You could for example start with posting the deb.log here, or take a look at the device manager and check for yellow alert signs.
Additionally, it might bea good idea to run some other programs in oder to check what isworking and what isnt.
Inactivity is indeed a problem but by far no reason to close a team...
We in ZT have maybe endured all problems you can think of - others (idiots) wrecking with our names and skins, people leaving to other teams, being inactive, even very thrilled discussions about joining some clan. Some people wanted to leave the team in order to "improve" (esports wise), but in the end, only the human things are important - almost all members came back to ZT after while
Or look at Tukko... he REALLY wanted to leave SCCC... good luck we made him go back just after a few hours or something
Another thing is...
Every team seems to need a real leader, who acts rather as a motivator than a "leader". He has to keep the pack together
Like a Vykos, a Fordie, a tinyk, and a B11TME
uhm thats weird... all the mods and stuff make it impossible to see what is actually wanted and what isnt... I guess the blue "shine" around the car (wheels rear) is not wanted?
actually it doesnt look like a screenshot, the car looks like cut with ps :X
do you want to upload a couple of hundred file via a script? not funni
Im quite sure that the fodler is also accessible by http, but who knows the folder structure
well if it was a normal ftp download I could get it with cgi directly onto my server.... now as it has a password, I have to downlaod and upload it again.. this will take a while :/
TheDeppchef: I dont know if every car has its own class, but iirc vic only made one for each background color (the tables have 2 colors, one for the even, and one for the uneven). Now when you combine this, you would also end up with a couple of classes, and I dunno how vic codes the php stuff that generates the tables. All I can say it might be very uncomfortable to manage those classes at some point.
I guess it's really a good idea to make use of one of the most unkown features of html and css: put 2 classes into one class attribute definition, seperated by a spacer. I know that vic knows this trick, but maybe he didnt know it when he made lfsw2 (I think the same list was already in the 2.0 version).
Well I can't really say much more than speculating, maybe vic can think a bit about it. Yet again :P
I guess it has something to do with the hardware / driver / software configuration of your host computer, because afaik nobody else has a similar problem.
You will have to post much more detailed information, otherwise the devs cant really do anything in order to help you. If they knew about a bug, they would have fixed it already
the link in your signature is a bit silly because it has spacers, and no anchor. So if you want to visit the site, you must baisically copy the text, remove all spacers, and then click enter... or of course remember the url and type it into the browser manually
Yes I have been talking about this with vic when making lfsw, but the problem is that the html will be HUGE then, as you have to add this into every single table cell (cant adress columns, only rows).
So lets say if you need 20 characters code per cross, for 400 servers and 20 cars... bling 160kb more data :X
And the serverlist is already very huge, it's the slowest page of all lfs websites, simply because the browsers get slow when dealing with SO much information. And it's even worse when you put this in a table.
Another idea would be keeping the header row with the car names in it always on top (fixed position even when scrolling), but due to the way the website works, this would be a big messup
Vic would have loved to put more cool features in it, but todays browsers are just too f***ed
Another thing would be using some sort of controller software, that can simulate keypresses. You could assign some keys on your keyboard that simulate a keypress X times in a second. Im not sure if its possible to bind this alias to a keyboard or mouse button, though (I guess only wheel buttons).
If you have a more advanced mouse, you could take a look at it's driver settings / utilities as well.
Or take a look at the LFS script system (Im not sure if it's possible to change the trottle, though.)