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S3 licensed
Maybe Scawen changed one of the default values for button control rate, steer rate, or whatever. You should tweak them manually though, as they are very important
S3 licensed
Ok, I have now installed the windows beta client (= bug reporting tool), and filled out some forms already. Looks like they want to have very detailed information, though.
Scawen, would it be much work to write a small test app? I don't know if they will be willing to download the whole LFS archive just to test this.
However, the sound starts to come up at a sound lag of about 0.22, but its almost only noise, and very stuttering. When you increase the sound lag further, its gets louder, and the noise is very strong at 0.24, and you begin to hear an engine rev through it. At 0.3 it seems clean.
Im sorry that I can't record the sound, maybe that would help already...
S3 licensed
Quote from Quint999 :To then claim no one plays it , just not true at all. Refresh the server list in steam and there are Tens of Thousands playing , probably over the hundred thousand mark if your putting Source / 1.6 together.

I never said CS is bad in general, CS:S is just crappy, even though the last patch at least stops the player from getting stuck in physics objects all the time.
CS 1.6, a game which is like 10 years old now, is still played about 3-5 times more than a new game, which was intended to be the same, just with an improved physics and graphics. Apparently, valve messed things up a bit though
stats here:

Sorry for OT
S3 licensed
LFS won all the latest simracing awards, the problem is rather the fact that you dont get money for writing some good stuff about LFS.
Other publishers pay money, you can specially see this when looking at the german Games Mag PC Games, which are always faking the stats for Counter-Strike. They put Counter-Strike/Source into the votes, and all CS 1.6 players vote for this. In the newspaper, they put Counter.Strike:Source as most played, best, and most successful computer game, even though its a bugridden piece of crap, which is played by nobody.
S3 licensed
The most defensive team wins - modern soccer

No offense, but Argentinia would have pwned Italy bigtime - too bad our German team kicked them out before
S3 licensed
You ahould have about 15 seconds until the live alert background process hijacks the alert window
Was already reported a couple of weeks ago, dunno if vic tried to fix that yet.
S3 licensed
Great report, should be easy to fix now as we know it only happens when loading the replay is the first thing you do in LFS :up:
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :his renders are obvious to me; 90% of the time they are overbrightened, and have a ton of noise in his shadows

It's just realistic, there is not really another way to get a completely white background without having loads of reflected diffuse light.
S3 licensed
I made suicide after a minute or so
Boring :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Don :actually when i think about it, this might be the last sky we have done for lfs (atleast from my side)...noone uses cloudy skies and sunsets are boring here, so no point in creating new sky only if i saw REAAAAAAALLY nice sky, then i might try something

Yes, it's really a shame that 1. there are only a few different environment settings in LFS, and 2. ppl dont even use those
excellent work though, I always like good skies

Would be nice if it was possible to change the lighting in the world geometry files though
S3 licensed
iirc Arabic (and also advanced Chinese/Japanese) wasn't added because it's only availible in 2-byte format, which would be way more complicated to implement than the one byte system we have now.
S3 licensed
I'd call everything "thingie"

It's not that bad in the German version, though. I think folders have always been folders
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :EDIT 2: I just found out I can't turn off the hibernate function, or alter any of the power settings.

When you press start -> shut down, you should get a small window with a selectable dropdown menu. Click this, and then select "shut down" or "reboot" (or however thats) called in the english version. At least something else than hibernate or standby.
S3 licensed
nuno maia
S3 licensed
I saw that its from kid without knowing who made it, though
S3 licensed
Default doesnt always mean its stable, I also had this with my ram, it's supposed to work 2225 at 2.5V, but I need 2.8V for that...
Maybe it's my psu that sucks

Silvio, just try to set some higher timings, like 3449 maybe. I dont think setting even lower timings will make it more stable. They put 0.5 more for AMD because it's apparently less stable there.
S3 licensed
The FZ50 has TC, the FZ50 GTR hasn't
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
/me likey
S3 licensed
As you are here Scawen, I dont have to hunt vic with that...
There is another user in the german forum with the same problem.
Username ch4zz
please give him 1 or 2 unlocks so he can test if it finally works now.

S3 licensed
He posted in another thread that he has no admin rights, and cant even install most new software, so guess its not a bug, but a problem on his side.
S3 licensed
Also put a message "you have been kicked", or "you are banned" rather than "did not recieve guest info".
S3 licensed
very nice!
is the motion blur / dof from 3dsmax, or photoshop?
S3 licensed
not in the lfs forum.
you could read the data from the lfsworld pubstat and put it into an image, if you want to use it on another forum.
(if that data is provided, but I have never looked into that, ask vic )
S3 licensed
Requests are again going too far imo... if you keep requesting stuff like this, S2 wont be done before 2039
Where's the problem in sharing a single file?