i just thought of an example in which momentum is not conserved:
imagine you weight 0 and you have heavy stones rotating around you grasped by bars or what is the same that theres no you and the stones are very fast counterotating around a center of g with a certain radius
and suddenly when on this position you cut the cable
both stones will go shot forward, now wheres the reaction?
coincidence cant be since media is 30 times a day, thats too much to be coincidence, another thing would be calling it synchronity
tristan thats interesting, for example it happens to me with a song i know the lyrics, nothing extraordinary but it happens as well with the 1st word i hear for example right when i turn on the radio and this should be imposible to predict
i see it as a blessing more than as a curse because it lets me realize that theres a beyond but id feel better if there was another person with the same experiences
hell i have this recurrent dream in which i get into a las vegas casino and i can rewind time, like playing a game saving knowing exactly what will be next, and its amazing what you can do in dreams with that power but i get into so much trouble there, shootings and stuff
its not im saying its precognition necesarily, my main point is why ive never heard of this phenomena, why im the only one who experiences this
now you must be thinking im trying to look special, man i garantee you id rather live 10 years of a normal life than 50 of my extreamly odd live, im special but i dont like to be so
this is very intersting on subcouncious knowledge of the future and subcouncious control of uncertainty:
6 years agoit would start i would be thinking and i would think exactly the same word i hear with 1 or 2 seconds advance
it started so heavily and violently i had a nervous breakdown, evey half mintue this thing would happen so i tried to stop thinking to stop the issue, it was quite bad, thats from where i got the paranoia of being on a mind reading truman show, they were reading my mind and they said the word i was thinking to drive me mad
i mean imagine it happened to you you hear the same word you are thinking evey half minute
now it didnt happen so often again, now its maybe 10-60 a day but its happenning something didnt happen before:
before it was always just one single word but now happen with 2 even 3 in a row as well
at least i dont take it bad anymore, now i feel it as something that confirms the unscientifical tracendence of the human being, i feel if i have this precognition for some reason is that im fulfilling my destiny im on the way i should be
in fact how should this issue be called precognition synchronicity dejavu or how?
and why i cant find anybody else in the net that experiences this, after all im pretty normal
really i dont know how to take this thing, any advice?
im a creative and imaginative person who tells his thoughts
i rarely attack people but wacth this thread is attack after attack towards me
not strong attacks but many little attacks
why because i express myself?
hell at the moment i dont even dare to play in demo casue someone will know im there and ban me
have you seen that guy posting where i was inciting op to ban me
well one of the things that surprises me about myself is my ability to imagine things someone thinks later for example when i was 18, 15 years ago i day dreamt i got to live a double live due to my rare ability to pilot certain craft which very few people can
i would live a double live, one in highschool and another to the orders of bush sr piloting bikes trough wormholes with this girl i met defending earth against the alien invaders
10 years later someone makes this video, exactly what i had day dreamed:
of course i was gonna do the pit, i wont do again promised
but notice how he did it himself just in the moment i was gonna do to him
isnt it at least curious
sam id like tou know your view on myself getting banned from 2 main servers for using the name xpermozoid which i cnat use no longer since most people here hate me so if they can they harm me not letting me play
i have 2 slight wounds in my shoulders i cant account for, not pimples
this has happened for long
first i recall was my 1st nervous break down when i dreamt of vampires and awake with a wound in the shape of a cross made like with a pin over my heart
i used to be scared of vampires but vampire girls in my dreams are superhot so they dont scare me any more
maybe i have some kind of double life i dont know about
in the bar there are several persons betting, they are written down in a book one is azazel and nobody knows about him, yesterday everybody was saying he was me since i look like a devil, maybe its true and i get those wounds in that double life
2nd he tried again but he he hit me with the side too early in such a way he made himself a pit
in fact i remember he did the pit exactly a tenth of a second before i was gonna do to him, i remember clearly it caught me by surprise
but you can clearly see its him who turn the wheel into the pit not me
pretty obvious if you deny this youre a lier
man i deserve some respect, i think i invented somethin casues enlightening but doesnt work for me unless i quit smoking which i cant
i managed when not smoking to see with my peripheral view as with central so you didnt have to move the eye to look at
my dream is to end suffering of past present and future by an enlightened humanity who can mental timetravel and turn history into a pantomine to avoid paradoxes
i was offered when i got abduced to leave this world with my loved people and let it be nuked but i refused
so judge me not by my madness but by my intentions
i could be all sane but avogue by genetic selection of god knows what
im just a harmless lunatic too sensible for this worl who prefer to dream the world is better than it seems
i should be respected for being a good person though crazy not attcaked by most
analizing the track i realize i must have some vampiric influence powers
because i thought it was me who was doing the pit to him
but you can watch how i go all straight and its him who manoubre into the pit
well i know i can fly cause i did so as a child have 50 precognition a days where now i can guess even 3 words in a row, just 1 happens 50 a day, ocasioanlly i can reads people mind guessing the word they gonna say, logical telepathy and precognition are the very same thing
and now im developing starwars style influence on dunb people?
im gonna try im gonna influence you to say some thing mean towards me...