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S3 licensed
Implies you're driving it offline, which in turn implies you cracked it, but let's look over that for now. Here you go.
S3 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :Is it just me or does AMD own ATi? I got to ATi's site and I get redirected to AMD's site.

Where the hell do you live? AMD took over ATI years ago
S3 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Feel free to point out anything german about the 2jz, and/or Supra...

Only thing I'm certain about is the gearbox. Wiki also suggests that
Quote :Final development of the 2JZ-GTE was outsourced to German engineering firm Johann A. Krause Maschinenfabrik GmbH for refinement to meet production car homogolation requirements set forth by the former All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship.

but, well, it is Wikipedia
S3 licensed
Actually there's quite a lot of German in the 2JZ, or rather the JZA80 in general. I'm not sure about the Skyline, but it's probably the same story there
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :haha, that's brilliant

Rick Cook said it, always reminds me of Einstein's
Quote :Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :I hate that thing because of it's philosophy, t's a car to show off. The owner says: "My car has 1000hp and can go more than 400km/h". And then everyone around say "woooooaaaah" and he feels so happy, even if he has never gone faster than 150km/h. I don't want a car in my garage with that philosophy.
Besides, you don't need to merge two engines and add four turbos to get 1000hp, that's called mechanical inefficiency

The philosophy was never about the customers, they only made more than 400 to get it classified as a production vehicle. And bolting two V8 together to a W16 and quad-charging it is brilliant! Show me another 1000hp+ engine that's reliable, well balanced, and most importantly road legal.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tazka :macsy has the best one so far imo.

I disagree. It's a good edit, but the end result does not appeal to me at all, a couple of reasons being:
  • The car doesn't look very wet.
  • Lighting and absence of any reflection of it suggests there is no sun in this composition, yet there is a rainbow, which is impossible.
  • The water on the track is completely still, very improbable on a large, open surface, especially after a storm. There should be some evidence of wind.
That is not to offend macsy, I'm merely explaining why I don't like it.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Tweak?

Also known as hacking or cheating?

How pathetic.

It can't be used to cheat, both individual cars and car groups are synchronised with the host and discrepancies are met with the desync mentioned above. Tweak is hacking, but it's not cheating
S3 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :I didn't quite get that, If the framerate goes up my GFX is a bottleneck, if it stays the same its CPU?

Lowering your graphics settings means lowering the load on your GPU, allowing it to render more frames in the same amount of time. However, if your CPU is the bottleneck, your graphics settings are irrelevant.
S3 licensed
Turn down all graphics options and see if your framerate improves. If so, the gfx card is the bottleneck. If not, it's the CPU.
S3 licensed
It needlessly consumes power and transforms it into heat energy... the last thing you need in a computer case.
S3 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Well boosterfire pretty much said it all, a new graphics card would cost a lot more than overclocking my CPU

You realise that if your gfx card is the bottleneck, overclocking your CPU will have exactly NO effect at all?
S3 licensed
In H-mode, full FFB at 900°, TDU isn't actually that bad, except for the mushy suspension on G class cars
S3 licensed
Quote from skiper :Final entry...
Only original screenshot :heyjoe67_ferrari:

I shall be amazed if anyone can beat this

There is room for improvement though, for example, some motion blur on the wheels and environment. The rain drops and splashes are blurred, suggesting long-enough exposure to also blur at least the wheels. It'd also be nice if the XRT had at least the fog lights on

€: And removing the numbeplates before creating the reflections would have been a good idea
S3 licensed
You can't use tweak in multiplayer unless the server is tweaked identically. Kind of silly to even try that, don't you think?
S3 licensed
I've read about problems with the RUFs, don't like them personally so it doesn't bother me. I did see modded sound bnks to solve it though, might be worth checking out if you frequently drive the RUFs.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking my "Lexus" Supra Targa to the Kelekole pass
S3 licensed
Just a tiny off-topic remark: Your skid sounds are absolutely hilarious! Watching the video felt like sitting in this
S3 licensed
Download version (metaboli) patch 1.66 + Megapack, sound works perfectly fine in 7.1 and stereo and I've never had any problems connecting
S3 licensed
Language? It should work in C/C++ with the OutSim struct straight from InSim.txt.
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :it is it has loads of online

Re-read. re-interpret. comprehend
S3 licensed
To dumb it down:
const float gn = 9.80665; // standard gravity
float gLateral = OutSimPacket.Accel[0] / gn; // X
float gLongitudinal = OutSimPacket.Accel[1] / gn; // Y
float gVertical = OutSimPacket.Accel[2] / gn; // Z

Untested, but should work
Last edited by morpha, . Reason : gn is a const :P
S3 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :I think that pedestrians having total right of way is just stupid, to be honest. When we've been driving around Amsterdam before, you have to stop at the pedestrian / bicycle crossings on the junctions into side roads. All this seems to do is clog up the main road and increase the risk of being rear ended by some idiot.

Mind you, pedestrians do have to cross in a timely manner, explicitly stated in the Austrian StVO:
Quote :§76
(5) Fußgänger haben die Fahrbahn in angemessener Eile zu überqueren. Außerhalb von Schutzwegen haben sie den kürzesten Weg zu wählen; hiebei dürfen sie den Fahrzeugverkehr nicht behindern.

which roughly translates to: When crossing via pedestrian crossing, make it quick. When crossing without a zebra, you must take the shortest path and not obstruct vehicular traffic.
S3 licensed
OutSim gives you an acceleration vector and I'm fairly certain the acceleration is expressed in m/s².
Last edited by morpha, .