man i would take your advice but your sig makes me doubt it
its obvious i have mental problems and quitting cold turkey would be like hitting my brain with a hammer
ive smoked for 17 years, and i said depresion when quitting makes me suicidal, in fact seeing your sig and giving me an advice that i sadi makes me suicidal rings the paranoid alarm
man just look how alterated gets a smoking cold turkey quitting person that cant even drive, thats a punch for the brain
yes you are right,even if im in the truman show theres nothing i can change so lets enjoy almost always having the right change and the traffic lights green
in fact this most probably is paranoia for my excess with cannabis, i used to smoke 25 a day in my good times
so now ill listen my mom and i will quit, but im doing it slowly otherwise i would get such depresion that id risk comitting suicide
last months i reduced to 15, last week i did 6 a day and now im into 3 a day
in 3 months i should be free
so kids if you dont want end up paranoid due to hallucinations dont do drugs, girls produce much more endorphines and the only risk is unwanted conceptions
dajmin hit the nail, it was so bizarre that probably was a trick of my mind
but i just cant discount it as aproduct of my mind waht if it was not
that waiter knew way too much, like people in forums saying i looked like a guy in a picture when im very careful on not sending pictures of me(btw its true i looked like the picture)
and im not fixed on an idea nor convinced of it
he could be an angel, an awaken person of the matrix, the world might be satged, or could it be a trick of my mind
you all know about my paranoia of the world being staged, ill show you 2 examples that feed this paranoia
during my vacation i would hang aorund in a coffe bar and would always ask the waiter for an extra sugar
one day a waiter who never had seen before served me the coffe but i was kind of shy to ask for an extra sugar so i dindt, to my amaze the waiter appear with an extra sugar without asking
other time i would go to the coffe bar to buy a lighter ask for a lighter which i had bought there hundreds of times and always pay 1 euro, he said its 90 cents
i was wtf i had always paid one euro and now its 90 cnets, look at my money and i had exactly 90 cents i had brough less money than necesary
well maybe its not necesary im in the truman show maybe they are angels, how would they know how i have my coffe and how muchc money do i have
ha i will never buy a drink for a girl to strike a conversation, ill save all drinks for me and when im drunk ill talk with any stranger girl about anything, id say 9 out of 10 girls will listen and 1 in 50 will give you your phone number
when i was 25 i liked a girl so much that when i asked her out and she sent me away i fled for amsterdam not to come back and see her again, there i had so much drugs i ended crazy
the thing is that at the same moment a gorgeous girl asked me out and i sent her away
nowadays i often think how crazy i was to despice this awesome girl
but i was not crazy i was true to my feelings
man stand by your heart ignore the brain, thats why i do what my folks tell me to even though i think is wrong
well maybe its because i studied all english though i just would be able to get im not at the office at the moment and knowing it in advance
the only indescifrable language is vasque which may even come from atlantean or was it etrusque
i would be completely unable to translate it but id see it as a suspicious mistranslation, specially the 2nd sentence being too long but the almost universal no, nyd is misleading