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S3 licensed
interesting idea, heson, but I doubt that they would put this into lfs. I'd like to see it but changing anything other than the setup on the cars in LFS will be a long shot.

Atleast if this happened we know it'd be done right.
S3 licensed
Quote from NikLaw : So what´s the difference between LFS and NFS? Getting constantly wrecked makes LFS being almost an arcade game, it´s not the driving it´s avoiding the wreckage!

this has absolutely NOTHING to do with LFS. It's the PEOPLE on the server causing the problems and in no way does t1 mayhem make this or any other game 'arcade-like'
S3 licensed
thanks. glad you went ahead and listed the features. didn't want to ask for them as that would seem...i dunno, needy? Perhaps the further development of this program or ones like it with incorporate such features.
S3 licensed
Quote from Byku :Well... i think the tweak should be released in a special "for S2 Licensed" forum section.

this is exactly what we need...a special s1/s2/s3 licensed section or just just limit the demo-ers to a few sections like "tech support" and maybe "skins".

S3 licensed
Quote from VoiD :My guess: Hardware is still uncrackable...

not true. i cracked my momo so now the sequential shifter can move all over the place and i can *pretend*. mmm, warm fuzzy feelings of psuedo-shifting.

just wish redrum would Tweak my mouse...
S3 licensed
Quote from ebola :I think something is wrong there

yeah, just add 't in there SOMEWHERE
S3 licensed
will someone buy this guy a clue? This is the biggest fanboy of GT i've ever seen and I own gt1-4 and have spent PLENTY of time on

Porschedrifter, just stop. you're only embarassing yourself with every reply.
S3 licensed
Ok, i've done some research and personally contacted the devs myself. Shift+P is perfectly realistic and simulated almost completely accurate except for the lack of visual cues.

The 'P' in the command actually doesnt refer to 'pit' but Philadelphia. You see, back in the early 1940's the US was working on a way to disguise it's ships to counteract and evade the German U-boats. Dr. Frank Reno was conducting experiments with Einstein’s Unified Field Theory and the possibilty that utilizing large amounts of electroradiation could alter gravity itself and bend light around an object thus rendering it invisible. While some accounts claim that this worked there are other accounts that claimed the experiment had unforseen consequences. The U.S.S. Eldridge was reported to have vanished in a flash of blue light during one of the trials reappeared 20 minutes later 600 miles away then teleport back to the harbor in Philly. The blue light flash has yet to be implemented

Our devs have not only given us a great racing simulator but also fitted each car with a device that can bend time and space precisely enough to teleport our cars at will to the garage. I theorize a microwave receiver flush mounted into teh body work of each vehicle that gathers the energy beamed down from space via simulated orbiting satelites with fields of solar panels that power the "Philly Boxes". These "Philly Boxes" are activated at the simple press of a button.

Now, one side effect of installing said devices is that given a hard enough shunt against a particular surface (other car, autox barrier, etc...) the device malfuntions and sends a jolt of EM radiation temporarily altering the gravity field encompassing the car randomly sending it flying in another direction.

In conclussion, every 'non simulation' aspect of LFS can be explained away with a little digging and prodding.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :I believe 0.6A

had I bothered to look a tad closer I would've realized that this is the most obvious solution.

Assuming we follow development from 0.6A-Z to 1.0 we've got about 105 more patches to go

thanks xaotik. sorry I didnt search
Almost out of letters?
S3 licensed
Unless we're gonna start using Japanese character I believe patch Y is the next to last letter in the english alphabet. So what happens after Z? Patch AA? Patch ñ? Shall I dare say LFS Beta?

Your thoughts?
S3 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :the new pach is great !
i'm gonaa buy S2 license soon and drive with any car in any track i like

:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: surely he cant be serious.

Wait, he IS serious and I'll stop colling him Sherley

Thank you, Boscho, for letting me know that all hope for decent people in demo is not lost

oh yeah, and
Quote from srdsprinter :No this is great!

People who dislike patch Y: __________________ (fill in the blank)
A-"need to stick to NFS"
B-"are lame demo career drivers"
C-"fundamentally don't understand LFS"

i think there should be a poll for demo users to answer honestly with an "all of the above" category. Me thinks the majority of the results would be A and C
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :You joke but that has happened before...

you're just provoking mroe usage of unrealistic features.

"Nice race"
S3 licensed
the devs should all handbuild supercomputers optimized to run LFS and simulate EVERY aspect of EVERYTHING on earth then deliver them, not unlike santa, to all registered S2 users

"wtf?!?! This butterfly on the otherside of the world flapped its wings and now I iz in a hurricane while driving FE CLUB!!!!111!!1"

/perhaps unnecisary but just havin fun

in the end, LFS is a prgram on your computer. Come December 21, 2112, shift+p wont matter
S3 licensed
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :Thats realism. Thats what people use as an argument against criticism like mine. Thats why I made OBVIOUS that their argument is not really an argument, but a mantra that they have learned to repeat and put against any one daring to question things.

What does server efficiency have to do with Shift+P, care to explain it?

while I understand this is my weakest point in the argument I will try my best.

Shift+P is not realistic. There is no avoiding this. It gets around the realism of needing to drive to the pits after a race/crash/whatever. On the otherhand, shift+p is not used while racing. It provides no advantage to anyone using it at pitting moves you to last place. I feel that no matter how advanced a simulation becomes it is still just that: a mathematical representation real events and for our case it's on our PC's.

Perhaps along this argument you want to virtually turn the knobs on your adjustible shocks and wrench on those pesky roll bars and magically fabricate almost infinitely variable ration gearboxes. After all, this is a simulation.

Getting OT a bit i guess. This is a racing sim. The effects of shfit+p are unrelated to the outcome of any semi-organized race on any server. thats the best I got. Perhaps a more señor member (:razz could explain for me what I'm trying to say
S3 licensed
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :Right, thats the mantra some people have learned and repeat over and over. I will also repeat my words: What about custom views, what about Shift+P, what about the lousy physics when you crash? what about a proper damage model?

some servers have forced cockpit view. Shift P is necesary. Cant efficiently run servers if everyone is forced to have to drive back to pits. what about the people that might have crashed and flipped? Maybe we'll implement the server's own wrecker/tow option. I'd love to drift a 8000lb deisel tow truck around FE black rev...

As far as the physics go, I guess the fact that the game is still in the alpha stage explains alot. Games go like this (AFAIK): development, alpha testing, further development, beta testing, refinement, release. We're currently in the 3rd stage of 'further development'.

Proper collision detection will come in time but what are you doing running into stuff anyways?
Last edited by mattlikespeoples, .
S3 licensed
After trudging though this thread it seems like some people get it and some people dont. I'd atleast like to think I do.

Live for Speed is aiming to simulate realistically as many aspects of racing/driving (or drifting and cruising if that fancies you) as possible. The devs are just a small handful of guys putting long hours of coding, research, blood, sweat and maybe even tears to perfect thier creation. People that haven't paid for the game are not going to influence anyone. People that have paid for the game rarely will influence anyone and 'anyone' most likely isnt going to be one of the devs.

As said before, if you do not like the changes that improve LFS as a simulation then perhaps LFS wasn't what you were really looking for. Forza 2 is a wonderful game for the 360. The whole GT series can be fun and challenging. Both have aspects of simulation but aren't "hardcore".

Heck, even the simbin games can be halfway decent but when it comes down to it LFS just feels so natural. Things happen as they should. Drive too agressively and whoops, there go your tires. Flatshifting or just shifting poorly? tisk tisk...the napalm gremlins will gladly disable your clutch in a hurry.

LFS shall not pander to those using non-car-like means of controlling the cars in the game.
LFS shall not pander to the complaints of demo users unless something is actually wrong with the fundamentals of the game itself.
LFS shall not pander to those who, while even using a wheel in S2, cannot comprehend the processes used in properly propelling your vehicle of choice through space. (well, this isn't Live for Space...but that'd be cool:razz
S3 licensed
Quote :this really requires a Logitech G25 lol

"Online at: Team Orange - Public Drift"

yeah, try and complain about being more realistic and drifting with 900* of rotation then we'll REALLY hear some whining. And being only 14 I think you'd have a terrible time just shifting and braking properly. (simply a guess. dont know you're driving background. being 14 and in the US doesn't make it easy to get much time behind a wheel)
S3 licensed
bugged or something...acusing me of being wrong when you dont sound too sure yourself. Nice one.

That guy may have been 'bugged' but I was simply saying that this looks like a similar situation.
S3 licensed
i remember seeing a mpr where thisone guy was driving on completely the wrong line and kept lagging through barriers. It's like he was driving the old version of blackwood on the new version server. I think this is kinda whats happened to your lyts. old lyt's, new-ish track. gonna need an overhaul on most if not all of them
S3 licensed
i was racing today and realized that you only have to lift the trottle a tiny bit to get it to shift. I can understand if your pedals have a large range but you dont have to lift completely at all
S3 licensed
did you try going through the feelthere website?
S3 licensed
its is a custom build. friend did an amazingly clean install. obviously not the stock heat sink. this is similar to what i have. cant remember exactly what i put in my system ... aspx?Item=N82E16835103031
oh, and the OCZ was just a temp replacement for the 4GB's of patriot that were in the mail. 8800gts. wish i had a gtx but it does well enough.
S3 licensed
I'ver heard the 6800's are rather hot especially running at 3ghz (not THAT high but still). Get a good aftermarket heat sink and you'll be fine.
here's my setup. 20ai's on aston GP and the highest it ever reads is 40c. btw q6600 @ 3.0ghz
S3 licensed
sounds like temps to me although if the FPS jumps right back up at the beginning of the next race assuming minimal time between races then it wouldn't be temp related
S3 licensed
Quote from superclarkey :as you can see, i've been playing lfs (drifting) from around early part of 2003 and never complained when they removed my 45 degrees of lock, caster and track adjustment

i wouldn't be complaining if i had a skyline to drift in real life either