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S3 licensed
Email sent, thanks guys. I've just never had to deal with this so i didnt know the best way of going about to solve my delimma. I RARELY go the the main site soley because the forum give me everything i need
need another unlock-technical problems...
S3 licensed
Ok, so i got my tax returns back and i was excited because i was buying a new processor. i have and old socket 478 mobo so i got the fastest i could find-p4 3.4GHz, 800mhz fsb and 1mb l2 cache prescott core. It's great and i've got it OC'd to 3.7 and still rock stable.

Along with the new chip i seriously needed a formatting to get rid of all the crap i had on my computer. that never happened. I went to asus' (my mobo maker) and DL'd some beta chipset drivers. Horrible idea. I was drifting at FE black or gold (dont remember) and telling people about my new chip then the screen flashed for a sec and.....BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!!!!!

Me and my friend had to reinstall windows which accidentally got put on the wrong HDD so I had to reinstall lots of stuff (drivers, etc...) and when i get things back up to speed i knew i'd have to unlock. No big deal, i unlock it and play as usual. Close LFS, time passes, wanna play again. It tells me to unlock again. I try it and it says out of unlocks for the here it is, March 6th and i'm stuck playing demo till april...

What can i do?

EDIT:at least it still says i'm licensed :sadbanana:
Last edited by mattlikespeoples, .
S3 licensed
wait, whats going on? i was a bit distracted...thanks Davo
S3 licensed
Cant be a sore loser if i dont compete. i just concur with everyone else. burnout gets nothing and has no credibility as far as this thread is concerned
S3 licensed
i dont get it. burnout, you obviously are hiding something because there is no way (that MOST people know of) to get that time. it's not like you will lose anything by posting a twk and spr....that is if it's legit.

btw, the whole pompous 'i dont ahve too cause i posted a screen shot so i win' attitude is rather childish
S3 licensed
All I have to say is congrats. I'm sure your hardwork will be worth the effort with all of the praise you will recieve upon the 'official' release of this. I just found out today that it's done and waiting approval and i've been patiently excited since the rwd v8 xfg vid was released. This will open up an entirely new chapter into the LFS history books and steve and redrum (and any others associated with it) will go down in history So, i'm off to the dentist, school and work. I expect it to be waiting for me when i get home...j/k. Thank you

and now some gratuitous smileys!
:headbang: :lovies3d: :wow: :eclipsee_ :heyjoe67_
S3 licensed
so wait, you've been demo since aug 2005?
i also find it funny that you know that and not me. guess others are just more involved. thanks for the quick reply
S3 licensed
how can we get this fine piece of work to work on the outside view. thats where i drift but then i cant see the meter anybody know how to change this? i dont see anything i the config to change it but mayeb that's due to my lack of understanding
S3 licensed
I think tall sizes might be agood idea. My ideal size is XLT considering i'm 6'8" and 255-260 ish. XXLT's are just too big but some people on here are bigger than me. (20 stones )

nice bell curve, btw
S3 licensed
Quote from [ADT]sid :a friend has it

and i will buy one soon

S3 licensed
hey jayhawk, was i playing on a zombie mod server(cs:s) with you just recently? or am i just a littleillepall
S3 licensed
LFS is 'realistic' enough for me, the casual gamer. I think that if too many elements are implemented then perhaps the CPU load will be too great for the majority of the lower-mid range users to enjoy the game. Sure, properly simulated damage, tires, brakes, engine sounds(tho pretty important IMO), diffs, pits stops, and various things to have while racing (ie:minimap, outside car view, gap times, automated starts etc...) would all make this game more realistic, they might not make it a better 'game'. *cringes at that word usage*

Dont get me wrong, I'd love to see all of this implemented in due time (read:long time) I'm quite ok with the occasional race and drift session as is. More is better but greed is sinful

wow, i've been here since aug 2004. *oh the memories*:lovies3d:
S3 licensed
i still dont get this kind of drifting. FWD cars doing 360's or going dori dori down the straights is pretty lame. I'm not saying it doesnt take talent but to me it's the equivelent of the guy trying to do donuts in his stock civic while roasting the inside wheel. I guess my hate for the people who do it in real life and how absolutely pointless it is in ANY real life racing situation just ruins it for me. cant people in the middle east actually drift rwd cars? never seen it done. People doing that and driving suv's on two wheels which, btw, takes just as much skill and is just stupid.
S3 licensed
i'm guessing this is a futile argument so i'm done. people not bothering to fully read and comprehend what i say then make mute points that i've already explained in previous points makes arguing pointless.
S3 licensed
i would love for people to use my skin if i spent lots of time perfecting it. The only 'private' skin i use (and rarely at that) doesnt have "private...for team use only" or anything of that nature on it or in the file name. I'm not a skin stealer as some of you acuse me of. Frankly I only really care how my car is driving. It could be hot pink with barney on it and i'd drive it as long as the set is good but that isnt the issue here.

I understand where you people are coming from but i feel you are talking about a different breed of person than I. I dont scour my skinsX folder for team skins to use them and i'd LOVE to personally thank whoever made the top secret skin i use. If I happen to be using the skin and someone is from that team or notices and says something I'll change it. I'm not an immature douchebag with no respect.

Perhaps I stand alone on my view point but I certainly stand my ground on how I feel.
S3 licensed
ok, let me repeat myself. If people ask about my skin, i dont claim it to be mine. I dont claim to be on the team and i'm not an a-hole about it. perhaps the author of the skin should be happy that i like it enough to want to use it. If i had a chance to talk to the person who made it i'd thank them. I really dont see the problem here
S3 licensed
look, i had a-holes yell at me for not knowing i was using a private skin. some top secret xrt skin. If it's downloaded to my computer then i feel it's my right to use it. if the 'intellecual property' issue is that big of a deal, talk to the devs about having lockable skins. until then, i'm tired of people complaining that i'm using it while telling people i didnt make it and take no credit. driving around with the same paint on your car isnt hurting anything except feelings. get over it you babies
S3 licensed
Start address:Seattle, WA
End address:Key West, FL
Distance:3,838 mi (about 2 days 16 hours)
S3 licensed
i really have always thought the drag part of lfs was lacking a bit. No chance to heat the tires and no reaction times because you cant go until the light is green anyways. i hardly ever drag so i think that this would only further me fron the better people but ya know, i'm ok with that
S3 licensed
whats s2: D? hehe. welcome
S3 licensed
more like 'post of the entire internet EVAR!!!'

"they say 'lol n00blarz' and i dont understand"
S3 licensed
aww, cmon guys, this one actually seems nice and doesnt wanna just hack it. Good for you, James28.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
i like the 20b very much, lrdbsi. around the city it's quite fun to toss around and not too much torque so things do go crazy.
S3 licensed
haha, yodman, why would you post such low performance presets? i mean, 180hp 'muscle car'? i'm sure it was fun makin your car but just seems silly. :P