The online racing simulator
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S3 licensed

i think the term for us americans that everyone else has been going on about is mash or mashed as in mashed potatoes.

Mesh on the cars would serve no purpose and unless you're driving in the swing cam view looking backwards ot at a replay you couldn't see it

ps, more fun for everyone!
Last edited by mattlikespeoples, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DasKlee :Ever tried a right klick?

Shouldn't be that much klicks to get to 50 Laps when you actually do klick the right mousebutton instead of the left one :rolleyes:

how many other people knew that right clicking on the arrows under a setting changed it by 10? I've been playing LFs for a long time and had no idea. you should still be able to right click and input the number of laps.
lap count
S3 licensed
not anything major but when selecting the number of laps I think we should be able to right-click like every other setting and enter it in manually. For instance, training the new AI for 50 or 100 laps. It'd be nice not to have to click that much. Anyone else with me?
S3 licensed
i'm with flymike on this one. The cars only appear stock but due to the huge variations in setups possible (ummm, i want final gear to 3.401 instead of 3.4...) there is no reason why this couldn't be a simple addition to a patch in the future. Heck, since hypothetically the patch would be adding lock and changing server options it SHOULD be compatible with current (or soon to come) patches.

I think that LFS is first and foremost a racing simulator but Scawen himself said he wants to simulate as many types of vehicles as possible and the LFS engine makes things other than racing possible and quite fun

Stop being the hard-headed racing nazi's and let other's have thier (apparently unrealistic:rolleyes fun

S3 licensed
just added some money to my account but how do i get the hires skins?
S3 licensed
thats also apparently a good time for the world to end, too...hmmm. With the advent of a new Son the three Horsemen and one Horsewoman of the Appocolypse release 'patch y' to cleanse the Earth
S3 licensed
hell, i'd pitch in $5 just for the entertainment value LFS has brought me. Not to often you'd get a chance to really give back to the ppl that made the game.

btw, thats US dollars...not worth what they used to be
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :with the current development pace theres a good chance that leo will help out as the 4th dev before s3 hits the shelves

ZING! nice1, shot
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :and don't worry the patch is coming soon!

heard it here first, folks.

Happy B-day!
S3 licensed
i appologize for blaming it (kinda) on the devs but since every other apect of my internet access worked flawlessly and LFS was the only area to have problems, what was i to think?
S3 licensed
Quote from mattlikespeoples :1. Better 64 bit OS compatability so i can play online
2. secret christmas suprise/AI/hopefully collision detection

i thank jakg for finally figuring this out. windows updated my drivers automatically which made my ethernet adapter not work for that final connection stage of lfs. back online now.

for my real 2 areas of suspected focus:

1)AI-so LFS can go beta and maybe final sooner. (greater reccognition from outside ppl)
2)collision detection- for obvios reasons
S3 licensed
lord i hope so...

whipped out the CD that came with my p5k, reinstalled the original driver and BAM! This has been killin me for ages and I'm so glad there are people like you, Jakg, to help people out Smile so many thanks
Last edited by mattlikespeoples, .
S3 licensed
1. Better 64 bit OS compatability so i can play online
2. secret christmas suprise/AI/hopefully collision detection
S3 licensed
august 19th, 2002-first 'ring request.

*duely noted*

This should be refered to for anyone asking about new tracks and be told "people have been asking for this for 5 years now, just drop it already!"
S3 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I believe that Bawbag won't be playing too long either, I mean if you are so fast that you have to practise a lot and still finding competitive race buddys comes difficult it is rather easy to get tired of it, don't you think?

whats also easy to get tired of is not ebing able to connect to any servers due to a 64bit OS issue...not that i'm a notable figure in the LFS community or am being missed online but still frustrated about not being able to get online
S3 licensed
just hook up one of these and you'll be set

j/k. a little more info would be nice. Like trist said, how much actual free space do you have?
S3 licensed
you buy vista and want to change it to look like windows 95?
S3 licensed
ok, so it seems like people with 64bit OS's have this problem, me included. Emailed tech support directly through but they said they hadn't run across this problem and weren't sure what to do. I made a thread about this and found another refering to a similar problem.

So far, nothing has been resolved. Maybe a magic patch will fix things but who knows. Maybe the Dev's themselves with comment about this but with the vast amount of technical know how of people on this board and no answers yet then I've pretty much given up multiplayer. patch V+tweak is atleast entertaining for a while
S3 licensed
Volvo, what operating system are using? I've got the same problem, i think, and i'm using vista 64. I've swept for viruses (viri?), turned off firewalls, stopped as many programs as I could find (nromally dont have any that will just use the connection automatically that I know of) but the only thing I can see different is that you've been atleast able to get into a server. Even if I DL the skins, close LFS then try to rejoin the same server I cant. "didnt receive guest info" every frickin time makes me wanna
S3 licensed
well, same isp from when I moved in here a year and a half ago and even have gotten a bandwidth upgrade. We have no p2p trafficing or bandwidth usage restrictions and this all worked just fine before. I just dont understand what could cause it to act like this. every other online game works great. no lag (obviously server dependant), no stutter or odd behavior.

LFS will load track, download skins and layouts but sticks at recieving guest info. No warning from windows firewall. does the same thing with that feature on and off. guess I'll send this thread to the devsShrugFrown
S3 licensed

Still same issue. clean install, demo, s2, firewall on or off. nothing has helped. Is there a way I can report this to the devs to take a look at? AFAIK I'm the only one having this problem or the only one to post about it. Recieving everything but guest info is no fun
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
everyone knows the damage/collision system in LFS is in need of some serious work. I've gone through many a barrier with out a single dent if done fast enough. XRT haulin butt down blackwoods back straight can get plenty of speed. leave the poor guy alone. There's not a single scrap of evidence to support that this guy uses a cracked version
S3 licensed
yeah, i've got a belkin wireless router but I just use a cat 5 port in the back since I'm right next to it. my roommates use the wireless connections. Not sure why it would be a problem now and not before. Like I said, rest of my internet works just fine Shrug
S3 licensed
So I guess no one else has this problem. Can the devs help me out here? Do they have any clue? All of my other online games work flawlessly with low ping. I cant run CS:S on certain servers with single digit pings so It isnt my connection.