Lets say you got a special offer when you bought S1, lets say you got it for half the prise. And lets say the original prise was 10, you would then get S1 for 5. Right?
But then, 3 months later, S2 is released and you want to upgrade. You pay another 10 for the S2 upgrade. And because you bought S1 so late you only pay 15 in total, everyone else though is paying 20, even those that have played LFS since the very beginning.
Well, I think it would have been unfair to those that have played LFS for a long time, why reward some new guys the devs don't have a clue if are going to stay or not, instead of those that have prooved that they will stay and actually use their program?
hmmm, I don't understand, do you mean people that are using custom view are cheaters?
What I meant with traditional way was the way the game is now, where you can join the servers you want to regardless of the car view you use.. Picked the wrong word there maybe.
I've explained why I don't want this option into LFS several times now.
1. In LFS you can only move your head to view the left or right of your car, you can't move the head so you get that damn corner out of the blind spot. And in Real life you have much better view than in any game.
2. There would be fewer racers left on the servers that are running the default setting, there are few enough allready.
3. In the end it could divide the community where the hardcore guys thinks they are much better, more serious and dedicated than those with custom view. (can allready see it in this thread)
Thats something else, but if that option ever was to be implemented the devs would implement it 100%, not 50%.
Or maybe insted of making a forced cockpit view, they could make it so if you want to change your view, you can only do it inside the car?
Atleast that way you would lose those driving with chase view, but keeping people inside the car. But they would still have some options to change view.
Yeah, but if you join a server with xfg or xrg only, then you won't experience that anyone are coming flying through your car in the FO8.
If the cockpit restriction is implemented I fear we will have two different groups. Those only joining the hardcore servers, those that plays in cockpit view, but dosen't care and play on both servers, and those like me that are forced to play on servers that dosen't have the cockpit restriction.
That will leave me with less competition.
One reason I won't change to cockpit is because I can't move the head, yes, I can turn my head to the sides. But if there is a corner coming up in my blindspot because of the roof bars on the front of the car, then I won't have a chanse to move the head so I can see the car.
Anyway, I don't see any point in discussing this topic any further. Because the devs won't implement it, I'm 99% shure of that.
You clearly don't see my point. I'm not thinking and I'm not saying there won't be any servers for us thats playing with custom view.
As it is today its 300 servers for everyone. If they implement the forced cockpit, lets say there will be 20 servers with that option enabled.
Of course, you don't need many brain cells to figure out there will be less racers on the default servers, because you hardcore guys will play with the new option. Right?
And because I'm driving with custom view there will be even less drivers in the default servers. Frankly I don't care about how many servers there are, if there is 300 or 5000 dosen't make any difference really, because I, and most others want to race against other drivers. What do I need 300 or 5000 empty servers for?
"No one force you to race there" True, but I'm forced to race somewhere else, and that is whats my point.
"more options doesnt mean less people on server" True, but if people set their servers to run with Cockpit mode only, then it means fewer servers for us that wants to play the game in the traditional way.
However, I do agree that there should be an option for locked tires and fuel amount.
Yeah, like locked cockpit view would stop that, and anyway. A person driving with custom view dosen't have to be less enthusiastic.
I'm not talking about the tires or fuel limits.
Only the view. I want to join the servers I want to, and I want to play the game the way I want to. There is very few servers that have more than 10 people on it at the same time.
If this was to be implimented I would of course lose a lot of choises in the servers list. How can you say thats not going to affect the way I'm playing? illepall
I can't understand you guys, you don't notice what kind of view I'm driving with. So whats the problem?
I wrote "banned" instead of banned for a reason. If I for some reason can't join a server because I am using different view I would feel like I am banned from that server.
ooh, dang I'm glad you don't have any influence on the Developers.
In the real world we have 180grades of view, but in LFS we only have a little over 100, but even then it wouldn't bee the same, I have paid for the game, and I want to play it MY way.
The demo is great. It have everything the real game has, except all the cars and tracks, and LFS user names. Other than that you get 100% Live For Speed, you can use pit stops, you have damage and so on.