suppose you have a revered compass, that wouldnt help
the only info on the net on how to fixed a reverse compass is mine
i bet if you give that professor a reversed compass and a magnet he will be unable to fix it
next step would be reversing bigger magnets:
if you make a magnet hollow wheres the neutral magnetic point or vortex by crossing another magnets through this hollow vortex i think would be easier to reverse and could be a 1st step on making a free energy magnet engine
i just want recognition on being the 1st ON THE NET to explain how to fix a reversed compass, so im being usefull
i searched a lot and could not find the trick anywhere though for example tristan knows it
so i cant start threads?
im posting much less but here i have to defend myself
for example most say my trick is widely known yet nobody provided a detailed explanation of it on the net, at least good eneough as to help a person with a reversed compass
oh come on should i watch the 54 minutes video to not find my trick
why go cuantic to fix a reverse compass
in my video i did also a neutralization when teh compass hardly points to a pole
the effects of not being under the influence of not magnetic field is unknown
if the poles reverse there will be a moment at 0 gauss
with an earths pole reversal we could become crazy or like that urban legend of the monkeys that returned from space superintelligent become enlightened with a reversal
i see but something ive noticed is i can reverse needle polarity moving the magnet 1 mm
what if i built a big compass and reverse it letting it produce energy by moving a magnet 1 mm and being in the neutral point of the needle almost effortlessly
i tried to reverse bigger magnets but i couldnt but the theory is that if you cross the neutral point with the north of another magnet you can reverse it
i have some ideas to do this but by now i prefer to use my inventive on finding an enlightening method which im trying by making brain go dual syncronizing both hemispheres and ending dominance, is not good being mononeural better stereoneural
and whats your view on not being my trick detailly explained nowhere i dont want to get conspiratory about it but i cant help myself since its a fact is unavalible
whats your view on this unavalability of the trick?
oh come on plz i admitt i sound like a mad man saying this is supressed science
but the fact is nobody here is finding my trick detailed explained on the net so my conspiratory theory could be true
im just analizing facts a known phenomena cause i plenty discard im the first to know about this trick is totally unavalible on the net
thats why id apreciate some back up because i did in fact help the world because now people will be able to fix their reversed compass that before this was more difficult
omg that doesnt explain how to fix a reversed compass thats going quantic you must be kidding me
"If we have a magnetic material with all the poles aligned in the same direction (for example, a material made of very small compasses, all of which have the north pole facing upwards) and we apply a magnetic field in the opposite direction the compass poles should turn slowly until, eventually, they are all aligned downwards. "
thats not my trick
seriuously theres a link that explains my trick but it took me 48 hours to find but cant remember
this idea is supressed by the petrol companies, proof: such a simple knowledge is unavalable, till now
i dont see why i deserve to be criticized as stupid when i just did something good for the world
before people searching for how to fixed an accidentally reversed compass would find no answers now if you search for reverse compass is easy to find my video:
experten on compasses are clueles in front of a reversal and they go cuantic when my youtube explains how to pretty easy
i dont think ive been the 1st to discover this i think the lack of info of people on magnets reversal is due to petrol companies hiding this info to avoid fre energy permanet magnets engines
according my discovery to reverse a magnet you pass the north of another magnet by the vortex neutral point of the magnet to be reversed and turn it inside out like a jersey
see this expertens at the compass forum know others magnets can reverse compasses even they know by experience a compass can reverse another compass but they dontk know exactly how, i do id probably could reverse one compass with another compass with my trick
edit: id love to research on reversing bigger magnets, before i though lack of energy brough famines now i see it unworth it is evil people who brings famines, so why research on free energy to achieve nothing or be killed or have to sell yourslef