you talk of education, i think education is the main tool of the system to keep us slaved, 2 examples:
in spain i studied that the ship maine had been sunk by the usa as an excuse to start a war against spain for cuba, kind of similar to conspiracy theories on 911
in usa i studied main had been sink by spaniards
evrybody studied zenos paradox of the turtle that takes half step each time and never reaches destination,the limit concept, zeno never said this paradox, his paradoxes were intended to prove mathematical world and real world are in contradiction, but nobody is taught that for being too subversive
we are taught that things like evil eye are false, as precognitions or ghosts, this never was like that before massive forced education by the state
well education system brainwashes people to make them think what the big guys wants us to think
if thats true i dont want to know what the medication im having, risperdal, does to you, my sexual desire went down the drain, thanks god im quitting soon
i got the idea fluoride was intended to close the third eye because it accumulated there, but seems i got it right bymyself, this guys says exactly the same
if you have no intuition, 3rd eye, you are dumber and more docil
[edit] Physical basis: the pineal gland?
Some, including Rick Strassman, have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. This concept is supported by the pinealocytes, one type of cells within the pineal gland, having a strong resemblance to the photoreceptors of the eye. Additionally, the pineal gland is said to excrete dimethyltryptamine (DMT)[citation needed], which some think induces dreams, near-death experiences, meditation, or hallucinations. Various types of lower vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians, can actually sense light via a third parietal eye—a structure associated with the pineal gland—which serves to regulate their circadian rhythms.
The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which has a role in regulating the body's circadian rhythm to the daily light/dark cycle and also assists with the immune system[citation needed]. Because of all the above, the pineal gland has become for some the subject of speculation about its origin as a physical third eye.
what do you think of genetically modified food? we are being given corn and wheat that has been genetically modified without us knowing it
i recall watching a documental but it was so absolutly weird i wonder if it was real
they explained chicken meat was more expensive than pork, so they took any meat, add it a product that REDUCED THE GENETIC PAIRS OF PROTEINS FROM MILLIONS TO JUST ONE PAIR with which the origin of the meat couldnt be determined and got trough sanity controls as chicken
in my opinion on these gene issues theres more than saving money,something more evil probably they want to destroy the gene that makes us free, the one that makes us fight tirany
so what is it faster chase view or personalized view? or im wrong here
with personalized view as i can see 4 wheels on the ground i know exactly when each wheel slips but with chase view i see better the line and know better my speed for the altitude of the camera
do you have a recomendation for the fastest view? theres so many options im not sure whats best
i play a lot wwii sims and there cockpit view is a disadvantage but what about racing is it a disadvantage?, here the 2 views i use
now i just raced with inouva and as she was a winner i told her she was fast cause once she had been an spermatozoid, but being a girl soon afterwards i realized this wasnt totally correct she was before conception an spermatozoid and an egg cell
now two cells with feelings and desires fusion and make a different being
but what about ego was her two different beings at the same time having both same ego or 2 different ego fusionated to make a more complex one?
in my opinion she was 2 being at the same time, this proves is posible that we are more than one person at the same time, maybe like a cell and zoid make a complexer being, if we reach perception of other dimension all our selfs would get together making a more complex being
im not the only one who thinks we are more than one person at the same time:
i think toilet paper acomplish all points of an addiction:
"In medical terminology, addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. It is a term that is specifically applied to drug addiction. When the drug or substance on which someone is dependent is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms. Addiction is generally associated with increased drug tolerance. In physiological terms, addiction is not necessarily associated with substance abuse since this form of addiction can result from using medication as prescribed by a doctor."
im happily playing at ctra but cant even go for a cigarete because aferwards the race will be full
i can picture all spectators fighting each other trying to be the fastest to join
hell more places to race or less to expectate, if just can race 25 persons whats the point of 30 conections, so there are 5 spectators fighting to join and anytime you take a break you wont be able to race again
this idea works cause has the cog below the axle, but my last idea which must work(only have to aply momentums to see) has the cog above the axle, not above eneough as to make a magic umbrella but above, i suppose the idea once know its posible can be improved till i can make a magic umbrella