did my last one (18th exam!!!) on monday, but get my results on the 27th of August .
GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVN'T GOT THEIRS YET! and congrats Bose on your grades i'm hoping for all passes, and maybe a couple of A*'s, but not getting hopes up too much because that's just asking to do badly!
Age: 16 Country: England Preferred Car/Track: Any really (still experimenting) Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: N/A How Active Are You? As much as possible - almost everyday in normal circumstances What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech DFP (wheel) Time Zone: GMT
i'm very much still in the learning stage, but keen to learn. i'm improving all the time let me know if you're interested!
hi, i'm practising for the MMS Cup (only got S2 yesterday), and have been trying out the XFG on FE (is it FE? it's Fern Bay but people seem to call it that:shrug. i've attached a replay, so if anyone could give me some feedback that'd be great
thanks, i'll try that out this evening. so you're saying if i set everything to 900 and compensation to 1.0, then it'll be how it's supposed to be for every car, and not always 900?
fixed. i didn't know where to download profiler :P
however, how many degrees of rotation do i need for cars? when i use 900 it seems like way too much. also, it's really hard to steer with even 30% in game, i use 15 lol
1 hour business studies GCSE tomorrow. then, the moment we've all (i've) been waiting for...S2!!:elefant::jawdrop::cake::drink::hyper::bump::laola::banana_ra:bounce8::static::tempted:!
yeah, i'm a little excited.
so, does anyone have any tips or little gems of advice for me in S2? they'll be much appreciated.
p.s. this isn't going in the "say hi here" thread because i've already been here for quite a while and most of you know me