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S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Based off your reply, I must conclude, simultaneous invention.

Seems very unlikely, it's far more conceivable that ripnet and I shared ideas and code and I just don't remember it. Is he still around? Perhaps he could enlighten us all.
Edit: And yes, let's move on, because PHPLFS apparently remains the sole surviver anyway.
Last edited by morpha, .
S3 licensed
What I sent to Dygear is not based on PHPLFS, at least not knowingly. However I believe it is somewhat related to ripnet, who I think started coding a PHP based InSim framework (which I suppose is now PHPLFS) approximately 3 (?) years ago. I started coding pretty much right after I saw that, but apart from the idea itself, there should be no similarities other than generic code. I made the packet definitions from scratch, I wrote the socket classes, the basemodule might have been from ripnet's (then unlicenced) code but was altered significantly... Is it possible you somehow mixed up the code, Mark?

To clarify: I was already hosting a server with a running InSim application at the time. I met ripnet on the server and he invited me to a temporary server to show me his InSim. It was simple, did not use select on the socket, lacked a dynamic event system, did not include all packets (probably only the ones required for establishing a connection and sending messages)... Put simply, it was a stunning idea, but there wasn't really any code to base something upon.

Edit: After having looked at PHPLFS now, I can see why this discussion took the direction it took, but I guarantee I did not rip out any copyright notices or licence info. What I received was a proof-of-concept, connect to host, send and receive messages, but not much more. That was in late 2007. I distinctly remember implementing a simple button function to limit the button sending frequency (because it caused disconnects), as well as using select on the socket. I also remember writing the socket classes, particularly for UDP use because I intended to run the InSim locally. Either the whole thing is a huge coincidence, or code got shared without either side remembering it.

Another Edit:
Quote :1.2 2008-04-07 ripnet
* Enabled UDP for MCI packets
* Update Program class to include function updateButtons
- Button updates don't happen every single time with this function,
- only updated buttons will get to send a new IS_BTN(... msg

Colour me amused. The way I see it, ripnet shared a concept, I provided feedback in word and code and we went separate ways from there on. The resemblance in some areas is remarkable, but not really surprising. Granted, some things look too alike to be coincidence, but neither isphp nor the early code I received looked anything like PHPLFS does now. I will admit that I should have added ripnet's copyright, but let me emphasize once again that I did not remove it either, it wasn't there in the first place in the version I first received.

I'm confident that most of it that is not generic (after all, there are only so many ways one can implement event based, non-interactive, tcp/udp software, explaining to me why the socket classes and packet definitions are essentially identical) is in fact my code.

As I said in some other, semi-related topic, I've switched to pyinsim. You know why? Because if you port it to PHP, PHPLFS/isphp is what you get almost to the letter
Last edited by morpha, .
S3 licensed
Definitely waiting for HQ
S3 licensed
Try these.

They only play when slipping on loose surfaces (grass/gravel/sand).
S3 licensed
Or you can just change your browser's HTTP Accept languages to en-GB, because that's what Atari/Metaboli base the region detection on. In FF that's easy as pie, open a new tab, about:config, intl.accept_languages -> change value to list en-GB first.

It'll also causes the currency to be GBP, but that's actually a good thing for euro countries as it's almost 50% cheaper.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Pending morpha's approval, I'll release my fork of his code. It will supersede PHPInSim 0.3.5.

I'm okay with it, but my recommendation stands; a complete rewrite.
S3 licensed
Does it stutter at any throttle position or just fully (or close to fully) open?
S3 licensed
Well I've switched over from PHP to Python (Alex 'DarkTimes' McBride's pyinsim) some time ago. The PHP InSim app is still running, but only because I hacked it to the point where even I myself can't really decipher how the complex scoring system works, hence am unable to port it without considerable effort, which I'm not willing to invest into anything LFS related at this time.
S3 licensed
I'd rather not. It's outdated, inefficient, hacky and needlessly complicated. I suggest starting from scratch, ideally targeting 5.3.
S3 licensed
Of course the real smart thing to do, for password recovery email address purposes at least, is to run a local mailserver that
  • only permits local access and/or
  • is only running when you need it (thereby rendering brute force attacks impossible)
S3 licensed
Quote from Arni Arnason :I think he left after some dispute, read it on some forum ,but can´t remember where.

Here, although no details are provided
S3 licensed
29339 is the masterserver and does NOT have to be open for incoming traffic.
S3 licensed
Agreed, freaky bokeh and lovely noise!
You accidentally created a unique lens, welcome to the club
S3 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :I didn't get the cake

The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.

It's not.
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :@ru7 : Of course you can. I don't see any reason why would this be considered "sharing".

You may not share the login credentials, but the EULA does not cover letting someone play an already unlocked copy.

Quote from broken :@Inuova : But don't forget that you are allowed to unlock LFS with the same account on several PCs to play LAN with friends or family... or even strangers if you like.

On 2 computers, with a friend or a family member. Singular there.

S3 licensed
The explanation is (probably) quite simple; locally the fuel level is kept in a 4 byte float while the packet structure for vehicle position and status updates only provides a 1 (char) or 2 (short) byte int.
S3 licensed
The maximum pps setting is 6, which equals one packet every 166ms, so that's the maximum ping one should have.
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNicko :I think your ping is too low, it doesnt matter what speed you can reach.

A low ping is good and 67ms is quite decent for ~1000 miles distance.
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Except for the fact that LFS doesn't send fuel information to other players. Or is it?

It does. Among other things, it affects the vehicle's total mass.
S3 licensed
Now that's a neat trick
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :In LFS these 2 systems are not yet separate. I think that TC does it all atm.

There is no stability control in LFS at all
S3 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :Says a professional skinner...

Myu skins are terrible when compared to yours. That coming from a skinner that is still starting in Photoshop, would make sense, but from you?

Sorry, but no.

It's a matter of observation, not creation. One doesn't have to be a skinner at all to see your skin is bad, suck it up
S3 licensed
Quote from mxpxun :LFS needs to remove this thing from any gear shifting to R, in real car thats impossible while u are moving forward if u try to shift you will hear cranking sound and that's all, you wold be able to shift to R if u are not moving or u blocked your front wheels if your car is FWD and rear wheels if it is RWD.

That's not entirely correct, it is possible to shift into reverse, but because the transmission is not declutched from the wheels, its internals are still spinning and shifting must occur at exactly the right time to mesh the gears, or with a lot of brute force which the gearbox is very unlikely to survive.
S3 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :I'm thinking on buying it once it comes out for PC, I apparently missed the tail end of TDU. I cannot find a store that sells it, except, which my parents don't allow me to use. So i tried a (yarr) downloaded version and I loved it, despite a few bugs. it is the main reason why I want to buy TDU2.

Your parents are silly, but anyway, here you go.
S3 licensed
If you plan on shaking, record at a higher resolution than your desired final output or zoom in a little to avoid the nasty black bars when shaking the footage out of frame.

Other than that, well, it's too long for a team introduction, it's too boring for a show-off, it's too unspectacular to impress visually and it's too conventional to surprise aurally. Sorry