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i wont find anyone who cares

i asked you a simple tetherball with 2 m radius at 1 m/s initially what final speed will have when the radius is 1 m?

you not only dont know since you havent studied this but you dont care

you just base on the authority criteria, you have studied so much while i have to study so much that myself explaining it in detail doesnt count a bit compared to you just saying you are wrong because

i have a vision, yourself studying these physics in your next life and saying oh how could people have been that stupid in the past and be so convinced momentum is conserved when its obvious is not in spiral motion

besides im improving at maths and physics so some day ill make myself so clear it will be undiscusible, besids wouldnt be odd a tetherbal breaking physics laws and i discovering it, no physicist ever estudied in college the tetherball
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
i know speeds of yoyos with 1 m radius, i find out speeds with 2 m radius aplying conservation of momentum and energy an i get an imposible result, you can test it your self

if i have no mistakes it would prove conservation to be wrong

and yes i used the program to solve the system, thats why i didnt check the answer, that and that i already knew it couldnt give positive solutions, its easy to see
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
sol1: x=4 Y=0

sol2 : x=-12 y=8

they both solve:
(x+y)^2=16 2x+4y=8

doesnt make any diffrence in my argument
S2 licensed
i analized rotational and translation speed of a double tetherball or a double yoyo spinning in empy space as the radius grows, i took rotational speed as translational around the cog of the eccentric weights that shape the yoyo or tether, i supposed 1 kg each weight, 1 m from the center of the yoyo A, 2 m/s rot speed and 2 m/s trans speed, initial radius or distance center a from center b 1 m, objective: to find out rot and trans speed when radius is 2 m:

v1 rotational=2m/s

v1 translational=2m/S


radius 1a=1m

i found out initial enegy and momentum:

kin energy1=1/2*m*(vrot+vtrans)^2=1/2*2*(2+2)^2=16

Mrot1=2kg*2m/s*1m r1a=4

Mtrans1=2kg*2m/s*1m r1b=4


i found out momentum and energy finals with vrot and vtrans as incognitae and equal each with initia momentum and energy since i supposed both get conserved

kin enrgy2=2kg/2(vrot2+vtrans2)^2=16

M2=Mrot2+Mtrans2=2kg*vrot2*1r2a+2kg*vtrans2*2r2b=2 *vrot2+4*vtrans2=8

i solve the equation system to find out rot speed and trans speed:



it gives an imposible solution

notice the double tether or yoyo can be considered frictionless with no problem

satellites slow down their spin by extending weights connected with a cable to the satelite, as the radius of the weights increase the satelite slows down

notice this is not frictionless and when applying energy conservation has to be taken into accounts that the cable as it grows its radius 2 brakes are acting on the cable causing huge friction, you could put a generator on these brakes, and exactly the same energy that the satelite-weights system loses would be gained by the brakes generators

i hope you see clearly that contrary to this case the double yoyo can be consider frictionless
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
so have you studied the tetherball ever during so many classes?

you seem to not have studied it for what you said before, no wonder it leads to a contradiction between energy and momentm conservation

i proved it matematically, now we could discuss weather the concept behind the math is wrong but you just keep saying im an ignorant thats why i said i rather not to discuss it with you, you dont want to be contrucive just get a laugh out of me

did you ever study something by questionin something is wrong? thats my method
S2 licensed
i spelled tetherball several times before it got boring and just wrote tether

and dont worry nice people like you balance this world for bad engineers and i dont wish you bad man

is it that with so many college people nobodys gonna point to what is wrong just say you have no idea
S2 licensed
i passed mechanics with a 7 on 10 and never studied a tetherball in college as you

how do you dare to talk physics with me? im 8 subjects from being an engineer, i spend several hours a day thinking of mechanics for the plesure of it no for money

im a researcher on mechanics for free, almost titulated

who are you to talk to me like that? a guy who got a title to make his living and dont give a dam for physics as is proved in your not knowing what a tehter is and not willing to know how it works

i want to learn physics you seem to believe you know it all and you are better than me

from the future consider my physics discussions as not intended to pass your judgemment but adressed to everbody
S2 licensed
a theterball yes the toy, i see is not studied in physics, in fact if i search for it and angular momentum most of what find on the net is by me ... tdoorequipment/tether.jpg

is very interesting, suppose you have a tetherball at an initial speed of 1 m/s with an initial radius of 2 m and its wrapping inwards

what speed will have the ball when the radius of the tetherball is1 m?

i take rotational speed as linear because in fact being the weights eccentric i can consider this rotation as actualy another translation around this center of gravity of both weights

i was searching for long how linear momentum is transformed into angular momentum and never find a way, like in a yoyo that transforms linear momentum into angular one

but found a way: consider the yoyo as composed of 2 weights 1 m away from the center ofgravity, like this i can consider rotation as actually translation around the cog

that is substituing the disc shape yoyo by a bar with weights on the extremes that have identical moment of inertia than the disc

in order to not neglect anithing i also consider that the weights can spin freely on gymballs, keeping a constant orientation as they rotate around the cog
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
once i had a dream in which i was with my father in a ship seeing the nukes exploding far below

the view was in fact beatifull, like fire works but it felt horible, the whole world diying with no more future
S2 licensed
here more clear:

take this double theterbal floating in space:

ill analize momentum and energy of it with a theter radius of 1 m initial an 2 m final

instead of analizing rotational angular momentum of a weight in each center of each tether i take 2 weihts of 1 kg each with 1 m radius from center A and i analize rotational moment or energy as linear from that center A, that should not make any difference

v1 rotational=2m/s

v1 translational=2m/S


radiu 1a=1m

kin energy1=1/2*m*(vrot+vtrans)^2=1/2*2*(2+2)^2=16


Mtrans1=2kg*2m/s*1m r1b=4


kin enrgy2=2kg/2(vrot2+vtrans2)^2=16


so the equation system which gives rot and trans speeds 2 are:



a negative solution for a translation speed is imposible, without to mention it started positive, did it reverse or cons of momentum is wrong, at least in the case of a double theterball
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
george if you ike physics you must find this interesting: imagine a double theterball floating in space like this one: ... lifoide_doble_espiral.png

you can see that angular momentm tends to go from a given value to infinite( or energy conservation will be broken cause if speed halfs as radius doubles where does that energy go if its an isolated system)

with infinite time this theterball will acquire infinite momentum

problem is that math of this is yet too complex for me

what do you think of this concept
S2 licensed
but none but me knows how an astronaut uses a screwdriver in space

they admited they knew astronauts use something to be able to use a screwdriver but dont know exactly what

i do know they dont

you may think as a phisicist that whatever you say has more value than what i say, well im almost an engineer and i spent probably far more time than you studing gyros, as you can see that post is from 2005

what i say is pretty obvious, but nobody will see the naked emperor

gyros offer resistance to be rotated, oposite sense gyros have no precesion, they cancel each other

do you think im the only one who says cons of momentum is wrong?im not

nor cons of energy nor momentum is an undiscusible truth, in fact most advanced physics as quantic says undiscusible that vacuum is a sea of energy

and i couldnt discuss it cause they locked it so nobody got to know how an astronaut uses a screwdriver


i find interesting the quantum physics concept that vacuum has energy, that makes energy of the universe infinite

if its infinite in energy it might be as well in time, then we dont need god to explain things
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
when i got my 500 cc 2nd bike i got the paranoia some people were doing bets on my future, i disregard it as fantasy

but now after seeing how people does bets on this cases many times im not so sure it was a paranoia
S2 licensed
so the reason my idea doesnt work is cause i neglected electromagnetic field momentum, interesting
S2 licensed
i didnt know an electromagnetic field had momentum, im more into mechanics

my point is simple: the guy holds onto the opposite spin gyros to spin himself, oposite precesions cancel each other

the gyros are propelled electrically, whatever momentum of that electromagnetic field is neglectable in front of a fast heavy gyro
S2 licensed
now they work electrically, im not questioning conservation of energy but of momentum

a physiscist told me by the net astronauts use very similar devices to be able to use screwdrivers

the gyros start working and the astronaut hold onto the wheel
S2 licensed
here the concept a guy floating in space holds onto oposite sense gyros and spins:

notice since each gyro has oposite sense precesions of each gyro cancels each other
S2 licensed
current physics states its imposible to vary the value of angular momentum in an isolated system, if its 0 it will remain 0 whatever you do, now imagine this satellite that has 2 counteroative gyros

initial momentum is 0, counterotaive gyros start working remaining moment in 0, satelite starts spining holding on the gyros and starts gaining momentum, gyros stop and then with no resistance start spinning with the satelite as well

doesnt this prove cons of momentum is wrong?
S2 licensed
some people from another countries have such a huge inflation that id like to exaplin why inflation happens:

the world has 100 units of gold, 100 of metals, 100 in other raw metals, 100 in forest, 100 in infrastructure, 100 in people able to work, 100 in sea resources,100 in sun energy,100 in water,100 in crops

so we have in the world a total value of resources of 1000 units, in 1900 this 1000 units were valued 1 trillion dollars

but 100 years later theres 1 thousand times more dollars in the world than before while exactly the same resources

where did that money came from? well somebody decided since he controlled currency he could make as many bills as desired, and thats whats been happening lately, people is forging money legally devaluting the value of things and causing inflation, theres as much inflation as legal forgery of money

with gold as currency there was no ever inflation, great invention paper money, for some, cheap to make and people will give you goods for it
S2 licensed
i deleted that of asking there cause i cahnged my mind but he was so fast

obviously a pingpong ball will go slower than a ramp than a bowling one

dont really know why, seems kind of contradictory with what the net says about galileo experiments, specially this: ... history/e-h/galileo1.html

balls of different weights all arrived at the end of the ramp in the same time.


a funny answer for you:
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
well im trying to learn by questioning things, you said 1st different sizes balls wouldnt quite fall down the ramp at same rate due to angular moment, then inplicitly you admitted the link i provided was right so both fall at the same rate

well why dont you act as you preach and test it your self, you just need 2 different sizes marbles of the same material, i used steel rollers,and a big table with something underneath a leg to lean it slightly, you can start them with a pen so they both start still at the same time, youll see for your self how bigger fall 1st

as for the satellite holding on 2 counterotate gyros consider this:

angular momentum of both gyros is 0 since theyre counterotative, angular momentum of sateliute is 0 since its stopped, suddenly it holds on the gyros and starts spinning which means in an isolated system momentum goes from 0 to some value, i got banned from a phisics forum for holding this true, since holding certain trues are not allowed in most physics forums
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
yep i was kidding about fashion cause i hate fashion

i dont need to know physics, the link provided says 2 different size balls reach the end of the ramp at the same time, i know for certain this is false because i experimented it myself and see it with my own eyes, all im saying is this link is wrong, i do belive a feather and a hammer drop at the same time in vacuum, but we are being lied as that link proves

i should know some physics i just have 8 subjects left on nautical engine engineering, well actually one of them is basic physics, but passed advanced mechanics with a 7 on 10

in fact i love physics but i disagree in many things, another example:

to spin a mass a certain sense so it acquires a rotational momentum you must spin another mass so it has another equal oposite momentum

this is false what if i hold to spin in 2 fast counterotative gyroscopes?
S2 licensed
yep thanks guys ill go for the g25
S2 licensed
In other words, if it took 1 second for a ball to travel 1 unit of length, it would take it 4 seconds to travel 16 units. This meant that the ball did not travel at a constant rate but accelerated. Galileo also found that the weight of the ball did not matter – balls of different weights all arrived at the end of the ramp in the same time.

from here: ... history/e-h/galileo1.html

something i tested myself as anybody can proofs this is a lie

now twisting the knife within the wound:

Words versus eyes
Although he had proved Aristotle wrong, Galileo was instructed by his academic masters to ignore his own findings. He responded sarcastically, 'If experiments are performed thousands of times in all seasons and in every place without once producing the effect described by the philosophers, poets and historians, this means nothing and we must believe their words and not our own eyes.'
Last edited by lerts, .
S2 licensed
ill search on galileo experiments on ramps, i recall sites saying he experimented both falling at the same rate

now my question, i watched a football match, why players wore the shirt outside the trousers while the referri wore it inside

in my opinion fashion is a way of population control:

more population wanted, short skirts for girls, shirt outside the trousers for boys

less population wanted long skirts for girls, shirt inside the trousers for boys

now you may question why i guy would mind the shirt in or out

i tell you if you get close to a horny girl and you were the shirt in youre in trouble in a public place, so you keep away from the girl

so just pay attention to how boys wear their shirt inside or outside the trousers, that tells if the system wants moer or less poupulation