Good luck. Voted for ya because I did the same thing a while back on a kids toy site and thanks to the folks of the LFSForum (among other forums of course) I won the first monthly prize of $250 Target gift card and my kids received $100 worth of bubble products. Unfortunately I didn't win the overall prize which was $1000 Target card.
Just like every other game, by the time I get a computer capable to run it, it will be old news and no one will be playing it...
My oldest daughter liked driving around on TDU offline. She isn't old enough to notice the horrid graphics of the severely dumbed down settings I had to run.
One thing I've noticed about cell phone users (I don't have a cell, nor do I want one....) is, they change phones more than I change my underwear.
Over here, you get the phone for free generally when you sign up for a service. You have a contract for say, 2 years. Most people I see with phones are spending $200-300 every six months just because of a new freakin phone released.
About the iPhone.... I see them plenty, but one thing I don't think I've ever seen..... people talking on them as if they were a phone!
I fail to see the infatuation of cell phones by everyone. Everyone do me a favor. If you live just a little bit out of the city, quit calling me on your stupid cell phone. I'm tired of my side of the conversation being nothing but, what? Huh? I didn't catch that. You're breaking up. I can't hear you..... Everyone raves about how great their phones are, but I have never received a call from someone on a cell that wasn't breaking up constantly so that I have no idea what they are saying.
There's a big difference in a photo taken randomly of a bunch of junk on a desk in ambient light compared with a photo taken of an object set up like a product shot with a photography lighting setup. And the first picture is from a Nokia N80.
The first one isn't really blurry to my eyes. It's just extremely noisy.
There's nothing more freeing than finally breaking away from wearing a watch. When you wear a watch, the time is always on you, thus you are always looking at the time and always worried about the time.
It takes quite a while to get use to not having a watch. You will repeatedly look at your wrist every 5 minutes for months on end until one day it will all stop.
Don't have to tell me Shot. The only reason I'm in an auto is because I had to get rid of mine prematurely because of a problem (Toyota Tacoma rusted frame a year before Toyota bought them back at 1.5 times the value) at the same time Wifey's vehicle needed replaced. Wanted her to have something newer and more reliable with the kids in the car so I got her old junk as a hand-me-down.
I drove an auto from 1988-1990 as a parent's hand-me-down, then drove manual through 2007 when I ended up with my wife's car. Back then I was a new driver. Now, it's been driving me crazy for the past 3 years.
Although, that did happen to me, exactly how the commercial went. Had a chip, hit a pothole, and CRACK.... I never had the chip fixed because the windshield was so pitted that it needed replaced anyways. Insurance wouldn't cover just a badly pitted windshield, but it did cover a cracked windshield. So, had the windshield replaced when it cracked.
Also, I did have the glass company (it's SafeLite Auto over here with that commercial) fix a chip on my wife's car through my insurance. After they repaired the chip with their "patented resin", I couldn't see the chip at all.
A bit old news now. They've gone on to the Lexus recall...
Yes, you can shift to neutral with an automatic. You don't even have to push the button. Just a bump on the gear selector will pop it into neutral. A simple concept, but people just simply think it's "automatic, I'm not suppose to move that thing."
My wife included. Every time we are running to the store in her car, we are climbing a long, steep, windy hill. I take it out of overdrive (button on the side of the lever) and I hear constantly, "What's that orange light on the dashboard?" "Why do you take it out of overdrive?" "Quit taking it out of overdrive!" blah, blah... Drives me crazy.
Oh great. I turn 38 in 2 weeks. No male on my father's side that I know of has made it past 43. I guess that means I'll start becoming an old person who drives bad here pretty soon.....
G25/7 isn't the first wheel to come out. I got my first 15 years ago, and it was the 2nd version. That means the video could possibly remind the majority of you when you were 6 yrs old.
Both of my daughters played LFS off and on from the time they were 4. My oldest even played online on the Noobs Sumo server when she was 6 or 7 I think.
Just one question with all the arguing over what Klutch said and the others...
What would have you hypocrites said if a thread popped up here two years ago that "George Bush killed as Air Force 1 crashed?" You all would have been on here posting the same thing that Klutch and the others you are flaming said.
As for Bob's hole (that doesn't sound good.....) that would just be a little dip around here. There are sections of road that it would be impossible not to hit the hole because they stretch across the road and extend for several feet beyond the first hole. I can't believe you sliced a tire on a little dip in the road such as that, especially since you would have been turning onto that road, thus wouldn't be flying 100 mph.
If you've been playing console racing games with a controller and don't drive or haven't driven in real life much, then it may make you slower at first.
On the other hand, if you've been driving for 20 years for real and don't play console games, then I don't see how it would be slower. A wheel is how you drive a real car.
I've been racing in computer games for 15 years and have always had a wheel, so I don't have experience with a game pad. But I still don't see how it could be slower switching to a wheel unless you have never driven a real car.
Bought mine in 2004. Used it with NR2002 driving through 2 seasons and NR2003 through 1 season. Played NFS Porsche Unleased for quite a while with it. Found LFS in 2005 and ran with the MOMO for 4 years. I haven't raced much for the past year and a half or so.
Mine still works. The "fun for a year maybe 2" is bogus.
It would definitely be much better with something with 900 degrees turning such as a DPF or G25 without a doubt, but the MOMO is good.
Problems I had was a spring breaking in the shifter which I just swapped the left shifter to the right. The pedals start to spike, but it was a very simple fix with some electrical tape. I broke the tab holding the pot in place, but just used some JB Weld to hold it in. It still works after 6 years pretty decently.
If you are looking at the MOMO, first I would think you are not rich or spoiled like many others seem to be. Obviously, they are going to be biased at an expensive wheel over something like the MOMO. You can't judge stuff by what rich folks think.
I don't think they make the MOMO any more because of the G25. I wouldn't get a MOMO used as you have no idea how abused it was, but new for the $70 I bought mine for, it's a perfectly usable wheel.
Yup if you don't have the cash to buy something expensive.
Sorry. It's a thread about cars. That's the car I saw.
Today I saw, er, a Chevy truck. And another. And another. And I think a Ford truck. Then a Chevy truck. And another....... Sure is a lot of people who like to suffer around here driving Chevys....
I saw a fantastic 1994 Honda Civic. Fantastic because I have personal experience with this particular car. What other car is out there running fantastic, like anything from some other manufacture straight off the showroom floor, with 185k on the clock and now with 6000 miles on the blown headgasket.
Saw a 2006 Mazda Tribute S. Both cars listed thus far I see every day because they are in my driveway.
I saw a beat up Ford Focus.
I saw countless Chevy Pickup trucks and countless motorcycles (80+ F the last 3 days, beautiful weather.)
I've seen a Ferrari once in my life on the road. I've seen a total of 3 Lamborghinis in 38 years. I have seen a handful of Porsches.
Yesterday I saw the new Camaro other than in pictures. Those things are badass looking.
I see absolutely nothing on Google as you've described. Google looks no different than it has for years.
I do. I mostly look up guitar videos and guitar lesson videos. Some of the comments are quite useful. Now all the little kiddie videos of kids farting or whatever other stupid non-humorous stuff like what is mostly posted in the "hillarious video" thread is a different matter. A bunch of little kiddies posting stupid comments for a stupid video that neither are funny, I wouldn't read those.
Already there. There's a "quick tour" link on the video pages.
Wow! They moved the vid info under the vid instead of beside it! Oh, it's so horrible!
What else useful has changed? I can now view how many people viewed it on a graph that wasn't there before? How often do you use the stuff that's different? I guess all the kiddies with their immature comments that frequent youtube would use some of the useless "features" that I had never known was there....
The subscriptions, favorites, and the video, everything else is useless. Who cares if it changed. It hardly changed a bit. The biggest change I saw was the youtube logo graphic.
The number of days doesn't relate to the number of photos or the hours of operation. How long was the camera turned on each day?
I ask that because I took a trip for work and turned my camera on at noon. It was a 5 hour road trip in which I took about 300 photos. The camera was left on the whole day. Stopped to check in at the hotel and switched cards which was the only time the camera was turned off. At about 6:30 pm, we went to the hockey arena in which I spent another 4-4.5 hours taking 300-350 photos at the hockey game. I turned it off after the game because I was at the mercy of the driver and he wanted to go to the casino (I'd never spent $20 faster in my life than I did that first 3 minutes I was there, Haha.) I have a discharge function on the camera and when I got back to my room, I set it to discharge the batteries for about 2 hours while work paid for my beer for those 2 hours. I don't have a battery meter, it only tells me when they are depleted, but when I got back to my room for the night, they were still discharging. That was around 2 am, so 14 straight hours and 600 or so photos, about 1/4th of those with flash, and the batteries still had charge.
My other experience with AA NiMH batteries is with charging a 130 mah Lipo battery in my micro RC airplane. I could charge the Lipo probably 10 times plus flight time with the controller with a single charge on the NiMH. That's quite a bit considering I am also charging the Lipo with it as well.
I pay $10 for 4 batteries and the charger and $5 for a package of 4 batteries. I see off-brand camera proprietary batteries run for $20 or OEM for $40-45.
So, I would estimate that I could run all day (long day, 12-14 hours) and at least half the next day on 4 NiMH, or just toss them in the charger overnight every night for $10 worth of batteries and charger, probably with the capability of taking 1000 photos with a full charge.