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S2 licensed
did my last one (18th exam!!!) on monday, but get my results on the 27th of August .

GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVN'T GOT THEIRS YET! and congrats Bose on your grades i'm hoping for all passes, and maybe a couple of A*'s, but not getting hopes up too much because that's just asking to do badly!
S2 licensed
thanks. so are you saying i should withdraw? i'm downloading a set and practising now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Come on, comment on my pics.. and seriously all that britney stuff was just a joke between me and my mate and for the others who could hear it from miles away.. This is going off topic and no one noticing my pics

nice pics dudey, but i think your bike shrunk in the wash...
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Haha like i said on msn GAYY :P
Any straight man who listens to Britney Spears has got to be taking it up the bum! *Hides the fact he has two Britney Spears albums on his ipod*

*facepalm*. admitting is the first step
S2 licensed
Age: 16
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: Any really (still experimenting)
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: N/A
How Active Are You? As much as possible - almost everyday in normal circumstances
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech DFP (wheel)
Time Zone: GMT

i'm very much still in the learning stage, but keen to learn. i'm improving all the time let me know if you're interested!
Last edited by oli17, .
how are my practise laps?
S2 licensed
hi, i'm practising for the MMS Cup (only got S2 yesterday), and have been trying out the XFG on FE (is it FE? it's Fern Bay but people seem to call it that:shrug. i've attached a replay, so if anyone could give me some feedback that'd be great
S2 licensed
99% sure, will confirm this week.
S2 licensed
yeah, it was great fun, went a couple of years ago.

hehe, groynes
S2 licensed
yeah it is, i know some server don't have them, but maybe that could be in the next patch?
S2 licensed
*facepalm* i really don't understand timezones... thanks though

what time does it finish? (so i can try and have the roast in between races lol)
S2 licensed
but it's 5:46 now, won't it have been on for 46 minutes?
S2 licensed
so what's on now is live???
S2 licensed
i'll be there. so is reserve shootout at 6pm GMT? thanks
S2 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :Of course, but i suggest u to make some laps in these days.

This is a good set for race, try it.

And download from lfs world the mpr of the wr so u can see the correct line.

thanks i'll try that out. i can't make the first race though (what time is the first race on the 19th?)

is the setup for all tracks or just one?
S2 licensed
thanks, can i join then?
S2 licensed
graphics? never heard of it! oh well, good luck

any more advice from anyone (much needed!)

edit: i have heard of graphics, just didn't know u could do it for GCSE

2-3 hours to go!
Last edited by oli17, .
S2 licensed
is it a serious league or can new (rubbish) people like me join? if so, count me in! (getting S2 tomorrow)
S2 licensed
how about having an L-plate next to their names until they win X-races or score X amount of points online?

S2 licensed
core science retake? everyone's doing those apart from me lol
S2 licensed
thanks, i'll try that out this evening. so you're saying if i set everything to 900 and compensation to 1.0, then it'll be how it's supposed to be for every car, and not always 900?

S2 licensed
fixed. i didn't know where to download profiler :P

however, how many degrees of rotation do i need for cars? when i use 900 it seems like way too much. also, it's really hard to steer with even 30% in game, i use 15 lol
S2 licensed
i'll remember that :P

business studies + last ever GCSE = S2
Tomorrow's the day I get S2!!
S2 licensed
1 hour business studies GCSE tomorrow. then, the moment we've all (i've) been waiting for...S2!!:elefant::jawdrop::cake::drink::hyper::bump::laola::banana_ra:bounce8::static::tempted:!

yeah, i'm a little excited.

so, does anyone have any tips or little gems of advice for me in S2? they'll be much appreciated.

p.s. this isn't going in the "say hi here" thread because i've already been here for quite a while and most of you know me

S2 licensed
lol not the best thing to ask on the official forum!