my teacher of maths taught me that zeno talked of a turtle taking half step each time and never reaching destination, as well did my father a mathematician, this is the concept of limit
zeno never said this:'s_paradoxes
this paradox is a mixture of the turtle and achiles race and dichotomy
the race says that achiles gives 100 m advantage to a turtle that goes half his speed, when he reaches the point where the turtle was last it will have an adavantage of 50 m, when it reaches the next point it will be 25, always a half being achiles unable to pass the turtle
dichotomy says you cant even start since if you want to move a milimiter youll have to run first half then half of half and so on so you cant even run that milimiter
zeno wanted to prove witth this paradoxes that motion was an ilusion
so from paradoxes that want to prove reality is an illusion somebody decided to take zenos name and make the turtle that take half steps paradox that shows that the world is perfct, exactly the opposite to zenos intention
what id like to know is if you have been taught as me the paradox of the tortoise taking half steps each time?