you should know what im talking about its high school, ill be educative:
newton finds out after an apple hits his head, probably false, that as you double the distance to a celestial body its force of gravity decreases 4 times
in other words the closer you are to a planet the stronger gravity is
but this gives a result odities as creating energy without moving the cog of the system which i thought till now was imposible and whats more even creating energy while also raising the cog
so you understand this:
imagine a giant simple pulley with 2 masses hanging, one mass is double distance form earth center than the other, by what i already said whats the force of gravity over it?
thats it double distance 4 times less force of gravity
so the closer mass to earth will pull 4 times harder creating energy by friction for example as it moves
but notice that exactly the same distance one mass rises the other mass as much lowers, so the cog of the system remains static
and here is an example where energy could be created while even lifting the cog:
now ive teach somebody something someone could teach me someone how to calculate the potential energy of each weight while taking into account that as height doubles gravity force decreases 4 times?