The reason it's so sensationalized is because of Toyota's reputation for being reliable and dependable. Back a few short years ago, my wife recalled (no pun intended) seeing on the news a Toyota representative stating that they need to cut costs to remain competitive. It's the same that all other companies spew out, "cut costs", and the first thing that is affected by the statement "cut costs" is quality.
GM, Ford, and Dodge are constantly issuing recalls over here. Just because of the economy here and the bogus bailouts over here, Toyota not being an American manufacturer is being unfairly targeted by the media here. GM just recalled a whole bunch of their garbage, yet all it is in the media is a small blurb, then ignored and back to the Toyota sensationalizing.
Over here it seems that everyone wants Toyota to fail unlike what is wanted of the American manufacturers. The thing that people don't realize is, everyone making the OEM parts for the American cars are also making parts for Toyota and all the other manufacturers. "GM is too big to allow to fail..." Well, guess what, so is Toyota because if either one of them fail, it takes away 40% of the business of the OEM manufacturers in this country no matter which of the 2 manufacturers are out. When GM cut their manufacturing in 2008, we cut down to about 25% of our workforce. This year, when Toyota canceled all orders because of the recall and production stoppage, we again cut down to about 25% of the workforce.
The difference is, Toyota isn't flying in their private executive jets to Washington DC to beg for the government to bail them out of this.