Button. He is calm and chilled out, the classic textbook driver. Granted, he is often not very fast when the car has balance issues, but he is absolutely amazing when the car is with him.
Sounds like I really should buy it when I am no longer holding a rookie license
By the way, my license should get promoted once my safety rating reaches 4.00 right? How does the whole license thing work anyway? I tried to read the sporting code but it's a bit confusing.
Can someone explain to me how does the whole buying cars and track thing works? If I buy the car, how would it affect my monthly fee? (I am currently on the cheapest $12 a month plan)
I know it's not a video, but I strongly suggest you guys to watch the latest round of V8 Supercars at Abu Dhabi. The second race was very exciting and a lot of fun to watch.
I had a look at the website and I still don't really get what it does. Can someone explain this to me? Is it just like a personal computer on the internet so I can access it anywhere/anytime?
I know I am going to get killed for saying this here, but the net code really needs some improvement. High ping racing is a LOT better in iRacing. When I race in Euro servers, I have about 300+ ping, and my car is all over the place in LFS. But when I race in iRacing servers, I have no problem whatsoever. :S
I have been playing iRacing for an hour now. and I agree with you.
I don't know what it is, but iRacing just feels a lot better than LFS. I am completely sold.
One question tho. I was driving the MX5 and the Legend Ford, and I had a lot of trouble with the braking. The brakes lock very easily. Is there anywhere I can change the brake force?
I have been playing it for a while now and I have to say the physics is frustrating for me. It's not realistic enough, nor arcade-ish enough. I find this VERY frustrating.
Do you guys think iRacing is worth it? I recently just got a wheel (like yesterday :P) and I am wondering whether I should try iRacing. Is it significantly better than LFS?
I find it ridiculous that Renault is considering Heidfeld. It's not that I don't think Heidfeld is a good enough driver, it's just Renault has so many test driver and they are not really using anyone of them.
The reason why I liked about the first game was because it was just a casual just driving around game with some really exciting cars. I didn't care if the physics was crap 'cause frankly I wasn't expecting it to be a realistic sim anyways. It's like I don't go play NFS for good physics.
But I saw a dev video on youtube the other day with the developers saying they are trying to get everything as realistic as possible. I think unless they actually get the physics right, it's going to take the fun away. Arcade game can be fun. Sims can be fun too. But what's not fun is a game that isn't arcade-ish enough to be consider as an arcade, nor is it realistic enough to be considered as a sim.
People seems to neglect the complexity of a realistic tyre model. F1 teams spend millions and millions (and probably hundreds of engineers and programmers) to develop a tyre model for their simulator. We are getting one for 24 euros.
Stop bitching.
ps. Scawen it would be nice if you could release some onboard footage of the work-in-progress model?