i know i found a really REALLY bad connection with no sound in the background, just flicked back for a minute and caught both goals! i'm not sure if it works, it comes up with the play button, loads for a couple of seconds then goes back. got any ideas?
ok. how much would that cost? also, about the sponsors, i thought you had to show you were good enough by racing to get sponsored, and even then they would find you - obviously not!
and i wanna get a job at the local indoor kart track, but my mum says i don't have time - A levels, rowing 7 times a week and mucho homework.
i'm also 16, is it too late to be considering motor racing as a career prospect?
yeah that really annoyed me at our track - there were 5 heats of...not 20, not 10, not 5, but 4 laps! that's 2 minutes per race! that basically means one tiny mistake or getting rammed by someone can cost u the race...and it did once for me...grrr
edit: also, if anyone has any ideas how i can get the 3/4/5 grand required to buy and maintain i kart, i would love to hear it! you have no idea how much i want to do it. if only we could afford it
i must say i'm still interested in the Easykart championship. does anyone know anything about this or race in it? also, i wanna be an F1/touring car/general racing driver when i'm older (if not a motorsport engineer), are there any classes that are especially good for this?
1) London (Balham to be precise)
2) Preferable under 2000, but i really have no clue how much it would cost so i can't really say - as little as practically possible basically
ok, so i was 19th out of 26, which i'm a bit gutted about, but i'm pretty sure they were all regulars and i've only been 5 times, but i've decided that i would actually commit a murder to be able to race karts :P
how did you lot start out?
if it helps i'm 16, 6'1 and about 12 stone 3. i'd would like a class that's as cheap as possible and where the results aren't based on the person with the biggest wallet!
it won't definitely happen but i think if i nag enough my mum might cave in.
also, does anyone have any idea of the costs etc. of racing?
dude i'm so sorry. i raced with it and it was great, but i somehow forgot to say thankyou. i know it would've come across really rude but it was much appreciated and i don't want you to think it wasn't.
according to the book the answer's 2.4 thanks for the help though i'll leave that one blank and get my "teacher" to explain it to me... god further maths is hard.
A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 29ms^-1. It hits the ground 6 seconds later. By modelling the ball as a particle find the height above the ground from which it was thrown.
eh!!??!? i've just been looking up prices on the apple website and the iphone 3G S 32 GB is $299 (170ish quid) in america and 538 quid in the apple store uk! i'm hoping this is just a catastrophic typo, but can anyone shed any light on this??
lol! so is an iphone a better bet then? also, what's the insurance dealy with an iphone. say i got mugged (which is probable), what would happen? would i get all my money back, or some, or none?
sorry, it just seemed humorous that you were able to recite that in such detail!
to the person talking about the iphone, i would like to get one, but being a teenager in south london, mugging is a major issue, and i always seem to get mugged the second i get a new phone