im agnostic,they dont beileve in yeti , ghosts , alien, or anithing that is not normal, myself i doubt it, not sure

in fact you know someone is crazy as soon as he mentions some conspiracy or cover up, i never do with my friends, thats why i love so much forums cause here i can really be myself

but atheist refuse to analize that 1% of info that doesnt fit their normal world, for example recorded voices of ghosts, or healers, or premonitory dreams

when im normal i ignore that 1% info that contradicts what the world appears to be, but if im in a crazy mood i have to give an explanation of that 1% odd info, and that can be only through wild theories

so what is better to have wild theories or to deny part of the info about this world, not a single person knows what the universe is about, it could be anything, in fact matter is energy and energy is motion of matter,motion of motion, in the end nothing, so if we are nothing even magic is posible since if this world its made of nothing its an illusion, so you could control it with your mind, just like a dream

i dont think i think insane, i think more as a kid willing to believe better fantasy than reality

hell would you put a 4 year old watching the news everyday?, hed get insane
S2 licensed
thanks jeff, i purchased recently this which is kind of similar:

i think with everybodys help i understand depth perception better, actually we havent lost it completely but the range is limited, with exercise with stereograms you can extend range of depth perception, ill get into exercises with stereograms, my main interest now is find a method of achieving enlightenment which i think can be done making both brain hemispheres work syncronized instead of one dominating the other, we are dual cpu, but we use mono all the time, you see an stereogram when the brain combines info from both hemispheres at the same time
S2 licensed
wow thanks guys im ordering Legend of the Galactic Heroes, that looks promising

can you recomend me anime that deals with misteries like going through wormholes, i also like vampires but if is not scarry
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
im not the only one who wants to play to play the game as real as posible, i recall a server say cars teleported to pits, that explains it
S2 licensed
nono not that im remote controlled but im remote controlling a machine

of course its almost imposible but i feel bad shooting virtual people

i think germany is a pioneer on ai rights, they should pay attention to gta, virtual people might get to achieve feelings, then we should think twice about shooting them up
S2 licensed
my psychiatrist told me im not schizophrenic, though i have mental issues

i like being proved wrong as for example i dint get abduced but got an urine infection, thats quite reasonable in the other thread

actually i have the paranoia that when i play i could be remote controlling, thats why i dont play violent games
whats the most usual car online?
S2 licensed
so i get to play with the most of people, plz gime the initials of it
S2 licensed
thats something a dreamt awaked

i only have certainty of my existence not yours, what if my dreams including my nightmares have rebelled to keep me from awakening to an ideal world due to their fear of no longer existing once im awake
S2 licensed
not actually that day felt extreamly well, full of energy

actually myself i dont believe it was aliens, but its something i cant explain

normally i ignore this unexplainable things but sometimes as hobbie i like to explain why some things, maybe time travellers maybe my wild fantasy gets somatic
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Hot Skin = Sunburn
Burning tongue = So stoned you don't realise that coffee is hot not warm
Peed 40 times = Too much Hot coffee

yeah but it was 90 days like that, hell i remeber i went for the same stroll than always and had to pee 2 times away and two times back, never before in the 90 days

and how do you kno i have that much coffe? like house says to the waitress in the swhepes comercial: how do you know i have sheppes tonica?
S2 licensed
i think my two favourite movies are matirx and truman show because when i came out of both i questioned this world
S2 licensed
previous summer i was on the beach at night, saw a light comming to me, i thought a plane, i looked dwon for a second and the light had vanished with no time for it, next day i peed 40 times(no exageration) my skin was hot and even warm coffe burnt my mouth

do you think i got abduced?
S2 licensed
of course probably not but aint it posible?, how do we know the world is trully how it appears,in fact what apears to be?do ghosts or alien belong to real or not

the director of the truman show was asked why didnt he question his world?
what if the advanced physics of the cars is due to driving real remoted control cars
S2 licensed
how do we know not that our lifes are a pantomine and we are a big brother show participants with an erased memory from the 50th century, 99% of people are in the know of reality and a few of us are 24 hour monitored participants, they know our thoughts and analyze what we are with us not remembering we decided to take part in the show

i remembered this saying when i was a kid, el cielo esta enladrillado quien lo desenladrillara, el desenladrillador que lo desenladrille buen desenladrillador sera, sky is full of bricks who will take it down who will take it down good unbricker he will be, so since we were born we are in huge dome, the sky is a wall of bricks

outside the dome in the 50th century they race with us for real and we with remote control

actually i bet alien are called so because they actually are, i can picture them with g cancellation due to their big heads inside their car driving with mouse, come on its obvious no human can be that fast
S2 licensed
so do you think is posible going faster with mouse and pedals than with my wheel?
S2 licensed
well with effort and time i could hold a wr
cant i dream?
now i know i dont need to change wheel
is there any wr with a logitech formula force?
S2 licensed
id like to know so so i dont have to change my wheel in the case theres a wr, cant blame the wheel then

if not ill change to a momo, i guess is there wr with this one, am i correct?
S2 licensed
"of course you wont see them as 2 lines from 1 meter back because a line that faint will just turn into one big blob"

well if i look at it normally from 1 m away i dont see one big blob, see it quite defined, why should it be different with the converging farther method, i see it very defined?

the deteriority of our depth perception could be due to evolution since we dont hunt any more(we have predator paralel eyes) but in my opinion what is unnatural is that since kids are 3 they spent 8 hours in school converging their eyes 20 cm away to read and the rest of the day converging eyes 2 m away watching tv,hundreds of years ago they would spend all day converging the eyes on the horizont, always relaxed with the eyes looking paralel

hey jeff have you got any link to this kind of hologram if is seenable on the screen?

i wonder, do you think that is unknown the ability of the brain to overlap at the same time images 120 and 140 pixels apart at the same time?
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
i took very seriously your comment so i did the following experiment to be sure:

notice that the top row, the farthest is at the same depth than the square lines

now to do this i had to stand really far from the screen (1m), but i managed to look at the low row (the closest) and look at the tiger that has a square line crossing it and focused on the tiger not to see the line double( but this only works at big distance from the screen, if you are closer you are right you see the line double)

this should be imposible because the squared lines are 140 pixels apart while the tiger just 120

plz test it your self just remember looking the screen from far away: ... /Stereogram_Tut_Width.png

think if you are focused on the tiger you should see squared lines double with a distance apart of 20 pixels, but with a little effort you can see it at 0 distance apart while focus on the tiger