1.I dont think people that are saying LFS sound is now GREAT are providing any usefull information. This is not the case, pls people, try GTR and GTL, thats proper sound, the sound in LFS is it achilles heel and should be resolved.
2. Has there been talk about resonance and harmonics? I think if harmonics, caused by all the vibrations in and around the engine and exhaust are implemented in LFS (specific higher frequenties at specific lower amplitude) it would be a step forwards. We need more high frequenties at high RPM, this could be the proper simulated way.
Now, I dont know that much about harmonics any more, been 10year since i studied it at college, but i'm sure there's enough talent on this forum to help. (check wikipedia for a start)
3. The gear whine seems to repeat itself (at least on some cars) at constant RPM while driving, as if it was sampled, very anoying.