The Earth's frequency or rate of vibration was thought to be constant. When NASA started measuring this in hertz it was at 7.8. Now it is at 11.2,has been measured as high as 14 and is speeding up.
At the same time the field strength of Earth's gravity is dropping at an alarming rate. In the last few years magnetic north has been moving pretty fast as well. The inner core of the earth has also displaced itself from the angle of rotation of the earth's crust-crustal displacement.
The sun's own magnetic north and south is no longer detectable as of 1995. Solar flares, proton storms are off the scale. Remember the recent beeper satellite malfunction.
The sun holds all the planets in place. The atom is 99% space and 1% energy that behaves as though it were conscious. The entire universe is a pulsation of conscious energy.
On 12-22-2012 the sun will be in alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way Galaxy. This occurs once every 25,800 years. This was predicted millenia ago by the Mayans. This is also the date of the birth of Venus.
You can shrug it off or let it scare you. That is what they want and what you will probably do. They want you to be paranoid about it. If this is true then this information is lethal-the thought police will be knocking at your door. Well let me tell you-the emperor has no clothes.
Mr. Crowley infiltrated all those secret societies and said all they do is wear funny hats. What I am saying is this-what if it is true? Why is important scientific information being denied us? Or how about this metaphysical argument-well if it is true then it is effecting our subconscious and it will happen anyway. Destiny is matter of choice. We have not been given free will to be vibrated into a higher consciousness unwillingly. Religious hysteria and propaganda is very powerful and makes us all fearful. It can destroy us if we are not careful.
For those that believe, now explanation is necessary. For those that don't, no explanation will suffice.
since i learnt of the many waves earth sends you through your feet and obviously they get blocked by plastic soles makes you think of a plastic conspiracy
in fact if it was up to bush we would be using achrilic underwear now
here in asturias we are celt and it rains all the time my grandparents would use this:
if what is inside the square root you can split it if its adding not
to cancel the square root of a squared number first you have to split it and you cant do that if its adding, you cant split it, you can only split a square root if inside has amultiplication
1st im realizing the synchronical thought issue happens with delay if im negative and with advance if im positive
now a fiction story:
millions of years ago humans had colliders like lhcthroug studies they found the samllest particles the universon, they found out it was a tiny universe and found ways to travel to it, late they would even travel to universons of universons and there were several troubles:
there were universons within universons infinitely?
why there was no way to reach a bigger universon
through farther research they found out that an atom in the brain had an universon that contained all memories and it could be recovered and transplated into another body, usually aclone
now they were n theyr way to achieve dream world without death and conquering universons
they decided to make the world a nicest place to get rid off the bad people, they did so by sending this universonto scape veloity from the universe
they were ruling and conquering the each time more extended empire when a grain in their plans ass grew:
it happened 20000 years ago, lucifer a judge was upset for having dictated obliteration of a sick soul so he decided to study the conscience contained in the memories universon
in one of his many explorations of universon he found somehing that would make him search for the truth
he knew the emperor personally and to his amusement he found a replica of the emperor hmslelf but he had a diffferent occupation he was the drunkard vilage idiot
he discovered amazing things in his reseacrh:
fisrt the high elite knew about that issue of a personality being in smaller universon but they had a plan to solve it
like a fractla if you change shape of one part of the fractal it wholes changes:
they wanted the universe to stopped being odd:
the number of universons within another universon is odd and this grantees that each universon is different, its a fractal of infinite varoety
tats why they started the executuions it was trully aresearch to make the universe pair
but thats wehrer lucifer found the flaw
the gravityfield of the center of our universon oscilates and this oscilation is ruled by indetermination, so the universon of our conscience must be sent with this prediction, because it was know if it was not sent in vector 0 it would eventually returned
it was kow that indetermination is like a universal sufragium of everybody, each with his own force to decide
so to be able to determinat the gravity oscilaton there should be a universla agreement of the universe becoming pair, ending choice and stagnated
therewas a brief fight lucifer side wonbut in the last moment he lead a dive into scape velocity carrig in their brain their soul or conscience universon
nothing was known of them afterwards but the current practice now is not anymore transplanting the universon to prolongue life but to wait quietly for the universe to end and start in the next universon
in other words the lucifer side would decide tolive a single life in each universon instead of an infinite life in just one universon
seems the people in the empire are stagnated and true eternall life goes torugh living a life in one universon and next live in several universons bigger
there are still controversy about this but there are more and more than when thay die they decline empire angels offer to live for ever in utopia and prefer to let nature discurr its course, to bigger universons