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S3 licensed
Quote from silentwarrior :ORION, whats OOS ?, i think it does corrupt right? hmm, point is, i get a 27 sec lap with it on, and do over 390, around 391-392, that is the max of the motor/set, on oval track.

OOS is short for "out of sync" and is supposed to cherck exactly what downwiz2 said:
Quote from downwiz2 :could this be done using a hex memory editor program ? but i thought when your car and the rest of the other player's cars dont match, you are automatically dropped from teh game.....

For online usage, there is a special anti cheat protection though, called CPS or something (dont remember really).
S3 licensed
If the delay is also present on your windows desktop, you cant really do anything Im afraid
S3 licensed
the replay goes OOS after a few seconds btw...
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :P.S: People in LFS comunity had in 0.1-0.2 demos so huge respect to each other including the DEVs and this is becoming all lost in dust..... .No respect here on forum, no respect on track. This was great comunity and I still consider it is but is it starting turning to the wrong direction.

Best post ever on this forum :up:
People do neither seem to have a reputation to lose, or care about losing it if they have one.
Why not just stfu, race and have fun? I don't get it.
S3 licensed
I remember my Raceabout GTR had like 14000 polys, so I guess the original had about 13000 (BF1 might be over 20k though). So if the visible part of the track has just 40000 polys or something, the values can be quite right.
But nobody knows how many polys those tracks have...

You must also keep in mind that every poly is still keeping the CPU really busy - the Vertex shaders are just a crappy way to improve things a bit. As the physics engine from LFS is quite a big task as well, you can't have enough CPU power
If the game is paused, the physics calculations should be disabled though, thus we should have more fps. But at least I don't have any difference between paused and not paused game, at least on my notebook, where I just tested this.
So I guess the physics stuff is always calculated for a car that is visible.
I have like 200-250 fps when I dont see any cars, and like 100-150 when I see one car (in hotlappig with LX4 on FE2 that is).
S3 licensed
Hmmm the cars don't really have "just a few" polygones - compared to the track it's actually a lot, specially when you disable the lod reduction features. LFS can reduce the cars' lod in a few steps, so you don't end up having more polys then needed. In a very high distance, you might even end up having only one pixel for a handsome of polys, which doesnt make any sense tbh

The tracks have really way less polys than one might think, specially the road segments are very long. So I don't think it's a bug.
On the other hand, the unreal 2 engine could handle the same amount of polygones at like 2 times the fps
S3 licensed
rofl those ppl have too much time :P
S3 licensed
OMG, way more realistic than GTR2 and rFactor together! :up:

We have Flash in uni now for almost 2 weeks, and I must say one could do better Specially the collision is kinda crappy
In flash8 it's even possible to create 3d polygones with a texture on them
S3 licensed
Picture Publisher is my favourite because it's very simple to use, just perfect for a me

However, Photoshop is quite powerful because of the vertex based masks.
S3 licensed
Well "failing" isnt the same as "blowing up"
If it doesnt work 100.0% rock solid, it's not worth a cent if you ask me...
Thus there are way more than 10 from 1M.
S3 licensed
Quote from cobra193 :traction control and steering assist

you baisically have no idea what you are talking about. Show me the traction control setting in the keyboard settings... show how steering assists help you. Do you know why there is a kn (keyboard no help) in there? Scawen implemented this just, because I requested it for testing, and found I it nice for rally. Thats the only reason why it's there. And if those aids are so superior, where are the keyboard WRs?

Quote :it (dricing with mouse/kb) OBVIOUSLY takes more skill than doing it with a wheel.

Even for me as a former keyboard freak (and Im still racing with kb a bit), this is just a big laugh...

bal00 said it already, you can only be fast with keyboard when you use extreme settings, which are everything but not smooth. Button rate should always be higher than 0.6, and reduce rate higher than 0.45.
Otherwise you are not more than a passenger tbh.

When driving with mouse, you don't really need any helps, because when you are fast, you are mostly braking 100% and accellerating 100% (in the demo cars that is - they dont have much power). Thus mouse isn't really different. The brake help you can use there is available for wheel aswell, but iirc it's not allowed to upload a hotlap using the brake help (it's really just supposed to be used for beginners). However, you will notice there are no hotlaps with brake help on.

Besides this, you can also race a race with wheel, which you can't really have with keyboard. When you have to react very quickly, you will spin in situations where a wheel driver walks away with no problem. hotlapping is the one thing, racing is completely different...

Just a thought:
Are you sure you are using the latest version of LFS? There was indeed some problem with the keyboard steering a long time ago, when people like arrechee and tuke had most of the wheel WRs. This was caused by the keyboard countersteering help beeing too powerful. Now it's reduced and very fair.
S3 licensed
Quote from cobra193 :If you use a KB or mouse, there are settings for the throttle and brake. This gives a definate ADVANTAGE to mouse and KB users!. Afterall, being fast is about being SMOOOOTH and it's definately harder being smooth using wheel and pedals.

Blaming the game isnt a valid point when you are slower.

The quote above is really the silliest piece of crap I have EVER read in this forum
Sorry for this very aggressive comment, but it's really absolutely true...

Simply because the only effect of these settings is making everything slow and delayed, which makes it impossible to be smooth. Yes, the car reacts in a smooth way, but to be smooth, you must be able to react very fast. Smooth driving means a smootly moving car, and not a smooth device input. Mostly there is a lot of quick countersteering going on. You dont have any feeling for the brakes as well...
You lose a lot time under braking because you cant adjust the brake, you lose even more when steering with keyboard.
Mouse drivers are probably faster because they have 1. a better set or 2. just more skill.

If you had S2, you would notice that there is really nobody who is capable of driving the really fast cars with keyboard. Mouse can be tricky as well, but at least not fast. The only way to go is wheel, and almost all the WRs are with wheel, except a few demo configs...
Last edited by ORION, .
S3 licensed
Bmw F1 isnt a known car?
S3 licensed
I guess the only thing that would help is trying to find out in which exact U test patch this lag problem started to show up.
S3 licensed
Quote from frokki :How hard would it be to code the game compatible to replays from older versions?

Not sarcastic tone, just an honest question.

it would be a waste of time to make a version that has all phsics versions in it, i rather suggest someone makes a small tool that installs "light" versions of all lfs releases, and then read the replay and play it using the correct version...
S3 licensed
ROFL!!!! Best laugh for like ages
S3 licensed
Yes the stats are not recorded for demo racers (of course), but the online racers list under home should work also for demo users.
S3 licensed
both nvidia and ati offer very bad image quality (crappy optimizations...ugly mip filtering)
S3 licensed
Mostly, the admins are the guys with the same team tag as in the server name
You can easily ask if there are any admins around as well

Nice idea, but there are more important things if you ask me.

Quote from tinyk :Spectator and extra nicks do come in handy.

LoL now I DO feel observed :P
However, almost all people have only one license
S3 licensed
If you buy S2, the online status will work for sure
For demo users it might now work, but at least the list under home should work... (Im not sure though, and Im too lazy too click all the racers's stats and see if someone has got some pbs)
S3 licensed
aint no bad life as well tho
happy b-day again
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :what's an LFS ?

I think you meant SMS from within LFS

eerr... DOH illepall

yes SMS of course
S3 licensed
you can even send an LFS from within LFS (ingame!)
S3 licensed
... and he is by far not the only one.
S3 licensed
Well you can be online at either the website (list under the graph at "home"), or of course on the server, which will be displayed at several places, most interesting is the live alert window, which shows if your budies are online.
Demo racers _should_ be shown in the list under home though. At least, guests are not shown of course.