12 joints a day
normally cannabins increase apetite, makes you happy and makes you sleep, withdraw causes the oposite in my experience, lack of apetite, imsomnia and depresion
this i read it nowhere is personal experience
but im on my way to quit for ezample today at 6 pm i just smoked 4 blunts in the whole day, 1 year ago by this time would have been at least 15
not to mention cannabis makes you paranoid, you can tell everybody who smokes has paranoia one way or other, this is why when someone says something odd he is accused of smoking pot
myself when i get stoned i evolved from people is looking at me years ago to im in the truman show now, thing that i believe quite strongly when im stoned
also when stoned i have mild hallucinations like from almost anaudible far away conversations make up by my mind a conversation normally talking about me
still cannabis is like the specie from dune, you can realize of things you wouldnt other way,it opens your mind, in fact i believe what a girl once said to me, cannabis is banned cause it makes people think and the governments dont want that