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S2 licensed
then maybe is the formula force ex

so if i try a momo will the wheel feel lighter with oversteering?
S2 licensed
"Actually GTR2, Race and EVERY sim based on the ISI engine is wrong when it comes to understeer. Steering does not go light IRL like ISI try to make you believe "

so gtr2 race07 and rfactor wheel goes light when front wheels skid because they belong to isi?

well i just tested toca3 and wheel goes light with front wheels skidding

so i understand all main simulators in the market, this last 4 want to make us believe something false except lfs

wow thats exactly what happens to me the whole world is crazy but me
S2 licensed
i have a logitech formula force ex can it be the wheel?

what wheel are you using?

could i improve my ff tweaking it?
S2 licensed
i dont like this:

force beedback doesnt tell you when your front wheels are skidding

gtr2 and race 07 tell when your front wheels skid with ff becomes soft

it cant be these 2 games are wrong and lfs right

in fact im saving to buy one of this games instead of lfs but i hope in a future patch this get fixed which would bring me back
how much steering is best
S2 licensed
so far ive been driving with forces on and tryed to keep front wheels on green but i took a look at wr and he enters every corner with the front wheels on red

so how do i know how much steering should i imput?
S2 licensed
thanks im on it
S2 licensed
and how do i convert it?
can i add mp3 to listen while i race?
S2 licensed
if so in what folder do i put the mp3?
S2 licensed
i pay attention to the right botton corner pedals

whats odd is that i can set it up so the clutch is always slightly pressed, but what i want its the opposite which i can do it

is there any instructions of how calibration works in the game?
problem setting up the clutch within the game
S2 licensed
i used dx tweak so every time i step on the pedal fully it just runs 2/3 input, you can see in the control panel of joystick it works, but when i jump into the game it seems to recalibrate the axe so the imput goes to full

how can i solve it so every time i step on the clutch it just runs 2/3 as programmed with dxtweak?
im begining to enjoy this sim since using a clutch
S2 licensed
i had my concerns since i had played race07 and it was so different to lfs, both simulation of reality but theres just one reality, both sims should be the same

but now i have a clutch driving reminds me of my bike times, its so similar

great sim
S2 licensed
thanks solved it with the wing
how to make the car oversteer exiting the corner
S2 licensed
how to make the car oversteer exiting the corner, what do i change in the setup?
S2 licensed
i already posted, i dont know how to send pm
S2 licensed
vale tio gracias ya probare lo que me sobra es tiempo
S2 licensed
im not claiming to explain how the electron is united to the nucleus, for me is a cable, proving how gravity works is enough:

ellipse, two half spirals, inwards one strong pull, outwards one weak pull, just imagine the spool an the cannonball in the cable, is something obvious

in this diagram you can see how i took into account change of velocity of the cannonbal-electron, but taking into account equal areas are swept in equal times you can see that both halves have equal areas, so the strong pull lasts as much as the weak pull
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
"Wouldnt that fundamentally break the laws of the universe by providing a scenario where an action has a less or greater than equal reaction?"

exactly from this im planning to build a reactionless engine since those laws are not nature but man believed

though seeing what shauberger went through who built ar vortices, similar to this mechanic vortex, or how hipasus was murdered by pithagoras when he discovered irratioanl numbers make me think this kinds of ideas are not welcome

but well i can always start a seed on the internet so this idea is viable in the future

anyway if you dont believe me imagine yourself holding a spinning cannonball, when would you prefer to hold the spool when it makes an open spiral letting the spools slight friction do the job or in the inwards spiral half when the very powerfull electric spool is recovering cable hard as hell
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
my discovery is that a mass in an outwards spiral pulls less than a mass in an inwards spiral, an ellipse is half inwards spiral and half outwards spiral, just imagine you could hold a spool and hardly pull you if the cannonball makes an open outwards spiral, the friction of the spool would do the work

in this drawing you see the tension 1 in a circle 2 in an ellipse with different tension for each spiral and 3 a straight line whre tension is 0 as it doesnt pull at all

as said im not allowed to discuss this in physics forums do you know where else can i discuss this?
Last edited by lerts, .
i found out how gravity works
S2 licensed
i post it here since in physics forums not current theories are not allowed

imagine an atom of H2, the 2 electrons are counter rotatory cannonballs, the nucleus a very strong guy holding a spool giving in and out cable, the cable would be the atomic forces that holds the cannonbal in an ellipse trajectory, something similar to this:

just pay attention to the left focus and ignore the one in the right

when the nucleus is giving away cable it hardly pulls but when the nucleus is recovering cable it pulls as hell

just imagine yourself holding a spool that holds a cannonball, when the cannonball makes a very open outwars spiral is the slight friction of the spool which does the job, so it hardly pulls, but when the spiral is inwards it pulls as hell

so in an atom the electron makes half inwards spiral and half outwards, both last the same but one pulls much harder than the other, there you got gravity or propulsion caused by the electrons

have you got it?
S2 licensed
i already solved the problem reintalling thanks guys
whats the best driver for a formula force ex logitech
S2 licensed
i have problems with the latest drivers so have to use huge wheel sensitivities to knoiw when the cars gonna slip

is there any good old drivers for this wheel?
S2 licensed
i dont know maybe i think too much not too well

but i dont want to see a sad guy evry time i exit the game, dont you play to be happy?
why everytime you leave the game 2nd appears regretting his luck
S2 licensed
why everytime you leave the game 2nd appears regretting his luck?

wouldnt be more logical show number 1?

S2 licensed
ive been there 6 years little adolf
S2 licensed
how do you explain the opposite reactions to the same question in two forums

id say a war game would be full of nazis and a race game of pacifists actually is the opposite