1st let me know if this is spam i got ban after 5 years from il2 forums cause posting off topic so i decide to leave violent games and maybe karmam leads me here, just what i was searching for, hey it even has an offtopic section the vey same reason i got banned
well im working in a reactionless engine and i think that gravity force depends on eccentricity of electrons, looping yoyos
this looping electrons inflate the atom at a rate marked by gravity force(eccentricity of the loop) this would be time
so the looping yoyo behaviour of the electrons causes:acceleration and dilation
acceleration seen on a falling objects and dilation unseen because everithing dilates at the same rate(i think everithing would double size every 30 seconds)
if you make a two looping yoyo like engine you are modelling an atom but you can control eccentricity of the loop and direction at will
you could propel the atom model engine at will but also you can reverse it and not only delay inflation but turn it into shrink, going back in time
this arises the question on grand father paradox
my opinion is the last movie time machine is right he tried to saved her girlfriend going past but she always died somehow
but what i want to ask you is how karma does it
lets imagine some crook wants to go past and kill his grand father not to exist, what would his grandfather see when he explodes a bomb?
yes i couldnt believe it either when i saw the site but we must be prepare to fight these crooks in the case timetravel is posible