i was thinking why doesnt tobacco go through sanity controls, they could be added extra adictives substances
but well we chose to smoke but nobody chooses to use toilet paper, all kids use it, theres the strong posibility that the bad guys use this flaw of health system, of it not going through sanity controls, to put addictive substances on tolite paper, they could even put high doses of nicotine on tissue to make kids addicts
toilet paper should definitively go through sanity controls
my mother used to drink a natural juice to improve her health, she told me she stopped because the health minister had warned of some of this bottles containing huge doses of cocaine
i still recall once going to buy this for my mother to the herbal store and the woman saying to me oh this drink makes wonders
well i just found out there are 2 potential energies, the piston, and the level of atmosphere that rises and lowers as vacuum expands or contracts
in fact as one is gained the other is lost in exact the same proportion, the piston lowers with the same energy than the atmospheric level rises
but my supposition is that that vacuum is not complete, it must have some air inside, and that litle air being the rest of the parameters indifferent should fight to expand but im not sure that would be enough to create a righting arm
im at 10 m depth of a swimming pool at the top of which theres vacuum, so the pressure at 10 m depth will be 1 bar or 1 kg per squared cm
this means that if i have a vertical tube closed in the top and open in the bottom of 1 cm2 surface, a piston of 1 kg and 1g will beat pressure and go down creating vacuum
lets suppose it downed 1 m, it means i have a meter of vacuum by spending a potential energy of lowering 1 kg and a gram 1 m
but this means the level of water raised 1 liter of water or 1 kg because of the created vacuum on the bottom, so now i have 1 kg raised 10 m, the level of water
so by lowering 1 kg, the piston, 1 m you get a kg of water raised 10m
any help?
"i have a meter of vacuum by spending a potential energy of lowering 1 kg and a gram 1 m"
1 m of vacuum of 1 cm2 is 100grams, so i lower 1 kg 1 m and lift 100 grams 10 m"
yes atmospheric pressure is 10000 kg per square meter
if the tube has a section of 1 squared m and the piston weights 10001kg the piston will go constantly down with a force of 1 kg constantly
but if you lean it 30º downforce will be 5000.5kg with wich atm pressure will beat that and the piston will raise
exclusively from the point of view of potential energy of the piston theres no doubt it will tend to verticality, but theres something more: the potential energy of vacuum is lost
the thing doesnt work because the center of gravity remains at the same height, things only go from high potential energy to low pot energy or what is the same moving the cog down
my ideas got me confused, im not sure it will work but i m not sure either it wont but consider this redutio ad absurdum:
i have a 1 m2 weightless tube as long as i want, when vertical it goes to vacuum space, i put inside a piston of 10001kg, so it beats atmospheric pressure by 1 kg
i have it vertical with vacuum on the top, the piston in the bottom and the tube vertical
i lean it 30ºholding it by the bottom, downforce of the piston will now be half so the piston will go up doing work because atmospheric pressure force is double than piston downforce
now i hold the tube by the top and let it go vertical, downforce of the piston will beat atmospheric pressure by 1 kg so it will go down producing 1 kg for every meter that goes down work
so it would produce work when holded by the bottom and the weight going up and then would produce work again holded by the top with the weight coming down, closing a cycle of 2 steps in each of which theres a production of energy
so supposing the momentum leans the tube i could get free energy just as the youtube link, this cant be right the umbrella can only get self standing or free energy is posible
unless im missing something, any help guys?
btw why should i give up, thinking is amusing and this is a nice thing to think about
as you can see the minimum potential energy it can have is being vertical because while vertical downforce of the piston beats atmospheric pressure so it goes down when vertical
but if it leans downforce of the piston reduces so atmospheric pressure beats it and it rises
so the lowest posible position of the piston, the biggest weight, is while it is vertical if it leans it will tend to rise , and we all know weight tend to go down
do you think this can work, its actually quite easy to build so i could get to sell magic umbrellas built by myself finally
i bet for a healer but vampires seem cooler they can read minds including girls and seduece them by influencing them with their minds, wouldnt that be cool
ive realized of something: playing so much i dream all night about the game, and this next day makes me faster
it happened as well playing go, a board game against ai, which contrary to chess ai is very bad
i could spend all day playing and i wouldnt improve, every breakthrough i made was made in the morning after dreaming so much about it, from easy on small board to difficult on big board evry time i made a breakthrough it was in the morning after dreaming very much about it
i think dreaming is a brain simulation so we can practice hunting to improve our skills without danger
so dreams know all real posibilities since its a simulation of reality, so we might be able to fly for real
it tells how fingers electromagnetic auras from 2 persons that like each other melt together but if they hate each other they keep apart
also shows a healer acting, you can see how he replentish the other person aura
i read there are 2 extremes on people, healers that give energy and vampires who steal energy
you can even see the tentacle like rays coming from the healer aura touching the other person, in a way a healer gets energy by giving other people energy while vampires unable to produce enrgy for themselves steal it from others
we all heard of the guy who goes by and as he passes street lights turn off, to myself it happens the opposite i turn them on
healers and vampires can be seen in forums as well, a healer for example would be the very end that feels happy making others feel happy, vampires i wont mention anybody but we all know of people here that feel well when they make others feel bad
energy keeps, the energy of the person that feels bad cause of the mean comment goes to the person whos been rude
why else would people make mean comments if it was not cause they feel well making those comments
in fact what i dislike about the world i change it in my mind and make it to my likeness, i fantasize with negative actually in the deep being positive
in fact i proved on the paper that you can have an action of 100000 and a reaction of just 1
theres much more positive in the world than negative besides what the news want to show
all right now ill tell you the story of a guy who found out he was a vampire:
he would recall his first memory: his dads so interested in those cartoons, and why they were showing those cartoons that late at night, he recalled clearly he had skipped from bed and unnoticed watch those cartoons his parents were so interested on in the other room, it was about little creatures who seemed to feed on the blood of others and that got killed by sun light then a mad scinetist would invent a cure for this and those pesky creatures would manage to stand sunlight again, he went to bed and dream of those pesky creatures haunting them
he had never paid attention to that memory till that cold night, as always he was cold though he had many clothes on there was these guys there standing in the cold night with a tshirt, that pieced him off so badly, those gym advertisements, he thoguth well if i could steal their heat, he thought all right ill try to steal their heat with my mind, it was a weird thought he had cause he was drunk but suddenly he started feeling so warm and well, while that the other guys decided it was too cold to remain outside
he didnt give importance to that, he though the calories from alcohol and suggestion, but next morning as he went for a coffe he saw something shinny on the heads of people when they were against dark surfaces, how odd, the waiter brought a pizza he smelled it and felt like puking
he noticed some peple had a dark blue shine around their heads, most of them while others had a more yellowish colour, the less and more unhealthy looking people, a little a red aura
that night it was cold again so he tried his heat stealing trick again, he did it with those he disliked, it worked again, then he just recalled he hadnt eaten in all day and wasnt hungry but he felt so happy and pletoric
he went home all laughin and there was his dad very serious:
he said right the way: you cant steal others people properties,
he said oh dad youre wrong
listen youre my son youre a vampire, im 500 years old as your mother, we are all vampires but we all had the antidote that was invented by when you were born
now its up to you what do you wanna be a mortal or an inmortal to the price of stealing peoples energy, remember if they have a blue glow they have owners, you can only steal energy from red auras
so what do you think he should do live a decent live as a mortal or becoming an inmortal parasit?
id go for the inmortal parasit, i sleep 12 hours and work an hour a day and for that get 70 euros a week, and i like it
though im not so sure now cause it would be stealing hours of life from other people to add them to your life, you would shorten others people lifes to enlong yours
for example that we are actually 10 dimensional being entrapped since summerian times by an enchantenment by the demiurge that from 10d we can just percieve clearly 2 dimensions and hardly 3rd dimension(depth) and almost no perception of 4th, time
we lost our depth perception or 3rd dimension perception, simpsons parodied how hommer took a close by fly by a far away plane
if we recovered depth perception then we would have half perception of time and we could see the future and start achieving more dimensions perception
and the governement nor the demiurge want that, they want us dumb and sheep like in a 2 dimensional world, actually when a person goes away he just makes smaller
besides dimensions are not only linear they are rotatory angles as well, when you rotate you are moving on a brand new dimension
2 linear dimension plus 1 rotatory dimensions appears as 3d as comic books show
the government to the service of the demiurge want to spread the lie we are 3d while trully we are 10d imprisoned in 2d that appear like 3d
thats why the hide earth its flat, cause it would prove we are 2d and the conspiracy
well in my opinion is the empire which is evil, rebels fight for everybodys right to live, even if they are bad
in fact a bad person through karma and reincarnation would become eventually good
so judging a person and for being bad deciding not to let him ever live would be unfair because you could caught a person that do deserve to live but if you judge him eons ago he could be considered with no deservation for living
i got this idea of the evil empire causing abortion not letting certain people ever live from 2 places: first a song by fito y los fitipaldis:let me be born that i have to invent myself:
the second place was a comercial of a quartz antibacteria surface, it showed how the bacteria developed, identical to a human and when it was just 4 cells, bumm, it imploded destroying it, actually dont think bacteria reproduce this way, it was showing a complex animal just after being conceived, this comercial was giving clues to what really might be going on
now the scarry part the comercial i saw depicted bacteria as a rounded egg that divided in two that divided in four that divided in 8 in 16,32,64,128...
and when it was 8 it just exploded
now what was depicted was not similar at all to this:
can you spot the difference? so waht was that comercial trying to say?
i recall clearly that what was destroyed in the comercial was spherical egg dividing like humans not long shaped like bacteria, so why they did it like that?
1 in 4 are said to be psychos, dont give a dam about others feelings, this is the 1st place i see makes me think that might be true
as for friendship being a fake over the internet just look at me, made plenty of good friends and bad enemies from whom i got tangible things like an s2 licence from the 1st and bad feelings from the 2nds
all right ill sahre with you this story of a guy name lucio fernandez
he was a not very good painter who got a job in the magic eye making stereograms, he didnt get enough money but he loved his job. he had heard many explanations but nobody really knew completely how it works, it was so misterious thats why he loved it
he made an sterogram so simple of a dragon, it was a dragon on an infinite hallway,X,, but it had extreme depth, and looking at the eyes of the dragon, well both your brain hemispheres would syncronize when you looked at then, its a feeling imposible to describe with words but just so you imagine you felt like your senses acuted 100 times while looking at it
while that half million years away luc the rebel leader was preparing his wormhole warbike, it was designed to travel at almost light like fast speed through the space wormholes
all secondary wormholes had been fought between the empire and the rebels and now there was only left to fight the wormhole that lead to the original timeline, sondas indicated it had a spring shape, he was thinking he would ride the wormhole on a side of the spring, always relativily going up
back half million years lucio went to a sight check, he found out he had lost 2 dioptries of miopia, his sight had improved so much, he realized it was the sterogram, so he went on with just looking at it
then one day he saw something very odd, against some dark backgrounds he would see an aura like a crown on heads of people, this led him to think that stopping the exercise would be a good idea since he may be going crazy
in the end he decided to take the risk since it might be something usefull, a way to heal sight so he went on, but one day something very odd happened, a seller ringed his door and he opened it, he regreted it and said he didnt have time and close the door, he thought why i opened the door and then the bell ringed again he looked through the hole, then open and say wtf you again, the seller surprised said but this is the 1st time i ever see you sir..., the dejavus would get wild
why the war started betwenn the empire and the rebels was unclear, only real difference might be the empire wanted the obliteration of bad people, seems we are born and reborn and they started casuing aborts on bad people as soon as they were just 4 cells, they were banned from this universe
luc actually didnt give a dam about this except cause his loved one was on the ban list, thats why he started all, and to think he had been the 1st of the so called angels
myself sometime ago i discovered i was gnostic, the litle faith ive got makes me believe this cruel reality cant be real and someone bad is putting it there for us
the albigensian crusade ended with this though killing everybody, i got lucky to have been born nowadays
ive got the personal theory at which i give a credibility of 0.1%, the same than my faith that when someone tries to do something really horrible his free will is limited by god, but this is kept secret by the evil forces making fake horrible news to keep us unware of the existence of god
the thing is that actually im not delusioanl, just a bit, for believing this since i have no conviction of it, its just a theory