i think the cool song is cool and the video is great with an interesting theory of love being forever due to when you exchange couple how do you know is not the same person
this concept is greatly explained in this video but i understand hearing the word love makes sombody puke
is not that i got the idea from this video but i had it before i saw the video this happnes to me often:
i though what if what i see red you see it blue, theres no way to know it, then i saw a comercial about a daltonic polo owner that deale dwith this
5 years ago i thought what if the world is an orwelian place but i dont notice because a buble of niceness soroounds me, then last summer i saw a comercial exactly on this
these are truth or ideas obtained from the colective uncouncious
both people seeing the same colour different and different person being the same probably are truths that different people obtained from the same place the collective uncouncious
i tried 400º and 40º and i like better 40º
should i listen to what most like or to what i like
is not that i play for competition i play for fun and i get more joy from the game with highest steering sensitivity
in fact i dont like going 1st i like following somebody
in fact im gonna change my name from expermo a cell obsessed with competition to wormholechaser and dream im chasing my loved girl or some friend trough space wormholes fighting for the right of every soul even evil ones since they will naturally evolve to goodness to live forever contrary to the plans of the holy roman empire who wants obliteration for evil souls
high sensitivity is a huge advantage due to fast countersteering
f1 pilots use it, high sensitivities, but being illegal as soon as the camera focus on them the switch to low sensitivities
and like the camera operators are english they focus on alonsos hands when he is going to the limit in order to force him to switch to low sensitivities and risking spinning more easily
in my g25 i use 40º of rotation is like wearing a crispy bike, i love it, its like driving telepatically
i have the brakes set to full force so the wheels block with half way along the pedal brake stepped, the g25 pedal brake is designed for this if you use to break with full run on a g25 your wasting the awsome pedal brake
i like the fbm and i go with minimum wing, a way to keep handling with almost no wing in front is another extreme choice:
full antirooll on the back and no antiroll in the front
i also use 20 of force feedback which is extreamly minimum
great now in real life evrybody puts me down for following my liking as well:
this monday i was quietly in the bar when a girl started insinuating to me
everybody said she was good looking but as i didnt like her i ignored her
i was thinking great now everybody will think im gay and then she says oh you gay people are amazing
i was wtf but i prefered the girl thinking i was gay than standing her insinuations any longer
but now everybody in the bar says im gay
the thing i like of this is that they said aslo that the waitress whom i do like had almost a fight with this girl and everybody was teasing her saying she was jealous
so she says she makes heart shapes in the coffe for me shes jealous when another girl runs into me yet im unable to go out with her whats going on here
it was the same with another girl a guy told me she said she liked me i ask her for her number and she wouldnt give it to me
hell wahts going on here
is life lying a slow suicide for me through smoking?