Actually there's quite a lot of German in the 2JZ, or rather the JZA80 in general. I'm not sure about the Skyline, but it's probably the same story there
The philosophy was never about the customers, they only made more than 400 to get it classified as a production vehicle. And bolting two V8 together to a W16 and quad-charging it is brilliant! Show me another 1000hp+ engine that's reliable, well balanced, and most importantly road legal.
It can't be used to cheat, both individual cars and car groups are synchronised with the host and discrepancies are met with the desync mentioned above. Tweak is hacking, but it's not cheating
Lowering your graphics settings means lowering the load on your GPU, allowing it to render more frames in the same amount of time. However, if your CPU is the bottleneck, your graphics settings are irrelevant.
There is room for improvement though, for example, some motion blur on the wheels and environment. The rain drops and splashes are blurred, suggesting long-enough exposure to also blur at least the wheels. It'd also be nice if the XRT had at least the fog lights on
€: And removing the numbeplates before creating the reflections would have been a good idea
I've read about problems with the RUFs, don't like them personally so it doesn't bother me. I did see modded sound bnks to solve it though, might be worth checking out if you frequently drive the RUFs.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking my "Lexus" Supra Targa to the Kelekole pass
Mind you, pedestrians do have to cross in a timely manner, explicitly stated in the Austrian StVO:
which roughly translates to: When crossing via pedestrian crossing, make it quick. When crossing without a zebra, you must take the shortest path and not obstruct vehicular traffic.