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S2 licensed
Ok, thanks for that explanation.

So just to be shure I have understood this correctly.

The race will be held at:
21:00 Norwegian time
20:00 BST
19:00 GMT

Is that right?
S2 licensed
The discussion were about two Norwegian community sites.

One that have existed for allmost a year, and one that started up just recently with the same name.

We have had a discussion, and the sites are most likely going to work together in the future in some way. The site that recently started up will act like an information site, while the site that have existed for a while will arrange cups and stuff like that.

Nothing have been cleared though, I've just been the "guy in the middle". Its better to work together then to start a fight over the few norwegian racers IMO ;-)

And thats the reason it were in Norwegian.
S2 licensed
ok, humm. Now I'm confused. lol.

Norway is 1 hour infront of England. When its 15:00 in England its 16:00 in Norway.

Would that be GMT+2 for Norway then?

(damn summer, I understood this before the winter ended :P)
Last edited by MyBoss, .
S2 licensed
I think actually GMT and BST is the same.

BST is the new version of GMT I think. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?
Heart of Racing are soon recruiting.
S2 licensed
I just want to say that Heart of Racing is going to start recruiting soon.

If you are interested to join the team, participating in our event on thursday might be a good idea.

Were going to take our time in deciding who we want to let in the team, we want to know you a little bit before you get in the train.
You might want to know that we don't care if you are fast, slow, veteran or a newbie.

This is what we want from our members.

We want our members to show others respect and be friendly. If youre faster then someone else, don't put yourself on a high horse and look down on them. We have all been newbies.

You should know how to drive, if youre fast or slow isn't important, but are you dangerous to others on the track? are you constantly trying to overtake in the chicane?
If the answer on these questions are yes, we don't want you.

You can participate in any event you want to, you can bee as active as you decide. Though it is of course very good if you show up in the forums and on the server once a while

Remember, this is not an application thread, think about it. Do you want to be part of a team? Is Heart of Racing the right team for you? Are you the right man/girl for Heart of Racing?
S2 licensed
Thats a shame, you could have joined my team you know
S2 licensed
good luck with your team Cropsy
S2 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :i´m in if we don´t race in a huuuuuuge group of less than 5 racers

We can add bots
S2 licensed
Thanks for the kind words

The event thread is open, this is the public event. We are allso going to do an invite event later. But we haven't thought of that too much.
We will mainly invite people that have helped us in some way, old team-members and people we know personally.

Anyway, I'm shure this first event is going to be a blast

I think I forgot to give a HUGE thanks to Bård aka bluejudas for his help and everything else. Thanks allot mate, it means allot (remember to send me the bill, seriously)
Grand opening of the team "Heart of Racing". XRG @ BL rally & LX4 @ AS Cadet Rev
S2 licensed
Heart of Racing have officially opened, and we want to invite both guys and girls, old and young, tall or bla bla blah blaah to our grand opening event. This is an event that is supposed to be fun, and so we have picked some unusual, yet fun and "easy" combos.
This is the first time we are hosting an event, so bear with us. Though we might get some professional help ... hmmm yeah, we need help, lol.

Thursday the 14th.

From 21:00 Norwegian time and 20:00 British Summer Time (BST)

There will be two races held, one qualification for the first race that will last for 10 minutes.
The results after the first race will be the starting positions for the second race.

1st race:
Qualification - 10 minutes
XRG @ Blackwood rally

Pause: 10-15mins (warmup)

2nd race:
LX4 @ Aston Cadet Rev

Date: Thursday 14th September
Time: Server is passworded from ca:17:00 BST
Open Qual: 20:00 BST (10 minutes)
1st Race Start: ca 20:15 BST (XRG @ Blackwood rally 20 laps)
There will be a break between the races for about 10-15 minutse, you can use these to warm up.
2nd Race Start: ca 21:00 BST (LX4 @ Aston Cadet Rev 30 laps)
LFS Version: S2 (latest patch to date)
Server: Heart of Racing
Car: 1st race, XRG. 2nd race LX4
Track: 1st, race Blackwood rally. 2nd race, Aston Cadet Rev.
Pit: Not required.

We have borrowed some rules from the Clean Racers Club (hope that is ok)

Quote :1. Incidents: If you hit another driver and gain a position advantage it is good sportsmanship to allow that driver to retake his position. We do not expect you to stop racing. Use your head, give some courtosy.

2. Defensive driving: Blocking is all part of a great race. You are allowed to block other drivers from passing you as long as:

(1) No deliberate contact is made

(2) the other driver is NOT beside you. If the driver is already beside you DO NOT force that driver off of the track.

3. Exiting pits: When exiting pits make sure that it is clear before you enter onto the racing line. Use of the track map and the look left & right keys/buttons is recommended. If cars are approaching, do NOT leave the pit lane unless you are fighting for position - Please do NOT cross the pit exit line when leaving the pits unless there is an obstruction that makes it impossible not to do so.

4. Re-entering track: If you go off the track in a race DO NOT reset the car or drive back onto the track. You could possibly ruin another race in progress. Again, you should use your map and look controls to see if anyone is coming. If you do re-enter the track safely but are too slow and drivers are getting closer behind you... drive off the racing line, or if necessary, pull off to the side of the track to give room.

5. Car Damage / Fuel: If your car gets severely damaged in an incident and you want to try and make it back to the pit lane, then, drive off the racing line to let faster cars past. If you run out of fuel get off the racing line as soon as possible or pit right away. We recommend that you turn your hazard lights on to let other players know you are a caution on the track (press 9 on your keyboard. 0 to turn them off).

6. Contact: Rubbing and tapping are all parts or everyday racing, so, this is allowed as long as it doesn't harm anyone's race or gain you an advantage. Due to occasional lag, small taps may cause a major crash, so be careful!

7. Race Rules: If you are being lapped by leaders please let them pass you, when it is safe do to so ( i.e. not in the middle of a chicane ), and as quickly as possible. You should be told by an on screen message if you are being lapped, the words “Blue Flag� will be displayed.

8. Pitting: Pitting can become dangerous if you do not pay attention. It is required that you drive in the 'pit lane' used to enter and exit the pits. Don't drive straight across every pit box, instead go to the furthest available pitbox. - This will allow more drivers to pit safely on the same lap(s)

9. Deliberate Corner Cutting: Deliberate Corner cutting is not liked. Please dont do it

10. You CAN chat under the races, and the quali if you want.

If you want to participate in this event, just sign up in this thread.
Remember that you have to write the nick you are using online.
We will send out password for the server when the date is closing up.

Please sign up for this event with this "form":

Online nick:
Account name:

PS: If you sign up for this event, I expect you to show up, (unless you have said in advance that you can't show up) and be on the server BEFORE the qualification starts.

Same thread here

HR | Alt-Ctrl
HR | Yahh
FLP/m filur
FLP/m Sp3cTr3
Last edited by MyBoss, .
S2 licensed
Heart of Racing

HR | Alt-Ctrl (MyBoss) Norway
HR | Yahh (audimasta) Norway
HR | o[0]phus (oophus) Norway
HR | Kimi (Mr.Kimi) England
HR | Turner89 (turner89) Wales
Last edited by MyBoss, .
Heart of Racing
S2 licensed

“Heart of Racing” was founded autumn 2006 by me “Alt-Ctrl (MyBoss)”. I wanted to create my own LFS racing team, which at the moment consists of myself and one other Norwegian racer, “Yahh (Audimasta)”. The last few weeks we have been working on our homepage and forums, witch actually looks pretty neat now. Feel free to visit us and sign up on the forums!

The “Heart of Racing” racing team has two main goals: To have fun, and enjoy the thrill of fair and fast racing to the max.

In the future we will organize racing events that both team members and other racers can join. Our LFS server, “Heart Of Racing”, is up 24/7, and we try to have some unusual and fun combos on it. So check it out once in a while, for some fair and fun racing =)

Very soon we will announce a public race, to celebrate the opening of the team. More info about this will be posted in the events forum.

That’s it for now, more info will come later.

Regards, The Heart Of Racing team.
S2 licensed
Jeg bare går rett på sak.

Jeg har skjønt det slik at dere skal bruke navnet "Live For Speed Norge"
Dette er et eksakt kopi av det som allerede blir brukt og har blitt brukt av over lengre tid nå. Selv etter Bård har påpekt dette vil dere ikke skifte navn.

Det synes jeg er utrolig frekt gjort, siden deres er ikke engang oppe enda og det tar dere to sec å fjerne bildet på siden og kanskje bittelitt lenger tid å finne et nytt navn.

Dere kan jo tenke dere selv om noen nye utviklere skulle lage et nytt sim spill og valgte navnet Live For Speed. Kan jo tenke seg hvordan utviklerne hadde reagert.

Jeg skal ikke stoppe dere i å lage ei side (det kan jeg ikke heller, hehe), for all del. Men jeg sier det jeg mener nå, og det er at det er unødvendig å lage enda ei side for et spillsamfunn som er så lite som det tross alt er.
Nei, det er ikke like mange aktive norske som det er registrert i databasen til LFS.

Ønsker dere lykke til videre, det er selvsagt et bra initiativ, men dere kunne kanskje tenkt igjennom det mer med tanke på
Det minste dere burde gjøre er å forandre navnet på siden deres fra "Live For Speed Norge" til noe annet.

edit: Bare sånn at det er sagt, dette er mine personlige meninger og har absolutt ingenting med lfsnorge å gjøre.
Last edited by MyBoss, . Reason : leif
S2 licensed
Bra initiativ. Men jeg tror det hadde vært bedre å jobbe videre å forbedre den som allerede eksisterer.

Uansett er jo et enkelt navn og
S2 licensed
ok, and?
S2 licensed
This is mindblowing.
S2 licensed
I would welcome a drift track.

Honestly, I don't drift. But a track like that would benefit those that don't drift either.
Drift tracks usually got allot of turns close to each other, a track like that could be fun with the UF1
S2 licensed
The FO8 dosen't have plates
S2 licensed
The Formula V8 - why not?

This is so simple.
Its not the fastest, and its not the easiest to drive. There you have it.
S2 licensed
lol, its just a name. It dosen't mean anything specific, it dosen't have to.

Its not like the old F1 team named Arrows made engines of arrows, were arrows or anything like that ;-)

Anyway, I'm actually a royal, and yes, I am a legend :-P
S2 licensed
Not THIS thread, but the other silly
S2 licensed
After thinking for myself for a little while I think I'm going for Royal Legends, sound good and classy.

So there you have it, an unofficial opening of my team in this thread, lol.
Will make a real (or sumtin) opening later. Maybe in one hour, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. Or maybe next year, we'll see
Team name.
S2 licensed
Please vote on the team name you think is the best.

Edit: If you have a better name, please post it here ;-)

Other words you can use.


Last edited by MyBoss, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Anyway I didn't vote because I have totally modified sounds so my favorites and dislikes wouldn't meen anything.

made those your self of downloaded them?

A link please?
S2 licensed
"FIX : Mandatory pit stop is now not allowed to be on final lap"
"FIX : A player in pits could be forced to spectate at end of race"

Great :-D