If Hamilton was team mate to Button in the Honda they wouldn't be racing each other - Button would be miles ahead as Hamilton has no idea how to get the best out of a slow car. Indeed I rate Button higher than Hamilton, it's just he hasn't had an opportunity in a fast car yet.
When he first came into F1, being British I was quite interested, his first race was very good infact, but then I took a minute, watched ITVs stories about him and how he got there and it got me thinking... He's had it all spoon fed to him since he was 8 years old, he's got the best of everything from Mclaren since he was 8 years old... He's not done any of the hard slog of finding sponsors/funding at all, Mclaren have done it all for him.
Indeed I'm dreading this winter, and after the Brazil race... IF Hamilton wins the championship there will be TV programs about it everywhere, everything, telling us all we already know, hosted by James 'let me suck his dick first please' Allen most likely. He'll be in adverts more than now... Indeed, I just want to put a shotgun to his face!
1. nobody will go for it.
2. A company somewhere will have a service as it is now, and will make BILLIONS from it. I can't see many at all going for a subscriber thing.
I left college 2 years ago, didn't bother with university because most jobs in IT come better with experience - so I thought I'd get a job.
I spent ONE YEAR on Job Seekers Allowance - the most depressing time of my life. I was applying for 10-20 jobs a week, sending out speculative CVs etc. etc. Doing ANYTHING for a full 365 days to try and find a job. And got nothing.
Last year I got put through this New Deal thing through the Job Centre, where I was put on placement for 13 weeks as a Computer Technician, great it's the job I wanted to do! - the person I worked for kept me on, but because it's a small business minimum wage is all he can afford me on - although I think he could pay me more. I'm just thankful I'm in a job SO I CAN EARN MY OWN MONEY
Now where I live (North-East England out in the sticks) there aren't a great deal of IT jobs going, I've applied for most if not all of the ones that crop up in Newcastle and Durham, yet I always get rejection letters due to my lack of experience.
So, more recently I've started looking furhter away - Nottingham and Leicester being 2 of the places I've been applying for jobs at. I never hear from ANY of them. Why? Because I'm 200 miles north and they think I'm probably having a laugh.
I'm now looking to get Microsoft Certified which will hopefully give me a much better chance at a new job (10x better than before).
Since I started working where I work now, I've been looking for a new job, applying for any I see. I've had 3 interviews because I'm not experienced enough.
I see your comments as quite insulting to be honest, you're implying I am completely thick, when I'm not - I left school with 10 GCSEs grade A-C and left college with a qualification equivalent to 2 double A's at A-Level.
Just because you're 'educated' doesn't mean you get straight into a job at £20k+ per year... You STILL HAVE TO WORK FOR IT. Most people do anyway.
Harjun - I have a suggestion for you. Go away, and don't come back with your downright rude, insulting and demeaning comments. Only come back IF you understand the meaning of life, not being spoilt by parents all the time. Thank you.
£100 is ALOT of money, i'm in minimum wage, 30 hours a week with a car to run... Means i get about £135 a week.
My parents take £40 a week in board (not much, but i'm not complaining)
I put £40 a week in a separate bank account for car maintenance/repair/insurance etc.
I then use £10-20 per week in petrol for the car (average £15)
Social life costs £20-30 a week depending on how much I go out and where to. Lets call it an average of £25
So lets see... £40 + 40 + 15 + 25 = £120... leaving me with £15 A WEEK to save for myself/buy things with, multiply it by 52... £780 a year to spend on myself, or even spend on things that break... Not alot of money at all really! it's about £2 a day...
Harjun IF you ever grow up you will very quickly realise that £100 is a hell of alot of money in the real world. I'd pay for front row seats to watch 'Harjun Fails in the Real World'
Learn to appreciate what you have rather than talking a load of bullshit. There are reasons why people don't like you... Your complete ignorance of money being one of the reasons.
The way I think of it is change the word 'MOTORM4X' with 'LFS' or 'Live for Speed' and whoever posted would have posts deleted, banned, slapped around the face with a fish, hung, drawn, quartered and shot... I can't see why it should be any different for any other games.