You are required by law to allow people to cross the street. Now you've got insecure pedestrians waiting for the cars to stop; this is wrong! Pedestrians should FORCE drivers to stop. If everyone would follow this simple rule, traffic would be significantly smoother, the "movement-order-negotiation" that's happening so often is completely unnecessary.
Now what I do is take my wallet out prior to crossing the street, so I have something to throw at cars that don't slow down. So far I had to throw twice, in both cases the f*ckheads where on their phone and both were male btw.
Regarding the pass on the left, just write 'em up
Mind you, when I'm not loaded with my backpack, I usually ignore the cars completely and force all kinds of funky manouvers upon them. Law says you gotta approach a zebra crossing in a manner that allows stopping for people wanting to cross, end of story. Some call it a deathwish, I call it pedantic ignorance